Tender For I & D And 10 Mld Stp Works At Gulaothi, District Bulandshahar In Uttar Pradesh State Under Namami Gange Mission-Ii. - Construction of 10 MLD STP at Gulaothi town, Bulandshahar:Design,development,supplyofequipment, erection of equipment, civil, electro mechanical andinstrumentationworks,including testing, commissioning of 10 MLD STP at Gulaothi town, District Bulandshahar on open technology with disinfection, provision for handling co treatment of septage/faecal sludge (10 KLD) facility like, collection tank, fine/coarse screen sitting chamber, equilization tank, filter press/belt press/screw press for dewatering etc. of septage/faecal sludge, provision for filtration unit in the tertiary treatment to cater shock loads and allied works, provision of covered Sludge Storage Yard for 30 days storage of dewatered sludge. The scope of work also includes providing all material, labour T&P etc. and construction of electrical sub station, D.G. Sets,substation building, meter room, panel rooms with DG sets, transformers and switch gears, Construction of transformer yard, Platform for D.G., shed over the generators,fully furnished administrative building having fully functional testing laboratory with required furniture/testing equipmts etc, PLC/SCADA Rooms, Power Generation building, Blower building, sludge handling system & other building required for technology proposed. OCEMS system at inlet & outlet of STP and master control station (MCS) at STP, provision of adequate CCTV camera arrangement along with Static IP Address for monitoring and provision of water reuse facility. Conference room suitable for 15 people, 4 rooms with a attached toilet for supervisory staff and a toilet block, drinking water cooler, all office rooms and conference room (Air Conditioned). The scope also including. Ancillary works like R.C.C. internal road in 3.75 m width with 1.5 m wide inter locking shoulder each side to various units of STP, OHT of 200 KL capacity for reuse of treated water along with pumping arrangement (100% standby) to fill the tank and conveying system in 250 mts length, Outfall structure at disposal point, mandatory 10 kw Solar Power Plant, any other power plant proposed to be install to mitigate the power requirement (if any) and other works as defined in bid documents. 2 Break-up of price of item 1 above. 3 Civil and Structural Works (including that required for disposal and facility for reuse of treated effluent) 4 Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Electro – mechanical and Instrumentation equipment and accessories including equipment for electricity generation from solar photovoltaic arrangement (including required for disposal and facility for reuse of treatet effluent) . 5 Ancillary works like boundary wall of campus with gate, RCC retaining wall along the Gulaothi drain side along with other appurtenant works, strengthening of Gulaothi drain at disposal point in length of 50 meters each on both banks, 01 set of staff quarters based on CPWD plinth area (1-Type 1 (double story)), and 4.0 m wide C.C. path ways to various units, CC/Bitumen approach/access road to the STP in 30 mts length in width of 4.0 mts, 50 KL RCC OHT, Tubewell & Pump House and water distribution system for potable water supply and drainage system in the STP campus, earth filling up-to the nearest road level or HFL whichever is higher, horticulture works, firefighting arrangements water supply arrangement, land scaping, site development, Construction of culvert across Gulaothi drain to reach STP site capable of withstanding heavy vehicle movement etc. 6 Implementation of Environmental Management Plan and ESHS-MSIP, as per Appendix 1 of Schedule 2 (Design Build Services). 7 Nalla Tapping Arrangement: Survey, design and construction of suitable size R.C.C. (M-30) Nala tapping structure as per design at Gulaothi town with RCC M-30 training works at upstream and downstream of tapping point upto suitable length and installation of required number Stainless Steel sluice gates to regulate the flow along with construction of inlet channel and installation of stainless steel coarse screen and proper arrangement for operating platform. 8 Nallah tapping works at Gulaothi drain 9 Laying of Gravity Intercepting Sewer:Design, supply & laying of following sizeR.C.C. Hume pipe NP-4 Class Socket spigot pipes, rubber rings jointing materials and specials from store to the work lowering the same in to the trenches up to depth as specified below G.L. true to alignment and gradient including barricading of site, traffic diversion arrangement, dismantling of roads, mechanical/ manual excavation, dewatering (as per requirement), shoring & timbering with mild steel/ wooden planks, construction of required class beddings, construction of RCC/ brick masonry circular/ rectangular or precast manholes in accordance with the provisions laid down in latest version of IS 4111 (Part 1) as per site requirement, refilling of trenches with proper compaction including disposal of surplus earth with in 8 km radius, temporary reinstatement of dismantled roads, permanant restoration of road as per PWD/MoRTH norms, shifting & reinstatement of existing utilities if any, cost of all jointing material, testing & commissioning etc. complete including supply of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. 10 600 mm dia RCC NP-3 Pipe 11 Main Sewage Pumping Station : Design and construction of main pumping station of 15 MLD capacity including construction of Sump well , receiving chamber, screen chamber, Pump house, Panel room, DG/Transformer yard, Panel & PLC Room, internal road, Painting, site development works along with supply, installation and commissioning of suitable capacity non-clog submersible pumps (MOC- Casing- 2%NiCI, Impeller- Duplex SS, Shaft & Shaft sleeve- Duplex SS) capable of pumping 100 mm particle with necessary accesseries such as motors, panals, cabeling, valves, pipings etc,D.G. set of suitable capacity with necessary accessaries, one no. Electromagnetic Flowmeter cum totalizer, Automation of MPS, two nos Mechanical screens of half peak capacity each, one no. Manual screen of full peak capacity, two nos. Transformers and Substation, provision for supply and installation of5T capacity chain pulley block with traveling trolley with 15 meter lift with girder etc with necessary tools and spares, provision for testing of each pump set, valves etc. at manufacturer works and at site, painting of all pumps piping and valves with two coat enamel paint, supply and installation of AMF panel with associated works, supply and installation of actuated sluice gates with associated works etc. including Installation, commissioning and testing of all E&M equipments complete to the satisfaction of engineer in charge. Civils component of the MPS shall be designed for 15 MLD (Avg. flow) capacity.E&M component of the MPS shall be designed for 10 MLD (Avg. flow) capacity. 12 Civil and Structural Works 13 Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Electro – mechanical and Instrumentation equipment and accessories 14 Rising main from MPS to STP 15 Design, supply and laying of following diameter DI K-9 pipe Pressure Pipes (S&S) with out side Zinc coating with finishing layer of Bitumen and have factory internal cement mortar lining in SRC cement for sewerage confirming to IS 8329:2000 (amended upto date) with push on type EPDM ISI marked rubber gasket (including cost of rubber gasket) joining as per IS 5382 specifications with hydraulic field testing, commissioning as per specifications, providing, Erecting, Testing, Commissioning of C.I. double ball orifice typeAir Valve, construction of air valve chamber as per type design including supply & fixing of 450 mm dia medium duty perforated C.I. cover, Providing, Erecting, Testing, Commissioning, of Scour/Drain Valve with construction of chambers including dismanteling & permanant restoration of road as per PWD/MoRTH norms, excavation by manually or mechanically in inordinary soil (earth, sand, loam & clay) includingramming dressing, leveling by manually or mechanically, refilling of trenches in 15cm layer watering and ramming the same including removal of surplus earth or other dismantled material upto a distance of 500 m from the centre of trenches/trenchless technology, construction of required necessary thrust blocks,complete to the satisfaction of engineer in charge. 16 450 mm DI K-9 pipe 17 Treated Effluent Pipeline: 18 Design, supply & laying of following sizeR.C.C. Hume pipe NP-3 Class Socket spigot pipes, rubber rings jointing materials and specials from store to the work lowering the same in to the trenches up to depth as specified below G.L. true to alignment and gradient including barricading of site, traffic diversion arrangement, dismantling of roads, mechanical/ manual excavation, dewatering (as per requirement), shoring & timbering with mild steel/ wooden planks, construction of required class beddings, construction of RCC/ brick masonry circular/ rectangular or precast manholes in accordance with the provisions laid down in latest version of IS 4111 (Part 1) as per site requirement, refilling of trenches with proper compaction including disposal of surplus earth with in 8 km radius, temporary reinstatement of dismantled roads, permanant restoration of road as per PWD/MoRTH norms, shifting & reinstatement of existing utilities if any, cost of all jointing material, testing & commissioning etc. complete including supply of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work to the satisfaction of engineer in charge. 19 600 mm dia RCC NP-4 Pipe 20 Operation and Maintenance for 15 Years 21 STP (PART A)Operation and Maintenance Price for Treatment of threshold sewage flow of 6.91 MLD at STP & Co- Treatment facility (10 KLD) with all civil, electrical-mechanical and instrumentation works, effluent chanel, appurtenant and other allied works for 15 years as specified in tender document and as per norms of CPHEEO manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment System-2013 (Bidder is required to quote the year wise O&M price for 15 years 22 1st year 23 2nd year 24 3rd year 25 4th year 26 5th year 27 6th year 28 7th year 29 8th year 30 9th year 31 10th year 32 11th year 33 12th year 34 13th year 35 14th year 36 15th year 37 PART BAdditionalOperation and Maintenance Price for Treatment of additional sewage in excess of the threshold flow on per MLD basis at STP & Co- Treatment facility (10 KLD) with all civil, electrical-mechanical and instrumentation works, effluent chanel, appurtenant and other allied works for 15 years as specified in tender document and as per norms of CPHEEO manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment System-2013 38 1st year 39 2nd year 40 3rd year 41 4th year 42 5th year 43 6th year 44 7th year 45 8th year 46 9th year 47 10th year 48 11th year 49 12th year 50 13th year 51 14th year 52 15th year 53 Total O&M Price- assuming indicative Sewage Flow reaching the STP C=a+b x (x= indicative flow minus threshold sewage flow) 54 1st year (X=6.91-6.91=0.00) 55 2nd year (X=7.09-6.91=0.18) 56 3rd year (X=7.28-6.91=0.37) 57 4th year (X=7.48-6.91=0.57) 58 5th year(X=7.68-6.91=0.77) 59 6th year(X=7.88-6.91=0.97) 60 7th year(X=8.09-6.91=1.18) 61 8th year(X=8.31-6.91=1.40) 62 9th year (X=8.53-6.91=1.62) 63 10th year (X=8.76-6.91=1.85) 64 11th year (X=8.99-6.91=2.08) 65 12th year (X=9.23-6.91=2.32) 66 13th year (X=9.48-6.91=2.57) 67 14th year (X=9.73-6.91=2.82) 68 15th year (X=10.00-6.91=3.09) 69 Operation and Maintenance cost of MPS, tapping, interceptor sewer, effluent pipe line and rising main with all civil, electrical-mechanical and instrumentation works, appurtenant and other allied works for 15 years as specified in tender document and as per norms of CPHEEO manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment System-2013 (Bidder is required to quote the year wise O&M price for 15 years 70 1st year 71 2nd year 72 3rd year 73 4th year 74 5th year 75 6th year 76 7th year 77 8th year 78 9th year 79 10th year 80 11th year 81 12th year 82 13th year 83 14th year 84 15th year 85 Total O&M Price 86 1st year 87 2nd year 88 3rd year 89 4th year 90 5th year 91 6th year 92 7th year 93 8th year 94 9th year 95 10th year 96 11th year 97 12th year 98 13th year 99 14th year 100 15th year 101 NPV of total O&M 102 1st year (NPV Factor-0.909) 103 2nd year(NPV Factor-0.826) 104 3rd year(NPV Factor-0.751) 105 4th year(NPV Factor-0.683) 106 5th year(NPV Factor-0.621) 107 6th year(NPV Factor-0.564) 108 7th year(NPV Factor-0.513) 109 8th year(NPV Factor-0.467) 110 9th year(NPV Factor-0.424) 111 10th year(NPV Factor-0.386) 112 11th year(NPV Factor-0.350) 113 12th year(NPV Factor-0.319) 114 13th year(NPV Factor-0.290) 115 14th year(NPV Factor-0.263) 116 15th year(NPV Factor-0.239) 117 Electricity and fuel charges during O&M for 15 Years 118 Guaranteed Energy Consumption for 10 MLD STP at Gulaothi town for the first month after successful trial run (Value should be entered in all cell of rows 11.02 to 11.05, after adjusting for energy generated through solar power plant if proposed to be installed) 119 For flow upto 6.91 MLD and BOD = 125 mg/L 120 For flow upto 6.91 MLD and BOD > 125 mg/L 121 For flow > 6.91 MLD and BOD=125 mg/L 122 For flow > 6.91 MLD and BOD > 125 mg/L 123 STP Average GEC 124 Power Charges for 10 MLD STP at Gulaothi town for Indicative Flow (= Sum of indicative flows in MLD X Units Consumed/MLD X 365 X 7.74) (Not to be filled by the Bidder) 125 Guaranteed Energy Consumption for 15 MLD MPS at Gulaothi town for the first month after successful trial run (Value must be entered for rows at S. No. 12.01 and 12.02 ) 126 For flow upto 6.91 MLD 127 For flow >6.91 MLD 128 SPS Average GEC 129 Power Charges for 15 MLD MPS at Gulaothi town for Indicative Flow (= Sum of indicative flows in MLD X Units Consumed/MLD X 365 X 7.74) (Not to be filled by the Bidder) 130 Add GST (Excluding Sl.No. 10, 11, 12) 131 Land requirement (sqm) - 10 MLD STP at (Circle rate is Rs 820.00 per sq.m.) (Bidder is required to quote the land requirement under column 5 of this row including land required for Solar Power Plant if proposed, subject to available land i.e. 5000.00 sqm) 132 Total in Figures (based on NPV of O&M Price and including Land Price) 133 Total in Figures (based on actual O&M Price and excluding Land Price)