Leaving Aroeira, Morro Alto, Barra Do Meio, Basses, Mafrense To U. E. Raimundo Francisco Filho. (Exclusive Route For Epp/Me And/Or Mei Companies At The Local Level), Leaving Valverde, Alto Alegre, Board, Good Name, New House, Sighing To U. E. Raimundo Francisco Filho. (Exclusive Route For Epp/Me And/Or Mei Companies At The Local Level), Leaving Paulos Horse, Barreiro, Gitirana, Vista Alegre, Juazeiro, Ponta Da Manga To U. E. Raimundo Francisco Filho. (Exclusive Route For Epp/Me And/Or Mei Companies In The Local Level), Leaving Pura Do Pau, A Board To U. E. Raimundo Francisco Filho (Exclusive Route For Epp/Me And/Or Mei Companies In The Local Mundão, Alliance, Baixio, Bound For U. E. Raimundo Francisco Filho (Exclusive Route For Epp/Me And/Or Mei Companies At The Local Level), 27/01/2025 - 15:43:03, Leaving The Site, Tamanduá, Serra Nova , Riachinho, Valverde, Vereda Do Meio, To U. E. Raimundo Francisco Filho., Leaving Tiger, Barra Do Bosque, Saline, Serrinha Tank, Baixa Das Malancia, Br 407 To U. E. Raimundo Francisco Filho (Route Exclusive For Companies Epp/Me And/Or Mei At The Local Level), Leaving The Foot Of The Mountain, Tiger, Leaving The Tank On The Top, Triumph, Dusting To U. E. Raimundo Francisco Filho. (Exclusive Route For Epp/Me And/Or Mei Companies At The Local Level), Leaving Acauã, Baixa Das Watermelon, Bound For U. E. Raimundo Francisco Filho. (Exclusive Route For Epp/Me And/Or Mei Companies At The Local Level), Baixio Do Tanque, Serrinha To U. E. Raimundo Francisco Filho. (Exclusive Route For Epp/Me And/Or Mei Companies In The Local Level), Leaving The Poço Do Angico, Riacho Fundo, Gravatá, Barreiro, Riacho Do Canto, Poço Da Pedra, To U. E. José Mariano De Sousa. (Exclusive Route For Epp/Me And/Or Mei Companies In The Local Level), Leaving The Saline, Closed Low, Leaving The Nest Of The Pato, Lagoa Redonda, Pau Ferro, Boa Vista, Curral De Baixo, Barra, Baixa Do Mininado, Hidden , Stream Of The Burning, Low Of The Umburanas, Bound For U. E. José Mariano De Sousa., Leaving The Poço De Angico, Riacho Do Canto, Angical, Bound For U. E. Judite Maria Cavalcante (Exclusive Route For Epp/Me And Mei Companies And Mei In The Local Level), Leaving Ingá, Actor, Cohab To U. E. Judite Maria Cavalcante. (Exclusive Route For Epp/Me And/Or Mei Companies In The Local Scope), Leaving The Passage Of Barreiro, Barrinha, Baixa Das Umburana, Malhador Do Juazeiro, Ingá To U. E. Judite Maria Cavalcante., Leaving Maxixeiro, Calindezinho, Barra From Marinho, Lagoinha, Pé Da Serra, Riacho Do Arapuá, Carrasco To U. E. Antonio Rodrigues Filho., Leaving The Mowing, Mulungu, Perfection, Malhada Do Alto, Angical To U. E. Judite Maria Cavalcante. , Aguiadas, Cantinho, Maninho, To U. E. Manoel Joaquim Rodrigues. (Exclusive Route For Epp/Me And/Or Mei Companies At The Local Level), Leaving Riacho Do Arapuá, Baixa Verde, Irajas, Arapuá, Carrasco, New Change, Maria Preta To U. E. Manoel Joaquim Rodrigues. (Exclusive Route For Epp/Me And/Or Mei Companies In The Local Level), Leaving Aroeiras, Lagoa Dos Bois, Vereda Do Curral Velho, Grota Funda, Baixa Do Alagadicinho, Lages To U. E. Francisco Anselmo Rodrigues. (Exclusive Route For Epp/Me And/Or Mei Companies At The Local Level), Leaving The Crossbar, Baixa Do Carcará, Baixa Das Aroeiras Baixio Da Manga To U. E. Francisco Anselmo Rodrigu