Genetic sequenator,Urine analyzer,Blood gas analyzer ABL 800, Radiometr, Denmark,Hemostasis analyzer automatic. CS-2400,Automatic analyzer. Immunohemiluminescent Maglumi X3,Hematological analyzer Cell-Dyn Ruby with Prin., USA, Biochemical Architest analyzer with belongs, Austria, Immunochemical Modular Architect I1000SR, USA, USA, USA,Cytofluorimeter is flowing, USA,The Genexpert DX System, USA, Genexpert, Genexpert System-Genexpert IV R2 genetic analyzer, Automated PCR Genexpert IVR, USA,Bactec 960 analyzer included, USA, Bactec Mgit 960, BACTEC MGIT 960 system, Bactec Mgit 960, used hemocultator, USA, BD BASTEC 9120, mycobacteria detection system, Becton Dickinson International, Microbiological automated microbiological BD Phoenix M50 with belong.,Apparatus for coagulation of nutrients ASPS, Torgmash, RF,Automated system for hemocultivation BC120, Autobio LabTec Instruments Co, Ltd, China,Portable particle counter, USA, Solair3100, includes: Solair 3100 particle counter, Aerosol Aerosol Generator, Aerosol General, Aerosol Dilker DIL554.,Rinter for micropoplanets and strip automatic ( Executions EL*50), photometer for micropoplanets and strips single -channel Automatic (EL*800 executions),Apparatus for covering LEICA CV 5030, German microme Leicasm2010R, Microsystems Nussioch GmbH, Germany, a system for painting Leica ST 5020 fabric, Germany,Paulic Pourfin Pourfine Personal Modular EU 350 (Tissue Embedding Center EC-350), a circular histoprocessor for wiring stp-120-3 tissues,,Cryostat NM 550, Microm International GmbH, Germany, Micot San 450, Microm International GmbH, Germany, History Processor STP 120, Microm International GmbH, Germany,Micot -Kriostat KD 2950, Zhejiang Jinhua Kedi Instrumental Equipment Co Ltd, China,Sampling D/Microbiological Air Air Air Air Lite, Aes Chemuinex, France,Thermal Cycler equipment with accessories,ISED erythrocyte (ESR) setting up