Tender for Supply of material, design, erection, testing, commissioningfor SOP to Jal Shakti Vibhag by installing 11/0.4kV 100kVA Transformer along with HT line in respect of Totarani Section UESD Mcleodganj. (SEOP-30/2024-25); 1 11KV HT line 2 11KV XLPE 3C*35sqmmx2Run 3 Steel Tubular Poles (9 m,) 4 Muffs with concerete filling 5 Stay Set Complete 6 Stay Wire (7/3.15 mm) (7.0 kg Per Stay Set) 7 Stay Wire (7/3.15 mm) (for messenger) 110kG per kM 8 Insulated clamp for messenger and cable @ 1 meter intervel for cable support 90% of cable quantity 9 Full Clamp for stay 10 X-Arm (Horizontal) - MS Channel Iron: 100X50x6, Length [600 mm] 11 Knee Bracing set (65x65x6mm) 2 x 750 mm 12 Half Clamp for Cross Arm 13 Anchoring Assembly for HT 14 Suspension Assembly for HT 15 Facade Hooks for HT 16 Cable Termination kit 17 HT Earthing set complete (preferbly coil earthing) 18 Aluminium paint 19 T&P HP 60.5 cm (23.8) All-in-One Desktop PC 24-cb1907 12th Generation Intel® Core™ i5 processor ,Windows 11 Home 60.5 cm (23.8) diagonal FHD display with Intel® Iris® Xᵉ graphics,8 GB DDR4 RAM 512 GB SSD Solid State Drive, HP 710 Black Wireless Keyboard and mouse combo, Wide Vision 1080p FHD IR privacy camera, 1 HDMI-out 1.4 for Complaint Room 20 Erection Charges for OH Cablecomplete in all respect 21 Transportation Charges complete in all respect 22 100 KVA S/Stn 23 Distribution Transformer (Ordinary), 11/0.4 kV,100 KVA 24 Steel Tubular Poles (09 m, Working Load > 200 kgf/m²) 25 Muffs (2000mm) with concerete filling 26 X-Arm: [Channel Iron (100x50x6 mm), Length : 2800 mm X 2 Nos] for incomer line 27 MS Angle Iron (50X50x6 mm), Length: (2800 mm) x1 Nos for LA"s 28 X-Arm: [Channel Iron (75x40x6 mm), Length : (2800 mm X 4 Nos] for supporting DO fuse unit & GO switch 29 Transformer Bed, Belting & Knee Bracing 30 X-Arm: [Channel Iron (100x50x6 mm), Length : 2800 mm X 2 Nos] for Transformer Bed 31 X-Arm [Channel Iron (100x50x6 mm), Length : (460mm) x 2 Nos for supporting Main Channel of Transformer] 32 MS Angle Iron (50X50x6 mm), Length : (2800 mm) x 2 Nos 33 MS Angle Iron (35X35x6 mm), Length : (460 ) x 2 Nos 34 MS Angle Iron (50X50x6 mm), Length : (950 mm) x 2 Nos for Bed Knee Bracing 35 Transformer LT Dist. Box and GO Switch fixing Assembly 36 MS Angle Iron (50X50x6 mm), Length : (2800 mm) x 2 Nos 37 MS Angle Iron (50X50x6 mm), Length : (450 mm) x 1 Nos 38 GO Switch Handle Supporting: [Channel Iron (75x40x6 mm), Length : 460 mm 39 GO AB Switch Unit (11kV, 400A, 25 KA ) Tripple pole O/D type 40 Surge Arrester, 9 kV Station Class(Porcelain Type) 41 Discs insulator sets (comprising 1 No. Disc: ^^(Porcelain, BS, 12kV, 90 kN) including Dead End Clamps etc.) 42 Pin Insulator 11kv 43 Stay set complete 44 Stay Wire (7/3.15 mm) (7.0 kg Per Stay Set) 45 Pipe Earthing Set and 46 6 SWG GI wire For Earthing 47 LT Distribution Panel Box with MCCB(MCCB 200 amp 3P35kA , ICS =100 %ICU, Kit-Kit 200 Amp MS Sheet of 1.6mm ( 900x800x200mm ) cubide Boxcomplete withstand etc and AlBusbar(25x6mm)inside.painted /powdercoated after primar coating 48 Half Clamp (M.S. Flat 50X6 mm) 49 Full Clamps (M.S. Flat 50X6 mm) 50 Nuts and Bolts of Various Sizes (Galvanised / Coated) [Preferably 16 mm Φ or more(with flat and spring washers)] 51 Aluminium Thimble 52 Danger Plate 53 Barbed Wire 54 LT Cable (1.1 kV, 3.5 Core, 95 mm2) 55 Energy Meter (3-ɸ, 4 wire CT operated Static Tri-Vector meter (CT-200/5 A) 56 a). Aluminium Paint. 57 Erection Chargescomplete in all respect 58 Transportation Chargescomplete in all respect 59 Quantities are mentioned above are tentative and Actual Quantity shall be worked out after Check Survey to be carried out by the successful Tender and detailed Engineering and finalization of Tower location Chart.Payment shall be made as per Approved Bill of Material/Actual Quantities measured at site.