Quotation are invited for Supply & Delivery of Mechanical Material for Division Maintenance Swakopmund Offices. 1. CLAMPMETER 2000 AMPS AC/DC 2. GP MULTIMETER 3. TESTING MANIFOLD SET WITH HOSES 4. FLARING TOOL KIT 5. RATCHET CRIMP TOOL 6. MAPP HAND TORCH 7. 25 W FAN MOTORS 8. 16W FAN MOTORS 9. 10W FAN MOTORS 10 34W FAN MOTORS 11 16A STRIP CONNECTORS Tender Link : http://www.erc.com.na/procurement/
Contact Information
Tel: +264 (0)64 413008 Ministry of Works Private Bag 5021 Fax: +264 (0)64 413001 c/o Hidipo Hamtenya & Swakopmund, Namibia M.N Murorua Moses Garueb Street
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