Quotation are invited for Renovation - Re-Building of the Damaged Boundary Wall, Repair Roof and Replacement of the Main Entrance at Kolonnen Street Swakopmund. 1. BREAKING UP OR BREAKING DOWN AND REMOVING BRICKWORK OR BLOCKWORK 1.1 Brick piers or columns 1.2 One brick wall 2. TAKING DOWN AND REMOVING ROOFS, ETC 2.1 Malthoid roofing flet in isolated areas in repairs and prepare timber surface under to receive new, including turnups, flashings, 3. TAKING OUT AND REMOVING GLASS FROM STEEL, TIMBER OR ALUMIUN WINDOWS AND PREPARE RECEIVE NEW (NEW GLASS) 3.1 Glass from timber windows, doors, sidelights and fanlights 4. REPAIRS AND ROOF WATERPROOFING AND EXPANSION JOINTS 4.1 One layer ABE 2-ply Malthoid slip sheet butt jointed and fixed with copper clout nails at 150mm centres with and including one Tender Link : http://www.erc.com.na/procurement/
Contact Information
Tel: +264 (0)64 410 5700 Acacia Building Private Bag 5019 Fax: +264 (0)64 410 5701 Tobias Hainyeko Street Swakopmund, Namibia Ms. ? Kahiiko
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