Tender For Repair To All Type Of Misc Furniture Under Ge (W) Lucknow; 1 TABLE DINING 4"x2.5" GLASS TOP (FOR ITEMS SER NO1.1 TO 1.08) Taking out old unservicable top and Supply& Fixing Top of table 4"x2.5" x 10mm glass shall be madeofbrown/black as per direction of Engr-in-ChargeMake: Sant Gobin, Swasthik & Modi Guard. 2 Taking down U/Slegs and S&Fnew legsStainless steel throuh out as per shape and size compelete all as specified and shown on drawing . 3 Same as item No. 1.02 buttop long rail front or back complete all as spcified and as shown on drg. 4 Same as item No. 1.02but top short rail for sides complete all as spcified and as shown on drg.. 5 Same as item No. 1.02but Transparent Glass Vacuum Suction Cup size 1.6x2.6x5.6Cm bacum topcomplete all as spcified and as shown on drg.. 6 Same as item No. 1.02butBuffers/Rubber Shoecomplete all as spcified and as shown on drg. 7 Provision of Konia (GI Bracket) of size 3" x 3" x3mm thick in between leg and short/long rail of the table fixed with screw to provide more strength complete all as spcified and as shown on drg. 8 Preparation of surface with sand paper after scrubbing and apply two coat of Paint Enamelto table including to the parts repaired/replaced under item No 1.2 to 1.7 to the required gloss to match with the existing complete all as spcified and as shown on drg. 9 CHAIR AUDITORIUM (FOR ITEMS SER NO 2.01 TO 2.06)Taking down old U/S handle and S/F new handle made of Rema Chair complete all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. (Make : Rema ) 10 Taking down old U/S holfast screw and S/F new holfast screw to fix chair auduitorium to floorcomplete all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 11 Taking down old U/S push back system and S/F new push back system to fix chair auduitorium complete all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. (Make Rema Chair) 12 Taking down U/S Srl Number and S/F new Srl Number to fix chair auduitorium complete all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 13 Taking down U/S Seat and S/F new Seat to fix chair auduitorium complete all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 14 Taking down U/S Seat back and S/F new Seat back to fix chair auduitorium complete all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 15 DESK SCHOOL TYPE "A" DESK ADULT, DESK 4X6 (FOR ITEMS SER NO 3.01 TO 3.11) Taking out U/S 19 mm thick back plank of deskbox and S&F 19MM thick Plank made out of 1st class hard wood teak wood (MP) free from knoss, cracks etc. with permissible moisture contents as per the shape and size as exists complete all as specified and as on shown drg. 16 All as per items No 3.01 but side plank. Size-19 mm thick 370 x 140mm 17 All as per items No 3.01 but Top of size 365x800 mm. 18 All as per items No No 3.01but bottom of size 365x800 mm. 19 Taking down U/S legs and supply and fixing new legs made out of 25mm tube legs size as exists complete all as specified and as shown drg. 20 All as per items No 3.01 but Tube Foot Rest. Size-25mm square tube steel 21 Taking down old U/S rubber shoe and S/F new hard rubber shoe complete rest as per drg. 22 Taking out existing unserviceable block board from Desk school and provide new block board of size 800x455x19 mm thick and screwed to fix complete all as per drg. 23 Taking out unserviceable sides of block board from Desk school and supply & fix new sides of block board of size 380 x 140 x 19 mm thick . Complete rest all as per drg. 24 Taking out unserviceable partition from Desk school & S&F in partition made out of block board of size 370x120x19 mm thick. Complete rest all as per drg. 25 Removal of denting of deshaped portion desk fram and panting with two coats of synthetic enamel 0G paint over a coat of red oxide primer all as specified and as shown drg. 26 SETTEE WITH CUSHION (FOR ITEMS SER NO 4.01 TO 4.02) Taking down old unserviceable/damaged seatand back foam cushion of settee with Tapestry cloth and S&F new seat and back of foam cushion of size 1800x600x100 mm thick 32 density fully covered with approved quality tapestry clothduly stichedfor setteecomplete all as specified and as shown on drgs. Note :- (i) Cost of Tapestry cloth shall not be less than Rs 220/-per meter .(ii) Cost of Preparation of wooden surface of settee by scrubbing , sand papering to smooth surface and applying two coats of french polish of required gloss is included in the rate quoted .Make of foam : Sleep Well/Kurlon 27 Taking out old unserviceable legs and Supply and fixing new legs ofsize and shape as exists made of Ist class HW teak duly french polished to reqd gloss to match to existing surfaces complete all as specified and as directed.. 28 TABLE 5 x 2 - 10/TABLE DINING OR"SFD- 165 M (FOR ITEMS SER NO 5.01 TO 5.06)Taking down old unserviceable top and and S/F New top made by 18/19mm thick MDF Board exterier gradewith 22 gauge aluminium sheet on around the top shell be provied all as specified on drg and directed by Engr-in-Charge. Make of MDF Board : Centuryply,Greenply,Archidply. 29 Taking down old unserviceable legs and Supply and fixing legs of size 720mm, 25mm bore madeof 16 gaugeMS conduit pipe throughoutwith shape and sizeas exists complete all as specified and as shown on drg .. 30 All as per serialitem No 05.01 above but centre stiffner size 1600x25x25mm. 31 All as per serial item No 05.01above but side stiffener size 480x25x1.6mm. 32 Welding of cracked joints on frame ,derusting, cleaning of old surface of frame with & including parts/ item repaired/replaced under item No 05.02 to 05.04above and applying two coats of white systhetic enamel paint over a coat of pink primer complete all as specified and as shown on drg . 33 Taking downold unserviceable shoe and Supply and fixing shoe PVCto legs complete all as specified and as shown on drg . 34 Cupboard Steel 78x36x19 (FOR ITEMS SER NO 6.01 TO 6.08)Taking down/out old unserviceable handle and Supply and fixing chromium plate handle100 mm long complete all as specified and as shown on drg . 35 Taking down/ outold unserviceable lock and Supply and fixing 6 lever ofbrass lock godrej pattern complete all as specified and as shown on drg . 36 Taking down/out old lock cover and Supply and fixinglock cover made of 16 gauge MS sheet complete all as specified and as shown on drg . 37 Taking down /out old worn out legs and Supply and fixing oflegs made of 18 gauge of MS sheet complete all as specified and as shown on drg . 38 Taking down old unserviceable hanging rod and Supply and fixinghanging rod20 mm bore mild steel chromium plated made of 1 mm thick conduit pipe , 915 mm long with both side steel socket complete all as specified and as shown on drg . 39 Taking down/out old unserviceable shelves and Supply and fixing shelves made of MS plain sheet 1mm thick complete all as specified and as shown on drg . 40 Taking down/out old unserviceable door shutter and Supply and fixing new door shutter made of MS plain sheet 1mm thick shape and size complete all as specified and as shown on drg . 41 Removal ofdenting for thedeshaped portion of cupbaord steel , cleaning of rusted surfaceswith & including parts/ item repaired/replaced under item No 6.03to 6.07aboveincluding preparation of patches by applying putty etc and applying one coats of paint AD grey/Olive green synthetic enamel on theinternal surfaces and hammer tex /Olive green synthetic enamelon the external surfaces by spray gunover a coat of red oxide primer complete all as specified and as shown on drg. 42 Cupboard Steel 50x30x17 (FOR ITEMS SER NO 7.01 TO 7.08)Taking down/out old unserviceable handle and Supply and fixing chromium plate handle100 mm long complete all as specified and as shown on drg . 43 Taking down/ outold unserviceable lock and Supply and fixing 6 lever ofbrass lock godrej pattern complete all as specified and as shown on drg . 44 Taking down old cleats and supply and fixing new cleats complete all as specified and as shown on drg . 45 Taking down/out old MS Round bar 8mm fixing with lock upper bar and below bar and same Supply and fixing of MS Round bar 8mm fixing with lock cover upper and lowercomplete all as specified and as shown on drg . 46 Taking down /out old worn out legs and Supply and fixing oflegs made of 18 gauge of MS sheet complete all as specified and as shown on drg . 47 Taking down/out old unserviceable shelves and Supply and fixing shelves made of MS plain sheet 1mm thick complete all as specified and as shown on drg . 48 Taking down/out old unserviceable door shutter and Supply and fixing new door shutter made of MS plain sheet 1mm thick shape and size complete all as specified and as shown on drg . 49 Removal ofdenting for thedeshaped portion of almirah med steel steel , cleaning of rusted surfaceswith & including parts/ item repaired/replaced under item No 7.03 to 7.07aboveincluding preparation of patches by applying putty etc and applying one coats of paint AD grey/Olive green synthetic enamel on theinternal surfaces and hammer tex /Olive green synthetic enamelon the external surfaces by spray gunover a coat of red oxide primer complete all as specified and as shown on drg. 50 Book Case with Glazed Steel /Almirah Large with Glazed shutter steel (FOR ITEMS SER NO 8.01 TO 8.08) Taking down/out old unserviceable handle and Supply and fixing chromium plate handle100 mm long complete all as specified and as shown on drg . 51 Taking down/ outold unserviceable lock and Supply and fixing 6 lever ofbrass lock complete all as specified and as shown on drg. Make of lock Harison and Godrej . 52 Taking down /out old worn out legs and Supply and fixing oflegs made of 18 gauge of MS sheet complete all as specified and as shown on drg . 53 Taking down/out old unserviceable shelves with cleat and Supply and fixing shelves with cleat made of MS plain sheet 1mm thick complete all as specified and as shown on drg.. 54 Taking down/out old unserviceable door shutter and Supply and fixing new door shutter made of MS plain sheet 1mm thick shape and size complete all as specified and as shown on drg . 55 Taking down/out old unserviceable glass 5mm from Door shutter frame and new glass fitted 5mm thick with door shutter complete all as specified and as shown on drg. 56 Taking down out old Roller/hinges(ISI Marked) from the shutters of book case and fix new roller/hinges all as specified on drg. 57 Removal of denting for the deshaped portion and scraping of complete old paint by paint remover OR sand paper of Book case , cleaning of rusted surface with including parts/item repaired / replaced under items No 08.01 to 8.07 above.Including preparation of surface by applying putty and applying one coat of paint AD Gray /olive green synthetic enamel on the internal surfaces and hammer tex/olive green synthetic enamel on the external surface by spray gun machine over a coat of red oxide primer complete all as specified and as shown on drg. 58 CHAIR EXECUTIVE REVOLVING/Chair computer: (For Item No9.01 to 9.08)Taking downU/S updown lever and S & F Up Down adustable lever with size and shape exists complete all as specified as shown on drg. 59 Taking out U/S back and S & Fback of chair executive revolvingwith size and shape exists complete all as specified as shown on drg. 60 Taking out U/S seat andS & F seat of chair executive revolving with size and shape exists complete all as specified as shown on drg. 61 Taking out U/S hydrolic jack for and S & F seat of chair executive revolving with size and shape exists complete all as specified as shown on drg. 62 Taking out U/S regin/ tapestry cloth of seat and S & F tapestry cloth on seat of chair executiveapprovel quality duly sitched complete all as specified on drawing and directed by Engr-in-charge. 63 Taking out U/S coaster wheel and S & F coaster wheel of twin of executivechair with size and shape exists complete all as specified as shown on drg. 64 Taking out U/S hand rest and S & F hand rest of twin of executivechair with size and shape exists complete all as specified as shown on drg. 65 Taking out U/S Pedestal assy and S & F of new Pedestal assy injection moulded in black 30% glass filled nylon10.5mm dia forged bright zinc plated MS castor pin of press fitted to each prong for holding the castors. 66 TABLE DINNING 8 PERS DRG No FD/MAP-II/03 (For Item No 10.01 to 10.06) Taking out old unservicable top and S&F Top of table shall be madeof 18/19 mm prelaminated MDF board exterior grade, ISI MarkedIS-3087-1985 bonded with Phyol Pharmeldihide with one sideteak face and other side white of exterior grade quality including with 4 mm thick teak wood beading all round the top complete as specified and as shown on drg Make: Centuryply/ Greenply/ Archidply" 67 Taking down U/S legs and S&F legs of size 90x45mm front/rear left/right made of 1st class seasoned teak wood free from knots and cracks with permissible moisture contentsthrouh out as per shape and size complete all as specified on drawing and directed at site. 68 Same as item No. 10.01 buttop long rail front or back complete all as spcified and as shown on drg. 69 Same as item No. 10.01 but top short rail for sides complete all as spcified and as shown on drg.. 70 Provision of Konia (wooden Bracket) of size 4"x3" seasoned teak wood 1" thick in between leg and short/long rail of the table fixed with screw to provide more strength complete all as spcified and as shown on drg. 71 Preparation of surface with sand paper after scrubbing and apply two coat of Malamine Polish glossy finish to table withdrawers with and including to the parts repaired/replaced under item No 10.1 to 10.4to the required gloss to match with the existing complete all as spcified and as shown on drg. 72 DISPLAY BOARD (1830MMX1220MMX760MM Drg No - 99 (M) (11.01 TO 11.08)Taking down old U/S Sidesrail /beading and S&F new sides 25mmx40mmx 3mm made of 1st class seasoned teak wood free from knots and cracks with permissible moisture contentsas per shape and size complete all as specified on drawing and directed by Engr-in-charge. 73 Same as item No. 11.01but Top long rail/beadingcompelete all as specified and shown on drg. 74 Same as item No. 11.01butBottom long rail/beadingcompelete all as specified and shown on drg. 75 Same as item No.11.01 back side bottom to top stiffner compelete all as specified and shown on drg. 76 Taking out U/S Green baize cloth of notice boardand S & F Green baize clothon display board approvel quality duly installed complete all as specified on drawing and directed by Engr-in-charge. 77 Removal of brocken glass panel and new glass pane of size 5mm thickduly slotted glass for sliding purpose compelete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 78 Taking out old unserviceableback plyand S&F new plywood of size 1830mmx1220mm760mm 12mm ply wood thick : Centuryply,Greenply,Archidply. 79 Preparation of surface with sand paper after scrubbing and French polishing to Display boardunder item No 11.01 to 11.07to the required gloss to match with the existing complete all as spceified and as shown on drg. 80 TABLE Conference(For Item No 12.01 to 12.06) Taking out old unservicable top and S&F Top of table shall be madeof 18/19 mm prelaminated MDF board exterior grade, ISI MarkedIS-3087-1985 bonded with Phyol Pharmeldihide with one sideteak face and other side white of exterior grade quality including with 4 mm thick teak wood beading all round the top complete as specified and as shown on drg Make: Centuryply/ Greenply/ Archidply" 81 Taking down U/S legs and S&F legs of size 90x45mm front/rear left/right made of 1st class seasoned teak wood free from knots and cracks with permissible moisture contentsthrouh out as per shape and size complete all as specified on drawing and directed at site. 82 Same as item No. 12.01 buttop long rail front or back complete all as spcified and as shown on drg. 83 Same as item No. 12.01but top short rail for sides complete all as spcified and as shown on drg.. 84 Provision of Konia (wooden Bracket) of size 4"x3" seasoned teak wood 1" thick in between leg and short/long rail of the table fixed with screw to provide more strength complete all as spcified and as shown on drg. 85 Preparation of surface with sand paper after scrubbing and apply two coat of Malamine Polish glossy finish to table withdrawers with and including to the parts repaired/replaced under item No 13.01 to 13.04to the required gloss to match with the existing complete all as spcified and as shown on drg. 86 TRESTLE STORE ROOM WOODEN (DRG NO- FD-86M) (For Item No 13.01 to 13.05)Taking out old U/S legs and S&F new legs of size 405x100x100mm made out of second class HW (Sal) complete all as specified and shown drg. 87 All as per item ser No, 13.01 buttop rail of size 2440 x100 x100 mm. 88 All as above ser No. 13.01but middle of size 600x100x60mm. 89 All asitem No 13.01 but verticals of size 2040x100x60mm. 90 Prepartation of surface with sand paper after scrubbing and applying two coats of cresote oil with and including to the parts repaired/replaced under item No 14.01 to 14.04, to make smooth surfaces to match with the existing complete all as specified and Ddirected by Engr-in-Charge. 91 TABLE BED SIDEDRG No : FD/E6/MAP/15® , FD-28 & FD-276: :(For Item No 14.01 to 14.07)Taking down old unservicable top and S&F new Top of table bed side shall be madeof 18/19 mm prelaminated MDF board of exterior grade ISI MarkedIS-3087-1985with one sideteak colour and other side white exterior grade Make : Centryply,Greenply,Ariched 92 Taking out U/S upper drawer and S & F drawer made of 12 mm thick ply, BWRgrade with and all as specified and as shown on drg. 93 Taking out U/S MS legs and S & F legs of size and shape exists all as complete shown on Drg. 94 All items as per Table bed sidebut lower drawer complete all as secified and as shown on drg 95 Fixing of new stiffner made of 1st class seasoned teak wood free knots and cracks with permissible moisture contents size 400mmx50mmx25MM 96 Taking down U/S handle and S & F handle and shape exists all as complete as specified as showm on Drg. 97 Scraping of old painting with sand paper/Grinder and prepare surface to apply two coat of black paint of Berger/Asian and polishing glossy finishrepaired /replace under item No 14.01 to 14.06 to the required gloss and colour as directed by by Engineer-in-Charge. 98 HARD BED STEEL DRG No FD/MAP/E6/08 (R) : (For Item No 15.01 to 15.08) Taking down old unserviceable Ply Top and S & F New Ply top made of 12 MM thick commericail BWR Plywith the help ofscrew as reqd ISI : 303 complete all as specifed and as shown on drg Make: Centuryply/ Greenply/ Archidply" 99 Taking out unserviceable head board and S & F new head board made of 18/19 MM thick both side pre lamineted MDF Board of exterior grade (Make of ply Green Ply, century & Archidply) and including 4mm thick teak wood beading alround with size and shape all as per specified and as shown on drg. 100 Taking out unserviceable foot board and S & F new foot board made 18/19 MM thick both side pre lamineted MDF Board of exterior grade (Make of ply Green Ply, century & Archidply)and including 4mm thick teak wood beading alround with size and shape all as per specified and asshown on drg. 101 Taking out unserviceable long rails of bed hard steel and supply and fixing new longrails made of 25 X65 mmMS Retangular 18 Guage welded with short rails on bed hard steel size and shape all as specified and as shown on drg. 102 Taking unserviceable short rails of bed hard steel and supply & fixing new short rails made of 25X65 mm MS Retangular 18 Guage welded with long rail on bed hard steel size and shape all as shown on drg. 103 Taking out unserviceable legs and S & F new legs made of 38 x 38 mm MS squrare pipe 18 Guage welded with frame of bed hard steel complete all as spceified and shown on drg. 104 Taking out U/S hard rubber shoe and S & F rubber shoe of size and shape all as shown on drg. 105 Preparing of surface with sand paper after scrubbing paint to bed hard steel including all parts repared/repleced under item No 15.02 to 15.07 applying Two coats of enamled paint over a coat of red oxide primer after cleaning te surface complete all as per specified and as shown on drg. 106 CHARPOY WITH HARD TOP DRG No FD/MAP-II/01 : (For Item No 16.01 to 16.06)Taking down old unserviceable Ply Top and supply and fixing New Ply top made of 12 MM thick BWR Grade Ply ISI : 303 complete all as specifed and as shown on drg (Make of ply Green Ply, century and Archidply) 107 Taking out unserviceable long rails ofcharpoy ms ply top and supply and fixing new longrails made of 25 X65 mmMS Retangular 18 Guage welded with short rails on charpoy ms ply topsize and shape all as specified and as shown on drg. 108 Taking unserviceable short rails of charpoy ms ply top and supply & fixing new short rails made of 25X65 mm MS Retangular 18 Guage welded with long rail on charpoy ms ply top size and shape all as shown on drg. 109 Taking out unserviceable legs and supply and fixing new legs made of 38 x 38 mm MS squrare pipe 18 Guage welded with frame of charpoy ms ply top complete all as spceified and shown on drg. 110 Taking out U/S hard rubber shoe and supply and fixing rubber shoe of size and shape all as shown on drg. 111 Preparing of surface with sand paper after scrubbing paint to bed hard steel including all parts repared/repleced under item No 16.01 to 16.05applying Two coats of enamled paint over a coat of red oxide primer after cleaning te surface complete all as per specified and as shown on drg. 112 Table WorkShop Steel for items 17.01 to 17.06)Taking out old unservicable top and S&F Top of table shall be madeof40mm thick teak wood / prelaminated MDF board exterior grade, ISI MarkedIS-3087-1985 bonded with Phyol Pharmeldihide with one sideteak face and other side white of exterior grade quality including with 4 mm thick teak wood beading all round the top complete as specified and as shown on drg Make: Centuryply/ Greenply/ Archidply" 113 Taking down U/S legs and S&F legs of size 32mm square pipe of 1.6mm wallthickness 760mm front/rear left/right made ofMS tube throuh out as per shape and size complete all as specified on drawing and directed at site. 114 Same as item No. 17.01 buttop long rail front or back complete all as spcified and as shown on drg. 115 Same as item No. 17.01but top short rail for sides complete all as spcified and as shown on drg.. 116 Provision of Konia (wooden Bracket) of size 4"x3" seasoned MS Tube 32mm 1.6mmthick in between leg and short/long rail of the table fixed with screw to provide more strength complete all as spcified and as shown on drg. 117 Preparation of surface with sand paper after scrubbing and apply two coat of Malamine Polish on top of beading /paintingreqd on MS Tube sections and including to the parts repaired/replaced under item No 17.02 to 17.05to the required gloss to match with the existing complete all as spcified and as shown on drg. 118 Charpoy GI Pipe ply top FD No 220A: (For Item No 18.01 to 18.03) Supply and fixing 12mm thick new ply top size 1980mm x900 mm, BWR grade with 06 x Nos of GI Nut and bolt 3"x6mm & 06 Nos x 1.5"x6mm, ISI marked including taking out old unserviceable ply top complete and tightening and weldingas required on stiffner and L Bracket of all charpoy all as specified and directed. Make - Centuryply/Greenply/ Archidply 119 S&F 32 mm bore, heavy duty, 3 way GI elbow, ISI marked having weight not less than 440 gms each including taking out old unserviceable elbow complete all as specified and directed.Make - TATA/JINDAL/PRAKASH 120 S&F 32 mm bore, heavy duty, GI checknut hexagonal, ISI marked including taling out old old unserviceable checknut complete all as specified and directed.Make - TATA/JINDAL/PRAKASH 121 BIN LINEN MULTIPURPOSE/SIDE BOARD: DRG NO - FD/E6/MAP/09, FD-241, 26M, FD-1112: (For Item No 19.01 to 19.11)Taking down U/S legs and S&F new legsof size 50x50x75mm madeof 1st class HW(Teak) well seasoned free from knots and cracks with permissible moisture through out shape and size applying duly two coat of French polishedto match existing surface compelete all as specified and shown on drg. 122 All as item No19.01 above butbottom frame of size 1060x 290x 25x 45mm compelete all as specified and shown on drg. 123 Taking down old unserviceable drawers and supply and fixing new drawer made of 12mm thick ply BWR with size and shape as exists complete all as specified and as shown on drg. Make : Centuryply,Greenply,Archidply. 124 Taking down old unserviceable Top and supply and fixing New top made of 18/19 mm thick prelaminated MDF Board (exterior Grade). Complete all as specified and as shown on drg. Make:Centuryply,Greenply,Archidply. 125 Taking down U/S partition and S&F new partition of MDF board of size 610x460mm x18mm compelete all as specified and as shown on drg. 126 All as per item ser No. 19.01but top or bottom of size 1220x455mmx18mm compelete all as specified and shown on drg. 127 Taking down old unserviceable back ply and supply and fixing new ply of size 1220x635mm, 6mm thick commericial BWR grade, IS-303 grade complete all as specified and as shown on drg Make of ply : Centuryply,Greenply,Archidply 128 Allas item No 19.01 but side of size645 x 455mm compelete all as specified and shown on drg. 129 All as per item No. 19.01butshelf of size 425x770 compelete all as specified and shown on drg. 130 Taking down old unserviceable Handle and supply and fixing newHandle 75mm, brass, chromium plated complete all as specified and as shown on drg. 131 Preparation of surface with sand paper after scrubbing and French polishing to side board, with and including to the parts reppaired/ replaced under item No19.01 to 19.10to the required gloss, to match with the existing complete all as specified and as shown on drg. 132 REPAIR TO CHAIR DINING LONG BACK /CHAIR DINING OFFRS DRG NO :FD/MAP-II/05 , FD/MAP-II/04, FD-/MAP-II/10 & FD-279 (FOR ITEMS SER NO 20.01 TO 20.11)Opening of joints and removing offront leg and S&F new front leg (left/right) made of 1st class seasoned teak wood free from knots and cracks with permissible moisture contents as per shape and size duly french polished new and old surface of chair all as specified in drawing. 133 Same as item No 20.01 but rear legs1st class teak wood complete all as specified and shown on in drawing. 134 Same as item No 20.01but stiffenersize 20x25 mm 1st class teak wood complete all as specified and shown on in drawing. 135 Same as item No 20.01 but all side rail size 65x25 mm 1st class teak wood complete all as specified and shown on in drawing. 136 Same as item No 20.01 butnylon buffers complete all as specified and shown on in drawing. 137 Taking out old unserviceable 4MM thick PVC Seat and supply and fixing new 4MM thick PVC seat with holes screwed with rails. Compelete all as specified and directed by Egnr-in-Charge. make of PVC seat AMKO/CONFRO. (DRG NO FD/MAP-II/05) 138 Supply and fixing new stiffner Size 16"x1-1/2"x1"should be fixed bottom of PVC Seat for support made of 1st class seasoned teak wood free from knots and cracks with permissible moisture contents as per shape and size duly french polished new surface of chair. 139 Taking out old unserviceable cane and supply and fixing new cane weaving with1st quility white cane 2mm H/R shape made out of vergin plastic and 0.6 mm thick as perGodrej pattern compelete all as specified and directed by Egnr-in-Charge. make of cane/ :- Shah & Shah/Premier/ MPI (Maharastra Polymer Industry) (DRG NO 279). 140 Taking out U/S foam of chair dining and S&F new 75 mm thick 32 density foam with fabric on seat of 12 mm thick plyBWR Grade duly coveredwith tapestry clothof approved qualityduly stiched complete all as specified and as shown on drawing and driected by Engr-in-Charge. Note : Cost of Tapestry cloth shall not be less than Rs 280/- per metre . Make of foam : Sleep Well /Kurl-On 141 Taking out U/S foam of chair dining and S&F new 75 mm thick 32 density foam with tapestry clothof approved qualityduly stiched complete all as specified and as shown on drawing and driected by Engr-in-Charge. Note : Cost of Tapestry cloth shall not be less than Rs 280/- per metre . Make of foam : Sleep Well /Kurl-On 142 Preparation of surface with sand paper after scrubbing and French polishing to chair dining and including to the parts repaired/replaced under item No20.01 to 20.08to the required gloss to match with the existing complete all as specified and as shown on drg. 143 TABLE DRESSING GENTSWITH MIRROR:( FD 230, fd/map/ii/16) (For Item No 21.01 to 21.10) Taking out existing old unserviceable foggi fadded looking mirror size 1200x550mm x 5mm thick with frame and S&F new looking mirror of same size and shape make : ATUL/MODI Guard duly framed with 1st class seasoned teak woodand back of mirror complete all as spceified and shown on drg. 144 Removal of broken glass panel and new glass pane of size 5mm thickduly slotted glass for sliding purpose compelete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 145 S&F new fastner on back of looking mirror for fixing on wallas per shape and size compelete all as specified on drawing and directed by Engr-in-charge. 146 S&F newhaps and stapalon front of looking mirror for open and close of looking mirror compelete all as specified on drawing and directed by Engr-in-charge. 147 S&F newhandle 100mm make of Stainless steel on front of looking mirror for open and close of looking mirror compelete all as specified on drawing and directed by Engr-in-charge. 148 Taking down bottom MDF board 18mm of drawers and S&F new MDF board 18mmexterior gradegrade ISI Marked,IS-303 gradeas per required size compelete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. Make of board : Centuryply,Greenply,Archidply 149 All as per item ser No, 21.01 but sides of table dressing gents compelete all as specified and shown on drg. 150 Taking down of unsv bottom frame and S&F new frame with legs of 1st class seasoned teak wood free from knots and cracks with permissible moisture contains as per shape and size compelete all as specified on drawing and directed by Engr-in-charge. 151 Taking down of unsv piano type hingesand S&F new piano type hinges compelete all as specified on drawing and directed by Engr-in-charge. 152 Preparation of surface with sand paper after scrubbing and French polishing to stool dressing, with and including to the parts repaired/replaced under item No 21.01 to 21.08 to the required gloss to match with the existing complete all as specified and shown on drg.