Price Registration For Gradual And Installment Acquisition Of Foodstuffs For The Various Secretariats During The Year 2025, According To The Reference Term And Specifications.. Chocolate, Sugar, Beneficiary Oats, Starch, Rice Flour, Rice Flour, Rice Flour, Benefited Oats, Cookie, Cookie, Cookie, Cookie, Bonbon, Condiment, Dye Food, Sour Cream, Cassava Flour, Cassava Flour, Wheat Flour, Legume, Legume, Legume, Legume, Starch, Table Sauce, Condensed Milk, Milk Powder, Soy Milk, Natural Yogurt, Pasta, Noodles, Table Sauce, Vegetable Fat, Popcorn, Canned Vegetable, Canned Vegetable Elderly Vegetable Oil, Egg Tray, Fruit Pulp, Soybean Textured Protein, Non -Confectioned Candy, Salt, Spare Fish, Vinegar, Non -Confectioned Candy, Pasta, Processed Meat, Seasoning, Spice, Pasta, Morning Cereal/Snacks, Drink Milky, Soy Milk, Milk Powder, Condiment, Noodles, Butter, Corn, Condiment, Soda, Soda, Soda, Curd, Spice, Fruit, Olive Oil, Coconut Milk, Baking Powder, Feeding, Starch, Milk Powder, Pepper Sauce, Powder For Refreshment, Coffee, Bullet, Grated Coconut, Processed Potato, Canjica, Table Sauce, Table Sauce, Legume, Food Gelatin, Jam, Gum, Canned Vegetable, Cornmeal, Bullet, Coffee, Gum, Cheese, Cheese , Cheese, Processed Meat, Sour Cream, Fresh Beef, Processed Meat, Processed Meat, Fresh Beef, Fresh Beef