Tenders are invited for 1. Column - C18 Coreshell 150x4.6mm, 5µm Particle Size 2. Terpenes Mix Standards 1000 or 2000ppm in Methanol 3. Hollow Cathode Lamp for Shimadzu Aa-7000 (Multi Element with Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic and Mercury) 4. Hollow Cathode Lamp for Shimadzu Aa-7000( Multi Elements with Calcium, Iron and Phosphorus) 5. Sugar-Packed Column (150x 4.6 Mm, 5 m Particle Size 6. Plastic Ph Electrode Place where services required: 1 Dickens Road - AECI Industrial Complex - Umbongwintini - 4120 Special conditions: All quotes and documents to be emailed to mapule.msiza@tia.org.za and note the delivery will be in KZN office on the provided address Date Published: 2025-01-28T00:00:00 Closing Date: 2025-02-04T11:00:00 Is there a briefing session: NO Is it compulsory: NO Tender Link : https://app.bidsstack.com/tender/details/96511?query=
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Attn: Mapule Msiza Tel: 012-472-2752
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