Tender For Disposal Of Recyclable And Non- Recyclable Waste Materials From Material Recovery Facilities Under Rourkela Municipal Corporation Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) (Jars, Bottles, Ropes, Carpet, Tote Bags, Combs etc.) High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) (Containers, Grocery Bags, Shampoo Bottles, Toys, Trash Bags etc.) Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) (Plumbing Pipes, Tiles, Shoes, Ducts, Sewage Pipes etc.) Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE) (Cling Wrap, Frozen Food Wrapping, Condiments etc.) Polypropylene (PP) (Tupperware, Kitchenware, Plastic Diapers, Disposable plates and cups, bottle caps etc.) Polystyrene (PS) (Disposable coffee cups, Plastic Cutlery, Peanut packaging etc.) Multi-Layer Plastics (MLPs) (CD's. DVD's, Eyeglasses, bottles, Tetra packs, Food Packaging etc.) News Paper(new) Corrugated Cardboard (Packaging boxes, Egg Cartons, Shoe boxes, cereal boxes etc.) Mixed Paper (Mail, Catalogues, Phonebook's magazines etc.) High Grade Inked Paper (Envelopes, Copy Paper, Letter Heads etc.) Book Copy Old News Paper Door PVC PVC PVC Pipe Other Combustible (RDF) Aluminium Cane (Aerated Beverage Cans, Aluminium Foils etc.) Steel (Food Cans, Stainless steel mugs, Toys, Lids etc.) Tin (Cans, Household containers etc.) Steel (Food Cans, Stainless steel mugs, Toys, Lids etc.) Tin (Cans, Household containers etc.) Iron (Cooking Instruments etc.) Wood (Broken Furniture, Blocks, Boxes etc.) Container Glass (Bottles, Jars, Glassware, Bulbs etc.) Glass Wine bottle Leather, Rags and Rubber (Garments, Shoes, Bands, Wires etc.) Thermocol or Polystyrene Foam (Styrofoam, Small or Large Packaging etc.) Omfed Plastic