Acquisition Of Medical, Hospital, Dental And Nursing Materials And Equipment Intended To Meet The Demands Of The Municipal Health Secretariat Of Nova Prata Do Iguaçupr.. Tongue Low, Hypodermic Needle, Hypodermic Needle, Ethyl Alcohol Environments Cleaning, Ethyl Alcohol Environment Cleaning, Cotton Medical Use, Bottle - Type Almotolia, Electric Surgical Trichotomizer, Bandage, Bandage, Bandage, Surgical Apron, Disposable Surgical Field, Field Disposable Surgical, Cannula Oropharyngeal Guedel, Cannula Oropharyngeal Guedel, Lace Identification Blood Vessels, Shoelaces Identification Blood Vessels, Tracheal Aspiration Catheter, Urine Collector, Health Service Waste Collector, Collector Collector, Collector, Collector Collector, Collector Collector, Collector, Collector, Collector Of Health Service Waste, Gauze Compress, Skin Dressing, Enzymatic Detergent, Electrode Medical Use, Special Equipment - Medical Use, Special Equation, Special Equipment - Medical Use, Special Equation - Medical Use, Serum Support, Hospital Tape, , Medical Use Speculum, Printer Movie, Needle -Sutured Suture Wire, Needle, Suture Yar, Suture, Suture Wire, Needle, Hospital Tape, Hospital Tape, Hospital Tape, Bottle, Bottle, Gauze Compress, Gel For Medical Examination, Medical Examination Gel, Flexible Rod, Biological Indicator, Chemical Indicator, Scalpel Blade, Surgical Glove, Surgical Glove, Surgical Glove, Surgical Mask, Surgical Mask, Surgical Mask, Surgical Thermosensitive Paper, Thermosensitive Paper, Thermosensitive Paper, The Theisable Paper, Disposable Sheet Hospital Use, Paper Towel, Identification, Iodopovidone (Pvpi), Iodopovidone (Pvpi), Syringe, Syringe, Syringe, Syringe, Urinary Tract Probe, Urinary Tract Tub, Probe, Digestive Tract Probe, Urinary Tract Probe, Digestive Tract Probe, Digestive Tract Probe, Digestive Tract Probe, Digestive Tract Probe, Closed System Tracheal Aspiration, Immobilizer, Peripheral Catheter, Chemical Indicator, Reagent Strip, Cap, Nasal Catheter For Oxygen, Oxygen Concentrator, Petrolatum, Disposable Diaper, Disposable Diaper, Phosphoric Acid, Dental Adhesive, Penetrating Liquid, Dental Needle, Medical Use Solution, Medical Use Solution, Alveolotome, Amalgam