Acquisition Of Public Lighting Materials To Meet The Needs Of The Secretariat Of Government, Administration And Public Services.. Universal Pliers, Photoelectric Relay Base Lighting, Nozzle Mouthpiece, Nozzle With Conjugated Outlet, External Lamp Arm, Safety Belt, Electric Connector, Electric Ruler, Lamp, Led Lamp, Led Lamp, Led Lamp, Sodium Lamp, Sodium Lamp High Pressure, Sodium Vapor Lamp High Pressure, Sodium Vapor Lamp High Pressure, Metallic Vapor Lamp, Electric Terminal Box, Electric Terminal Box, Lighting Lamp, Public Lighting Lamp, Lamp, Screw, Sodium Steam Lamp Reactor, Reactor Lamp, Reactor, Reactor Sodium Vapor Lamp, Reactor Steam Lamp, Reflector, Reflector, Fotelte Relay, Extendable Aluminum Staircase, Ammeter, Adjustable Switch, Adhesive Electrical Tape, Adhesive Electrical Tape, Cable Terminal, Cable Terminal, Conduit, Conduit, Conduit, Cone, Cone, Cone Signalization, High Blarde Voltage