Tenders are invited for National Consultant: Consultant at PSU under ILO Employment Intensive Investment Program (EIIP) in Jordan. Closing Date: 3 Feb 2025 INTRODUCTION: The BMZ (through KfW)-funded Employment Intensive Investment Program (EIIP) in Jordan started in 2016 with the objective of providing employment to Syrian refugees and host Jordanian communities. Since then, the project has expanded its focus from employment creation to the construction and maintenance of public infrastructure and the skills development of beneficiaries to improve their employability in the Jordanian labour market, while continuing the local economic benefits of large-scale employment following the principles of decent work. The Employment Intensive Investment Program in Jordan Phase VI started in December 2022 and will end by November 2023 with key objective of the EIIP is to create short-term job opportunities and mid- long-term employability that enable both refugees and vulnerable host communities to earn their own incomes, thus easing peoples financial stress. In addition to that it will help to build Social Cohesion, Peace and Stability through green jobs and sustainable projects. The EIIP Programme has 4 major components namely 1. Capacity Building of stakeholders: 220 officials through policy guide, technical and managerial skill development of Government and partners. 2 - Agroforestry: 87,000 plantations in 175 Ha using modern water saving technology including nursery development. 3. Community Infrastructure development in 15 Municipalities through EIIP Projects. 4- Skills Development: Market led Skills and entrepreneurship Development for around 1,165 Youth including Women and Persons with Disability for better employment and decent jobs. The project aims to create 220,000-person day paid job for 2,500 workers (50% Jordanian, 50 % Syrian, 30% Women and 5% People with Disabilities) There are many development partners working in cash for work programme with similar objective funded by different donors and Banks. The need of coordination through harmonised approach including policies, work permits through Ministry of Labour, linking to social security and wage with decent work is big concern for government and development partners. ILO with GIZ and KFW established a Programme Support Unit (PSU) at MoL to facilitate all partners in this area for effective and efficient delivery of the programmes. The overall objective of the Programme Support Unit (PSU) is to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of Cash for Work (CfW) and Employment Intensive Investment Projects (EIIP) implementation through improved coordination among all stakeholders and partners. In order to manage and coordinate the implementation of CfW and EIIP projects in Jordan, and to ensure a clear communication channel between the Ministry of Labour (MoL) and the diversity of stakeholders and implementing partners, the MoL, the International Labour Organization (ILO), the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the KfW Development Bank agreed to establish a joint Programme Support Unit (PSU), housed in the MoL. The PSU coordinates closely with the CfW Core Group, existing of GIZ, KfW and ILO, on decisions to be made regarding the CfW processes and procedures. The Core Group meets monthly or every two weeks if needed. The PSU informs the MoL SG and conducts regular meetings with the relevant officers in the MoL to ensure smooth operations vis-à-vis CFW. The PSU organizes thematic workshops to address pertinent issues related to CFW/EIIP implementation and represents the topics at the Livelihood Working Group (LWG) as well as in the bi-monthly CFW Coordination meetings. It is mandated to coordinate partner programmes at the operational level to avoid overlaps in implementation, harmonize approaches, provide advisory services upon request to the MoL, monitor and report on progress, facilitate the issuance of CFW work permits and to produce coordinated documentation (SOPs, guidelines, fact sheets etc.). In this context ILO is seeking to hire Consultant to support database, Work permits and administration, reporting in PSU as an ILO contribution as per EIIP Project agreement with KFW. OBJECTIVE OF THE ASSIGNMENT, TASKS AND DELIVERABLES The main objective of the assignment is to support in day-to-day database, work permits application, administrative services, meetings, workshops, and data including processing Work permits application to MoL and reporting. Under close supervision and overall guidance of the ILO EIIP CTA and close coordination with of Environmental and Social safeguard Officer of EIIP ILO Programme Jordan, the PSU consultant will be based mainly at PSU office in MoL in Amman and will deliver the required deliverables with following number of activities: Prepare and submit Work permits request to MoL in coordination with UNOPS, GIZ, MoL, GFJTU labour office, ILO and other KFW funded projects. Checking the facts of work permits application with necessary correction required in consultation with ILO data base team, UNOPS. Book to process, appointments, and submission of CFW work permit applicants to MoL mainly KfW funded projects. Support in preparation of the PSU meetings, thematic workshops, conferences, missions, and seminars required for PSU Translates written materials, reports, and other documents in relation to the project in Arabic and English language. Writes minutes of meetings and reports in Arabic or English Provide administrative service including filing; photocopies and scans documents as needed for PSU for months Updates CFW work permit monitoring list as per prescribed formats According to the provided format. Assist in collection of 150 project information required for GIS mapping in coordination with GIS consultant. Tender Link : https://reliefweb.int/job/4126897/national-consultant-consultant-psu-under-ilo-employment-intensive-investment-program-eiip-jordan