Adult Duck Urinal, Disposable, Non-Sterile, Male, 750 Ml, #10, Urinal, One-Component, Open (With Drain Hole), With Inspection Window, Flat Plate, Cut Hole Diameter : 91-100 Mm, No Filter, Transparent Bag , Calo Receivers: Plate, Level, Diameter Flange: 50Mm, Cutout Diameter, From (Inner): 10Mm, Cutout Diameter, To (Outer): 45Mm, Stoma Care Equipment: Product: Semi-Ring, Stomach Catcher, One Piece, Open (With Drainage Hole) , Without Inspection Window, Flat Plate, Diameter Of Hole For Cutting: 71-80 Mm, With Filter, Opaque Bag, Urinary Receptacle, Two-Component, Urostomy (With Drainage Hole), Without Viewing Window, Under Flange Diameter: 41-50 Mm, Without Filter, Transparent Bag, Urinary Bedside Urinary For Adults, Disposable, Sterile, Universal, 750 Ml, No. 1, Urocondom For Men, Latex Free, Fixing Type Sticky Plate, Diameter 30Mm, Trap, Two-Component, Open (With Drain Hole), No Inspection Window, Flange Diameter :41-50Mm, No Filter, Opaque Bag, Trap, Two-Component, Open ( With Drain Hole), Without Inspection Window, Flange Diameter :51-60 Mm, With Filter, Opaque Bag, Dust Catcher, One-Piece, Open (With Drainage Hole), Without Inspection Window, Flat Plate, Cut Hole Diameter : 61-70 Mm, Without Filter, Opaque Bag