Quotation are invited for Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies to Mict 1 Flavoured water 500ml 200 Each 2 Cooldrink 500ml 200 Each 3 Sparkling water 500ml 200 Each 4 Still water 500ml 200 Each 5 Packet of mint sweet 10 Each 6 Boxes of flavoured crackers 50 Each 7 Boxes of eet-sum-mor biscuits 50 Each 8 Dispenser watter bottles 100 Each Tender Link : http://www.erc.com.na/procurement/
Contact Information
Acacia Building, Tobias Hainyeko Street, Private Bag 5019, Swakopmund, Attn: Mr. G.M. Salyani Tel: +264-64 4105700 Fax: +264-64 4105701,
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