Tender For Sem With Ebsd Along With Accessories And Sample Preparation Unit 1. Field Emission Gun High stability Schottky Field Emission Gun Computer controlled operation Yes / No 2. Accelerating Voltage Lower limit: 0.5 kV or less Higher limit: 30 kV or higher Yes / No 3. Resolution 1 nm or lesser at 15 kV 2 nm or lesser at 1 kV 2 nm at 30 kV (BSE mode) 2 nm at 30 kV (low vacuum) Yes / No 4. Magnification 50x or lower to 10,00,000x or higher Yes / No 5. Probe Current (nA) 5 pA or lower – 100 nA or higher Yes / No 6. Vacuum System should be operational both at high and low vacuum pressure with Chamber Vacuum (High): 10-4Pa or better Chamber vacuum (Low): 30 Pa or better Gun Vacuum: 10-6Pa or better Vacuum recovery time: 5 min or lesser System should have penning gauge for accurate vacuum measurements Yes / No 7. Detectors Chamber mounted Secondary electron (SE) detector Retractable Chamber mounted backscattered electron (BSE) detector In-lens/In-column SE detector for high-resolution imaging In-chamber IR camera for viewing the sample inside chamber under high vacuum condition Safety Alarm to avoid collision between sample and any part of the chamber or detectors Yes / No 8. Electron Optics and cooling circulator system Beam deceleration/Beam booster or equivalent technology for high resolution imaging in lower kV should be provided. Lens system should be able to perform high resolution imaging of magnetic and non-magnetic materials with shorter working distance. Proper cooling system for lenses along with necessary accessories Yes / No 9. Field of view Analytical Working distance should be within 8-10 mm Yes / No 10. Specimen chamber At least 10 accessory ports to accommodate detecting attachments (i.e., EBSD, EDS etc). Yes / No 11. Specimen stage 5-axes fully motorized stage should have facility to load single and multiple samples Stage movement X=75 mm or more; Y=55 mm or more; Z=50 mm or more; Tilt=-5° or lesser to +80° or more; R=360° - continuous Maximum Specimen Height: 50 mm or more Stage should be controlled by both software and joystick/trackball. There should be provision for future upgradation to tensile stage. Yes / No 12. Scanning 13. Microscope control Provision for using microscope functions by keyboard, mouse and trackball via the manufacturer software Standard Operational and control Panel with multifunction and control knobs for manual operation of frequently used imaging parameters like magnification, focusing, stigmation, wobbling, contrast, scan rotation and scan speed. Auto-stigmator and autofocus Saving of operating condition Yes / No 14. Imaging and Processing Image frame store rate: 16K × 16K or more. Image format: BMP, TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, or any other common compatible format. The SEM software should be equipped with measuring facilities like length, diameter, angle, area etc. Yes / No 15. Other essential requirements Other essential items like compressor, chiller, nitrogen cylinder (two) with regulator, liquid nitrogen container (7 liter capacity) required to run the system should be provided. Yes / No 16. EDS Detector The EDS system should be very latest, state-of-art system which should seamlessly get integrated with the proposed SEM system. The EDS detector should be SDD type, having detector area of 30 mm2 area or more. Detector window should be made by robust material and with honeycomb grid structure to increase low energy X-ray transmissivity. The Energy resolution should be 127eV on Mn-Kα which is to be guaranteed at site. Carbon resolution of 50 eV or better. The EDS detector should be able to handle high input count rate at least 1.4 M icps. Detector must guarantee the detection of Al L and Si L lines. Detection Range of detector should be Be (4) to U (92). The EDS should be able to do quantitative and qualitative analysis. The EDS software must have the software functions like, area mapping, point and line scan, multipoint scan, and drift correction. The EDS should be capable of performing point analysis and quantitative analysis with ZAF correction. Software module for eliminating elemental contribution from peak overlap should be available. Remote Scan Control, Beam Control and Acquisition Package, Electron Microscope Interface, Stage Software, Column Software and Analyzer should be provided. Yes / No 17. EBSD Detector 18. Sample preparation unit for EBSD 19. UPS At least 10 kVA online UPS of (Make : Microtech/APC/Numeric/Emerson) must be supplied with the instrument for a minimum one-hour backup for the entire system. Yes / No 20. Workstation / Computer (Desktop) Branded latest workstation(s) should be supplied with the system, compatible with the software of SEM, EBSD and EDS. Computer: The CPU must be equipped with Windows 10 Pro 64-bit or better configuration, Intel Core i5 or better configuration with latest generation, sufficient storage (2 TB SSD or better), RAM (16 GB or more), Nvidia graphics card GDDR5 of 3GB or more, and adequate number of required ports (like Ethernet, USB, optical drive, keyboard). One additionallatest offline workstation with similar configuration should also be provided, which is compatible with the analysis software(s) of EBSD and EDS. Commercial licensed software(s) for the SEM, EDS, EBSD must be provided with the system with all imaging and analytical facilities. The software should be compatible with Windows 10 Pro 64-bit with auto generation of the report in MS-office, and licensed MS office should be provided. Yes / No 21. Tool Kits Suitable and essential tool kits must be provided with the instrument for the required maintenance. Yes / No 22. Accessories 23. Warranty 3 year-warranty on Total System i.e. SEM + EDS + EBSD should be provided from the date of completion of installation and demonstration. For EDS and EBSD, provision for software upgradation within the warranty period after installation. Technical support for the entire system and support of spares for a minimum period of 10 years from the date of installation. There should also be service support from the vendor side. Provision for online remote diagnosis of faults should be there. Complains regarding functioning of the instrument should be responded within 24 hours. Maintenance and service must be provided within 7 working days of the complaint. Compliance of all the listed specifications as well as terms and conditions should be indicated by the vendors in tabular form in separate sheets. Yes / No 24. Installation, Commissioning & Training The installation, commissioning, and demonstration of the complete system to be carried out free of cost by the supplier. Installation & Commissioning should be done by factory trained engineer. After successful installing and commissioning, on site operational training for the deputed personnel is provided for required days (1 week or more) at no additional charge. Firm must have proven knowledge and expertise in standard system installation, commissioning and providing training. Supporting documents showing evidence of above must be provided. The firm must have at least 10 installations of SEMs within India for desired experience of maintenance. For items manufactured by third party, the vendor should provide authorization to quote from the original manufacturer. The vendor offering SEM has to take complete responsibility of arranging the installation and commissioning of all the parts including all the accessories. Yes / No 25. Air conditioner Two air conditioners (split-type) with 2 ton capacity (5-star power rating) each must be provided.