Flexible Cable 750V 1 X 1.5 Mm² In White. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, Circular Section, Soft Tempering And Stranding Class 4. Insulation In Extruded Thermoplastic Compound Based On Polyvinyl Chloride (Pvc). Non-Propagation And Self-Extinguishing Fire, With Low Emission Of Smoke And Toxic Gases, Thermal Class 70°C, High Occupancy Density And/Or Difficult Escape Conditions. Sliding Feature. It Must Comply With The Abnt Nbr 5410, Nbr Nm 247-3 Standard And With An Inmetro Seal, 5 Mm² In Blue. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, 5 Mm² In Black Color. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, 5 Mm² In Red Color. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, 5 Mm² In Green Color. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, 01/22/2025, Flexible Cable 750V 1 X 2.5 Mm² In Red Color. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, Flexible Cable 750V 1 X 4.0 Mm² In Blue Color. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, 0 Mm² In White Color. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, 0 Mm² In Black Color. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, 0 Mm² In Green Color. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, 0 Mm² In Red Color. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, Flexible Cable 750V 1 X 6, Flexible Cable 750V 1X6, 0Mm² - Red. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, Soft Temper, Stringing Class 4. Insulation In Extruded Thermoplastic Compound Based On Polyvinyl Chloride (Pvc). Non-Propagation And Self-Extinguishing Of Fire, High Density Of Occupancy And/Or Difficult Escape Conditions. Sliding Feature. Comply With Abnt Norm Nbr 5410 And Nbr Nm 247-3. Inmetro Seal, Flexible Cable Hepr 90º 0.6/1Kv 1 X 10 Mm² In White. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, Soft Tempering And Stranding Class 2. Insulation In Extruded Thermoplastic Compound Based On Polyvinyl Chloride (Pvc). Non-Propagation And Self-Extinguishing Of Fire, Thermal Class 90°C, High Occupancy Density And/Or Difficult Escape Conditions. Sliding Feature. Must Meet Abnt Nbr 7286 Standard And With Inmetro Seal, 6/1Kv 1X10mm² In Blue Color. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, Stranding Class 2. Insulation In Extruded Thermoplastic Compound Based On Polyvinyl Chloride (Pvc). Non-Propagation And Self-Extinguishing Of Fire, High Density Of Occupancy And/Or Difficult Escape Conditions. Sliding Feature. Meet Abnt Norm Nbr 7286 And Inmetro Seal., 6/1Kv 1 X 10 Mm² In Black Color. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, 6/1Kv 1 X 10 Mm² In Red Color. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, 6/1Kv 1 X 10 Mm² In Green Color. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, 6/1Kv 1 X 16 Mm² In White Color. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, 6/1Kv 1 X 16 Mm² In Blue Color. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, 6/1Kv 1 X 16 Mm² In Black Color. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, 6/1Kv 1 X 16 Mm² In Red Color. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, 6/1Kv 1 X 16 Mm² In Green Color. Electrolytic Copper Wire Conductor, Flexible Conductor Cable Hepr 90°C 0.6/1 Kv, Bare Copper, Class 4 Or Class 5 Stranding, Nbr 13248, 25Mm², White. Temperatures: 90°C In Permanent Regime;130°C In Overload Regime;250°C In Short-Circuit Regime. Standards: Abnt Nbr 7286, Abnt Nbr Nm 280., Flexible Conductor Cable Hepr 90°C 0, Blue. Temperatures: 90°C In Permanent Regime;130°C In Overload Regime;250°C In Short-Circuit Regime. Standards: Abnt Nbr 7286, Abnt Nbr Nm 280, Black. Temperatures: 90°C In Steady State;130°C In Overload Regime;250°