Price Registration For Any Acquisition Of Computer Supplies, To Meet The Needs Of The Coari City Council, According To The Terms And Specifications Of This Notice And Its Attachments.. Adapter, Isopropyl Alcohol, Climpar Pliers, Battery - Computer, Extender Cable, Computer Cable, Box, Channel, Toner Cartridge, Bright Toner Cartridge, Bright Toner Toner Cartridge, Bright Toner Cartridge, Hard Disk Drawer, Connector , Connector, Compact Disc - Cd/Dvd, Mirror Socket, Stabilizer Voltage, Electrical Extension, Electrical Extension, Power Supply, Hardcust Drawer, Hard Drive, Dvd Rom Drive, Magnetic Disc, Removable Hard Disk, Key Game, Tools Tools, Ram, Ram, Ram, Computer Mouse, Computer Mouse, Mouse Pad, Multimeter, Thermal Insulator, Patch Panel, Motherboard, Network Plate, Portable Memory Microcomputer, Portable Memory Microcomputer, Refill Refill, Refill Refill, Refill Refill, Refill Printer, Refill Printer, Router, Microcomputer Keyboard, Disk Unit