Tender For Dispose Of U/S Ber Scrap Items Located At Material Organisation, Visakhapatnam, 1. DT Modules Assorted, Qty-15 Nos. 2. Hand Trolley / Fork Lift / Battery Operated Trolleys Assorted, Qty-40 Nos. 3. HP Air Bottle Assorted, Qty-15 Nos 4. s Self Starter Assorted, Qty-30 Nos 5. Blower with/ without Motor (Plastic 8& Iron) Assorted, Qty-20 Nos. 6. Comping Machine Assorted, Qty-01 No. 7. Turbo Charger Assorted, Qty-08 Nos. 8. Tyres Assorted, Qty-450 Nos 9. KW Chiller Plant Assorted, Qty-01 10. Air Conditioners (Split, Window & Tower) Assorted, Qty-65 Nos 11. Water Çooler / Air Cooler / Water Purifier / Aqua Guard / RO Filters Assoted, Qty - 40 Nos 12. Coffee Machine Assorted, Qty- 03 Nos 13. Washing Machine Assorted, Qty-53 Nos. Washing Machine Assorted, Qty-53 Nos. 14. Vaccum Cleaners ASsorted, Qty-45 Nos 15. Galley Eqpt Assorted, Qty-15 Nos. etc.
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