Sticker Seals Rail Seals Pilgs Physicist: Shepherd To Apply: Gutters, Tiles, Ruffles, Minimal Dripping 280G, Waiting 5 Lts Waiting 5Ltaplication: Paint Solvent: 100% Distillate Of Petroleocaracaracteristic Additional: Mineral Origin, Without Blessing, Alcohol, Alcohol Or Querozene 900Ml Ink 900 Mlcomposition Solvent: 100% Distilled Of Additional Petroleocaracharacteristic: Mineral Origin, Approximate Density 078, Relative Toxicity, Characteristic Odor. Grease, Fat, Wax And Dilution Of Paints And Varnishes 900 Ml, Catalyst. Physical Catalysts: Liquidocor: Delivel: Ink Additional Pucaracteristic: Rapid Drying At Least 225Ml, 50 Ml 50Mlmaterial Dye: Liquid Dye With Pigmentscor: Defy: Pigmented Liquid Base Paints, 50Ml Tube, Offale. . Stopamaterial: Cotton Wire Raw/Wire Table/Application: Cleaning Taxes And Leftovers Weight 1Kg, Crepe Ribbon 50Mm X 50M Ribbon Tape Tape Tape: Monofacelargue: 50 Mmcor: 50 Mcor: White Application: Multipurpose, Cal 150 Ml Fixer Cal 150 Ml F Material: Salt Soluvel Of Calcio/Sodium And Magnesioas Physical: Liquidsolubility: In Aqueous Solution Application: Cal/Caiacao And Ink In Po, Sealing/Preparator Stover/Prepared Background: Surface Masonry: White , Pistol Or Doll Background Preparator Base Transparent Water Base 18 Liters To Protect And Keep Your Painting Beautiful And New For Much Longer And Need To Make A Good Preparation Of The Surface. The Base Water Preparator Fund Has Been Specially Developed To Prepare New Walls That Will Receive Painting Or To Solve Surface Problems, Which May Be Peeled, Saponified Or Painted With Lime. The Water -Based Preparator Background Can Be Easily Applied To Both Internal And External Environments And Ensures Greater Durability To Painting. In Addition, With Its Use, The Wall Adheres To Finish Paint Better And Forms A Barrier Against Alkalinity.Supplies: Pre-Pinitude. La De Fur. Clean The Tools With Water And Sabao.Secage: Drying To The Touch: 30 Minutes. Drying Between Demands: 4 Hours. Final Drying: 4 Hours.Deaos: 1 Demand. Minimum Yield 275M2 By Demand, Plaster In Po 20 Kg Plastering: Mineraltype: Physical Scholarship: Pocor: White Civil Construction 20 Kg, Flexible Waterproofing, Acrylic Membrane, Use In Roofs, 18Kg Tin Waterproofing Physical Speed: Liquidofunction: Protection Against Basic Composition: Acrilical Base Application: Concrete And Argarmascor: White Flexibile Waterfullizing, 18Kg Law, Lixation No 120 Saveling: Oxyide Aluminiotype: Sandpaper Application: 120Clargure: 300 Mmlargure: 200 Mm Sandpaper Dagua N 100 Lixamaterial: Oxide Aluminiotype: Sandpaper Dagaza Presentation: Folhathype Grao: 100Compending: 275 Mmlargure: 225 Mm, Water Sandpaper 320 Aluminum Oxide On Paper. : 225 Mmtype Side: Waterproof Paper, Water Sandpaper 100 Aluminum Oxidation Sandpaper On Sandamerial Paper: Oxide Aluminum Presentation: Discotype Grao: 1