Tender For Cleaning Of Sewage Lines, Man Holes And Its Connected Items In Zone Ii And Iii At Mil Stn Samba.; 1 Cleaning of septic tanks completely by emptying , semi solid, solid foul contents including cleaning of inlets, outlets and getting out using suction pumps and filling the foul meterial into the covered tanks attached to section pump and removing and disposing the same at a place meant for disposal of foul meterial out side the cantonment area all as directed. Note:- Cubic content of filled up portion of septic tank i.e liquid,semi solid and solid only shall be measured complete all as specified and as directed by Engr-in-charge. 2 Cleaning/ clearing of sewage line (including manholes) upto 150 mm dia from 1stmanhole onwards bore of any description, underground at any depth, removing any type of blockage including , Desludging descaling & decoking of drain as well as manholes with combined high pressure water jetting cum suction (vacuum) type machine mountedon LCV/HCV and having facilities of high pressure vacuum and provn of hydraulic through high pressure thermo plastic fiber based water jetting hose and conical round shape nozzle pipe and flushing after cleaning including removing the same in the tank to a place outside cantonment at the place meant for the local municipality, complete all as specified and directed.Note:- The contractor shall keep the sewage line functional throughout the contract period. The unit rate quoted by the contractor shall deemed to be inclusive this aspect.Also ball of 100mm dia pass through the line properly after cleaning. 3 Cleaning/ clearing of sewage line (including manholes) 150 mm to 300 mm dia from 1stmanhole onwards bore of any description, underground at any depth, removing any type of blockage including , Desludging descaling & decoking of drain as well as manholes with combined high pressure water jetting cum suction (vacuum) type machine mountedon LCV/HCV and having facilities of high pressure vacuum and provn of hydraulic through high pressure thermo plastic fiber based water jetting hose and conical round shape nozzle pipe and flushing after cleaning including removing the same in the tank to a place outside cantonment at the place meant for the local municipality, all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. Note:- The contractor shall keep the sewage line functional throughout the contract period. The unit rate quoted by the contractor shall deemed to be inclusive this aspect.Also ball of 100mm dia pass through the line properly after cleaning. .Also ball of 200mm dia pass through the line properly after cleaning. 4 Cleaning of blocked WC,Gully traps,nahni trap,floor trap including and up to first manhole with manual labour as well flushing with water making the WC seat operational, including depositing sludge in borrow pits including digging of pits. Covering with excavated earth at a suitable depth complete all as specified and directed.Note:- From Item No 1 to 5. (1). The contractor shall keep the sewage line functional throughout the contract period. The unit rate quoted by the contractor shall deemed to be inclusive this aspect. (2) The contractor or his authorized representative shall attend the office on every working day to take complaints from AGE/JE (Maint)and willrectify the same with the completion on same day with in 08 official working Hrs from the receipt of complaint. If the contractor will notrectifythe complaint in same day , the recovery of Rs 200.00 per complaintper day will be levied . 5 Cleaning of manholes any depth completely by emptying semi solid, solid foul contents including cleaning of inlets, outlets. making the manholes clean for free flow of sewage wate rwith combined high pressure water jetting cum suction (vacuum) type machine mountedon LCV/HCV and having facilities of high pressure vacuum and provn of hydraulic through high pressure thermo plastic fiber based water jetting hose and conical round shape nozzle pipe and flushing after cleaning including removing the same in the tank to a place outside cantonment at the place meant for the local municipality, complete all as specified and directed.Note:- The contractor shall keep the sewage line functional throughout the contract period. The unit rate quoted by the contractor shall deemed to be inclusive this aspect. 6 M&L cement concrete type B11:2:4 (20 mm graded Agg. Stone aggregate ) as in surface channel and drain etc complete all as specified and directed. 7 Taking down soil/waste/vent pipes of any description, size 50/75/100 mm bore incl all fittings, bends etc., complete all as specified and directed. 8 Demolition and breaking up drain pipes 150/200 mm (Salt glazed ware, AC or Reinforced concrete) set in cement mortar complete all as specified and directed. 9 Excavating in trenches in any type of soil n. exc 1.5 m wide and n exc 1.5 m in depth; for foundation, etc. or for shafts, wells, cesspits, manholes, pier holes, etc. n exc 10 sq m on plan and n exc 1.5 m in depth and getting out in soft/Hard soil complete all as specified and directed. 10 -Ditto- as item No. 09but exc.1.5 m but n.exc.3.0 m 11 -Ditto- as item No. 09but exc 3.0 m but n. exc.4.5 m 12 Plain cement concrete ( 1:3:6)type C-2 ( using 40 mm graded stone aggregate) as in bed to drain pipes150mm bore including packing under and haunching against the sides of pipes after they are laid and tested. complete all as specified and directed. 13 Plain cement concrete ( 1:3:6)type C-2 ( using 40 mm graded stone aggregate) as in bed to drain pipes200mm bore including packing under and haunching against the sides of pipes after they are laid and tested. complete all as specified and directed. 14 M&L 150 mm bore/Inner Dia. Double wall corrugated HDPE Pipes (SN8) with integral socket and necessary fittings, laid in trenches,including jointedandoverlaping of pipecomplete all as specified and directed. 15 M&L 200 mm bore/Inner Dia. Double wall corrugated HDPE Pipes (SN8) with integral socket and necessary fittings, laid in trenchesincluding jointedandoverlaping of pipecomplete all as specified and directed. 16 Demolition of brick work built in cement mortar incl all quoins, arches pillars etc and removing unserviceable material exc 100 mtr complete all as specified and directed. 17 M&L Brickwork with subclass ‘B’ bricks, old size brick,straight or curved on plan exc 6m mean radius built in cement mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and directed. 18 M&L Brickwork with subclass ‘B’ bricks, old size brick,straight or curved on plan exc 6m mean radius built in cement mortar 1:4 but except brick complete all as specified and directed. 19 Demolition of Reinfored cement concrete of any description and in any position and removing the rubbish from the work site out side defence permises complete all as specified and directed. 20 Precast cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-I ( using 20 mm graded stone aggregate ) as in cover slabs ( for manholes etc.),chullah hoods, chajjas , shelves and similar articles with plain faces ,set in cement mortar 1:4, complete all as specified and directed. 21 Reinforced Cement Concrete 1:2:4 type B-1, (Using 20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate) Nominal mix as in slabs supported on walls, beams and columns in floors, roofs landings, balconies, canopies, deck slabs and in shelves and like complete all as specified and directed. 22 Formwork to soffits of suspended slabs such as roof slabs, floor slabs, landings and similar work;not exceeding 200mm thick (Horizontal or sloping) (for septic tank slab, soak well slab etc) complete all as specified and directed. 23 Mild steel TMT bars 8mm dia and over, cut to length, bent to shape required, including cranking, bending spirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips complete all as specified and directed. 24 Taking down cement plaster of any decription on brick work including racking out jointing hacking for key scrubbling down with water and removing all the demolished material outside cant area, complete all as specified and directed. 25 M&L for rendering 15mm thick on fair faces of brick work or concrete surfaces or concrete surface finished even and fairCM 1:4 without using extra cement including mixing of water proofing compound(WPC shall be measured and paid separately), complete all as specified and directed. 26 Supply only Water proofing compound liquid. 27 Supply and fixing CI oval door access for 100 mm bore pipe fitting including necessary drilling, nut & bolt and provision of rubber washers to make the joint water tight, fixed in repair up to 4th floor complete all as specified and directed. 28 Supply and fixing CI oval door access for 75 mm bore pipe fitting including necessary drilling, nut & bolt and provision of rubber washers to make the joint water tight, fixed in repair up to 4th floor complete all as specified and directed. 29 M&L Providing, cement concrete 1:2:4 Type-B0( 12.50mm graded aggregate) in cills, steps; seismic and other similar bands, plinth courses, string courses, lacing courses, parapets and railings upto 60 cm in height, copings, kneelers, apex stones, bed plates, kerbs not provided for in Item 04028, water troughs and the like including weathering, slightly rounded or chamfered angles and throating, complete all as specified and directed. 30 Cutting into existing manholes for connecting new drains, making good to pipe ( Internal dia 150 to 200mm ) and rendering, cutting out existing benching for and forming branch channel (1/2 round or 3/4 section) in cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-l smooth finished, and reforming benching as required, complete all as specified and directed. 31 Returning, filling in, including spreading, levelling, watering and well ramming in layers not exc 25 cm thick complete all as specified and directed. 32 Removing excavated material not exc. 50 mand depositing ,spreading and levelingcomplete all as specified and directed. 33 M&L Mild steel Framed work as in door or gates of angle or other section with gusset plates, rails, braces, etc., complete, drilled for fixing of steel sheeting or other covering, Dorrs etc. to be prepared for hanging or sliding with and including either hooks and hinges or steel hanging dooe fittings (exclusive of steel sheeting or other covering, running rails and guides) and hanging; also fastening and fixing complete of Fe 410-W (Gde E- 250) quality, complete all as specified and directed. 34 Supply and fixing in repairs Cast iron 50 mm dia internal bore, sand cast, soil, waste and went pipes, in any length with or without ears with cement joints, fixed to wall complete all as specified and directed. 35 Supply and fixing in repairs Cast iron 75 mm dia internal bore, sand cast, soil, waste and went pipes, in any length with or without ears with cement joints, fixed to wall complete all as specified and directed. 36 Supply and fixing in repairs Cast iron 100 mm dia internal bore, sand cast, soil, waste and went pipes, in any length with or without ears with cement joints, fixed to wall complete all as specified and directed. 37 S&F Cast iron cowls, sutable to fix in 50 mm dia pipe complete all as specified and directed. 38 S&F cast iron Bends, 75mm bore, diminishing pieces or tapers (larger bore measured) complete all as specified and directed. 39 S&F cast iron branch pieces,single /double Tee 75mm bore (equal or unequal ) , ordinary or inverted (Spigot or socket type) or parallel branches etc complete all as specified and directed. 40 S&F cast iron Bends, 100 mm bore, diminishing pieces or tapers (larger bore measured) complete all as specified and directed. 41 S&F cast iron 100 mm bore, Branch pieces, single Tee (equal or unequal), ordinary or inverted (spigot or socket type) or with parallel branches , including oval access door complete all as specified and directed. 42 Taking up or down steel tubing of 15mm bore pipe and connections, including cleaning for re-fixing or removal to store, complete all as specified and directed. 43 S&F tubes, medium grade galvanised, 15mm bore, ISI markedwith all fitting such as bends, tees, elbows, unions, short pieces, connectors, back nuts, etc and fixed complete to walls and ceilings or laid in floors, complete all as specified and directed. 44 S&F tubes, medium grade galvanised, 15mm bore, ISI markedwith all fitting such as bends, tees, elbows, unions, short pieces, connectors, back nuts, etc and fixed complete to walls and ceilings or laid in floors,except pipes complete all as specified and directed. 45 S&F in Repair Vitreous china water closet Squatting pan, Orissa pattern,size 580x440 mm white with integral foot rests (excluding flushing cistern and flush pipe but including connection to trap, and to flushing pipe, anti syphonage pipe,etc complete including making good to dismantled floor in cement concrete M-15 (1:2:4) type B-1 (using 20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate),complete all as specified and directed. 46 S&F in Repair Vitreous china wash down water closetPedestal type with P or S trap including PVC seat cover white Size(520x360x390) (excludingflushing cistern and flush pipe but connection to trap, and to flushing pipe, anti syphonage pipe,etc complete including making good to dismantled floor in cement concrete M-15 (1:2:4) type B-1 (using 20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate),complete all as specified and directed. 47 S&F in repair PVC valveless,syphonic action type, flushing cistern, low level,white with inlet, ball valve, float and handle including brackets, PVC 32 mm L bend of capacity 10.0 litres and making good to dismantled/damaged floor/surfaces, fixing in repair, complete all as specified and directed. 48 Supply and fixing factory made precast40 mm thick cover for Gully trap and similar work, areaof each exc 0.04 Sqmand not exceeding0.20 sqm complete all as specified and directed. 49 M&L for applying two coat of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer on new steel surfaces of any description having width/girth exceeding 10 cmincluding preparation and rubbing with sand paper to make surface even and smooth complete all as specified and directed. 50 Preparation of new steel surfacesand applying one coat of synthetic enamel paint on CI waste/vent pipes of sise 75/100 bore with socketsof any description upto tripple story height , complete all as specified and directed 51 Grubbing up vegetation, small trees. fromroots ,clean the loose dirt with water, and repair the same portion with CM :1:3, tuchup with same finish, area not exc0.10 Sqm eachadjacent to CI pipeupto 4th storeybuilding with necessary scaffolding/ ladder , complete all as specified and directed. 52 Note:- The contract sum shall be arrived at after deduction of amount of Sch of credit.