Tender For 26-Rate Contract Of The Work Of Drilling Of 125Mm Nominal Diameter Bore Hole For Hand Pumps And I ... in India
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Tender For 26-Rate Contract Of The Work Of Drilling Of 125Mm Nominal Diameter Bore Hole For Hand Pumps And Installation Of India Mark-Ii Hand Pump In Combination Strata Complete With Material N Labour Charges In Sub. Dn. Bari Under Division Bari Of Distri
tender for 26-Rate Contract Of The Work Of Drilling Of 125Mm Nominal Diameter Bore Hole For Hand Pumps And Installation Of India Mark-Ii Hand Pump In Combination Strata Complete With Material N Labour Charges In Sub. Dn. Bari Under Division Bari Of District Dholpur, work of Drilling of 125mm Nominal diameter bore hole for Hand Pumps and installation of India Mark-II Hand Pump in Combination Strata complete with material & labour charges in Sub. Dn. Bari under Division Bari of District Dholpur Sl. No. Item Description 1 Constructionoftubewellfromgroundlevelandupto100mtr.depthand above of following sizes in all types of soils in alluvium strata, unconsolidated formation such as pebbles, boulders etc. by bailing method and without gravel packing as per IS:2800 Part 1: 1991 andIS:2800 Part II: 1979 (both amended up to date) and technical specifications. The work includes formation of cavity at bottombydevelopmentwithappropriateaircompressororbailerpumping and also lowering of casing pipe but excluding cost of the casing pipe.The tube wellshouldhaveathroughoutboreaspernominaldiaofcasingpipe. The work would be completed after obtaining sand free water. 2 Nominal bore 125 mm dia. 3 Construction of tube well from ground level & up to 100 mtr depth to accommodate housing and assembly pipe of following sizes in all type of alluvium strataunconsolidated formation such as pebbles, boulders etc. by percussion/rotary drilling method as per IS:2800 Part 1: 1991 andIS:2800 Part II: 1979 (both amended up to date) and technical specifications, with gravel as per IS:4097-1967 and its packing as per IS: 2800 (Part I & II) 1979 as amended up to date (the work includes the cost of gravel & its primary packing and packing during development, lowering of housing & strainer assembly pipes with supply and wrapping of coir-rope, wherever necessary for arresting fine sand particles and development work, but excluding the cost of housing and strainer pipe assembly). The work would be completed after obtaining sand free water. 4 Nominal bore 125 MM dia 5 Construction of Tube Well up to 100 mtr. depthin all type of rocks by DTH system & over burden to accommodate casing pipe of following sizes in all types of soils & over burden including lowering of casing pipes, (if required) excluding cost of casing pipes, as per IS:2800 Part 1: 1991 andIS:2800 Part II: 1979 (both amended up to date) and technical specifications. The work would be completed after obtaining sand free water. The tube well should have a through out bore as per nominal dia of casing pipe. 6 Nominal bore 125 mm dia. 7 Supply of ERW M.S. black casing pipe ISI marked {IS:1239(Part-1:2004)} medium of following sizes at site of work. 8 125 mm dia NB( Thickness of pipe 4.8 mm & mass of tube 16.40 Kg/m) 9 Labour charges for making slots on blank pipes made of ERW MS black pipe ISI marked of following sizes, the slotting should be as per IS:8110-1985. 10 125 mm dia nominal bore 11 Supply & installation of GI pipe 32 mm medium class “B” with pipe sockets (heavy duty). 12 Supply and installation of ISI marked India Mark II Hand pump set complete with cylinder & 15 connecting rods. 13 Supply and installation of ISI Marked India Mark II Hand pump set Extra-Deep (EDW) completewith cylinder and connecting rods. 14 EDWHP + 20 Connecting rod. 15 Supply and installation of ISI mark connecting rod as per departmental specifications. of3 meter length. 16 Construction of 185 cm. dia platform as per approved design & drawing of UNICEF. 17 Construction of soakage well in all type of soil as per approved drawing
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