Tender For Repair Work Of Site And Water Supply In Line 04 Transport Nagar Avasya Yojana - Dismentling/Chipp ... in India
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tender For Repair Work Of Site And Water Supply In Line 04 Transport Nagar Avasya Yojana - Dismentling/Chipping Cement Concrete Or Brickes Or Granolythic Floors 2 Dismentling/Chipping Cement Concrete Of Water Container. 3 Repair Work In Vertical Pipes
Tender For Repair work of site and water supply in Line 04 Transport Nagar Avasya Yojana - Dismentling/chipping cement concrete or brickes or Granolythic Floors 2 Dismentling/chipping cement concrete of water container. 3 REPAIR WORK IN VERTICAL PIPES, DUCK FOOT BENDS & RELATED WORK 4 Repairing/ Replaceing (if necessary as/ site condition) and refixing of existing vertical pipes/ Sluice valve, including fixing of clamps (50 x 5 mm) with pipes and columns at a distance of 1.5 m c/c bt minimum 2 nos. between tow braces with duck foot bends at bottom. duck foot bends will rest on concrete (M 20) pedesttals. Top of pedestals/bottom of duck foot bends shall be at floor level of OHT Pipes shall be enchored (if found necessary with saddle) & grouted with bottom dome. 5 Minor repair work in rising main within campus Also repairing of existing chamber and thrust block if necessary including supply of all material construction of Rcc chamber slab 1:1:5:3 of 100 mm thick within chanal frame 6 Construction of floor with apron (1.0 m beyond the outer edge of columns) and CC drain (on outer Edge) and then brick on edge 45 cm wide floor level at drain shall be about 0.2 m above formation Ground level whereas at center it shall be kept such that water shall drain easily. Earth shall be filled (including cost of earth) and compacted 20 cm layers by ramming & watering each layer properly so that it can not settle in future. Base concrete of the floor shall be 1:4:8 (1 cement 4 fine sand 8 stone aggregate 40 mm nominal graded) in 80mm thickness over base concrete, floor consisting of 50 mm thick M 20 concrete including finished at top with cement slurry shall be construced. foor shall be laid in panels. 4mm thick glass strips shall be provided between panesls. Term Drain means 150 mm wide of M 20 concrete semi-circular drain over base concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement 5 fine sand 10 stone aggregate 40 mm nominal graded) in 80 mm thickness shall be constructed to give proper gradient Term Brick on edge outside the drain means two FPS brick thick laid on edge and grouted at top with 1:4 cement mortar over 100 mm thick sand layer. 7 Repair of existing MS ladder inside the water container (tank) with all safety measure such as scafolding etc complete in all respect. 8 Repair of railing on staircase, balcony and top dome inluding supply of G.I pipe 20 mm dia if necessary as per design and drawing UP JN, with all safety measure such as scafolding etc complete in all respect. 9 Repair of railing on staircase, balcony and top dome inluding supply of G.I pipe 20 mm dia if necessary as per design and drawing UP JN, with all safety measure such as scafolding etc complete in all respect. 10 Lightening conductor shall be provided as per I.S code 2309/ 1962 and I.S 1963 or its latest amendment the installation of lightening protection will be done as per 1963 code of practice for protection of building and allied structures against lightining, the drawing details shall be deemed to have been amended accordingly, before actually providing it at site it will have to be get approved from the Engineer-in-charge, with all safety measure such as scafolding etc complete in all respect. 11 Water proofing treatment of container complete with Testing for water tightness with due care applying all necessary measures so that it can be capable to retain water to its full capacity. Container (tank) shall be tested for water tightness by filling and emptying water in/from tank in such times untill the tank becomes completey water tight Imn every cycle (filling and emplying) necessary repairs shall be made and all measures which may not affect quality of water shall be applied. also application of necessary coating of PU, with all safety measure such as scafolding etc. 12 Painting on RCC over head Tank as well as on Iron work including railing, expanded Jali and on pipings, etc Apex painting shall be done on all RCC/CC exposed surface in three or more coats Before apex painting on RCC/CC surfaces treatment with prime shall be done. All Iron work including railings expanded jali and on pipings etc sahll be painted with anti corrosive paint in two or more coats to have even & uniform surface over a coat of primer (red oxide). All railing and expanded jali shall be painted of approved shade over one coat of promer paints and primer shall be of BIS specification and of brand & manufacture as approved by Engineer, with all safety measure such as scafolding etc complete in all respect. 13 Cess 14 G.S.T.
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G.M. Jal
water works nagar nigma moradabad
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