Tender For Supply Installation Testing And Commissioning Of Sports Science Equipment - Treadmill (Price i+B2:B55s high) Curved Treadmill Rowing Machine Elliptical Cross-trainer Machine heavy duty Scott Bench Crunch Bench Kettlebell Set Dumbbell Set Upper Body Bike Cable Crossover Machine TRX® HOME2 SYSTEM Battle Rope Olympic Barbells (20 kg) Olympic Barbells (15kg) Barbells Portable EMG device with 16 channels with software (DELSYS) COSMED Wearable Metabolic System for both Field and Laboratory Testing with compatible trademill Velocity Based Training Device Package (Gold Standard) Jump Mat Opto jump Testing System weight plates (0.5 kg) weight plates (1 kg) weight plates (2 kg) weight plates (2.5 kg) weight plates (5 kg) weight plates (10 kg) weight plates (15 kg) weight plates (20 kg) weight plates (25 kg) Sled Push machine (Indoor) Olympic Incline Bench Press Olympic Flat Bench Olympic Decline Bench Press Shoulder Press Wide Chest Press Leg Press Leg Extension & Leg Curl Adductor and Abductor Machine Pec Fly Rear Delt Machine Wodden Plyometric Boxes Airbike Power Rack for Kabaddi and Wrestling Olympic Power Rack Weightlifting Platform 2 Tier Dumbbell Rack Weight Plate Rack Barbell Rack Adjustable Bench Trap Bar interlocking gym flooring Swiss Ball Bosu Ball Cones Soccer Cones Jump Rope Slam Balls Resistance Bands Medicine Ball Speed Ladder Digital BMI Machine Multi-frequency Body composition analyzer Blood Lactate Meter (Pro 2 LT-1730 ARKRAY) Electronic Weighing Machine Digital Stadiometer Measuring tape Measuring utensils (Cups/spoons/glasses/jugs) Food Scale Nutrition software with dedicated PC/Laptop Education Monitor Anthropometric kit Skinfold calipers Combination Therapy Advance High Power Laser Therapy Tecar Therapy Shockwave Therapy Focused Shockwave Therapy Cryo Therapy PEMF Therapy ISOKINETIC SYSTEM Cryo Compression HOT MAGNER WITH 4 CHANNEL High Intensity Electromagnetic Stimulator BTS G-Walk System Contrast Bath BMS Wax Bath (3kg) RIGID TAPE 1" RIGID TAPE 2" DYNAPLAST ATHLETHIC TAPE MICOPORE BOX 1" MICROPORE BOX 2" ULTRASOUND GEL BOTTLE KINESIO TAPE TAPE REMOVAL SPRAY MEDICAL SPIRIT 100ML VOLINI SPRAY 100GMS COLD SPRAY 150ML ICE SPRAY COTTON ROLL 500GMS UNDERWRAP 2" DRY NEEDLE 25MM DRY NEEDLE 50MM DRY NEEDLE 75MM CUPPING SET SILICONE COHESIVE 5MM COHESIVE 10MM RESISTANCE LOOP BAND LIGHT RESISTANCE BAND LIGHT RESISTANCE BAND MEDIUM RESISTANCE LOOP BAND MEDIUM FLEX BAR RESISTANCE BAND HEAVY STABILITY DISC SANCTBAND EXERCISE MAT FLEX BAR ATHLETIC FLEX BAR STANDARD REUSABLE ICE BAG MUELLER HERO PROTÉGÉ BAG GLOVES & DISPENSERS DYNAMIC TAPE GOLFERS TAPE ROLL SPORTS BALM SOFT TISSUE RELEASE ICE GEL DEEP FREEZE THERAGUN/ HYPERVOLT PRO
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