DCW – Supply, Erection, well foundation for Doble Pole Gantry Structure and stringing from OH monopole tower to gantry structure for conversion of OH to UG for LILO of 110 KV Kadapperi - Korattur - II feeder at Thiruverkad Substation.; 1 Supply & fabrication of double pole structures including cost of all materials, fabrication charges, galvanising charges and lead , lift labour charges etc complete as directed by engineer in site. 2 Supply of Hot dip galvanised bolts and nuts as per IS conforming to latest issue and as detailed in the specification (Various size) 3 Supply of120 KN Anifog insulator as per IS conforming to latest issue Single tension fittings for Pantheras directed by engineer in site. 4 Supply of hardware fittings as per IS conforming to latest issue Single tension fittings for Panther as directed by engineer in site. 5 Supply of Panther conductor accessories as per relevant IS of latest issue Vibration dampers for Panther as directed by engineer in site. 6 Supply of Earthwire accessories as per relevant IS of latest issue subitable 7/3.55mm HTGS earthwire Tension fitting as directed by engineer in site. 7 Supply of Earthwire accessories as per relevant IS of latest issue subitable 7/3.55mm HTGS Aluminium earth bond as directed by engineer in site. 8 Supply of Panther Conductor 9 Supply of 7/3.55 GI earthwire 10 Supply of T-Clamp for panther for Dropper 11 Dismantling the brickwork, PCC, RCC inside the cable trench and cable duct wherever occurof any thickness and clearing the trench/duct free from debris and without hinderence to the cable laying work including lead, lift, labour, tools & plants etc., complete as per directionof Engineer-in-charge.(Dismantling RCC) 12 Dismantling the brickwork, PCC, RCC inside the cable trench and cable duct wherever occurof any thickness and clearing the trench/duct free from debris and without hinderence to the cable laying work including lead, lift, labour, tools & plants etc., complete as per directionof Engineer-in-charge. (Dismantling Brickwork) 13 Labour Charges for check survey, clearing jungles, carrying theodolite instrument, measuring span length and pit marking including cost of all men and materials as directed by Department Engineer at site. 14 Levelling the site and removing scrub jungles and earth by engaging' JCB ' with lead and lift, etc., complete. 15 Soil investigation by auger up to the depth of 20 M or up to refusal strate where N - value is obtained 50/100 whichever met earlier. Conducting Penetration Test at the change of layer and at specified interval of 1 M to 1.5 M, carrying out las tests as per IS standards, providing report with recommendation for foundation including mobilisation and demobilisation, shifting from location to location, water charges for drilling, etc complete. 16 Designing all the components of the foundation (Special Type) based on soil investigation as per the requirment including, preparation of Drawings for all the components of the proposed constructionand submission of drawings 6 copies+2 soft copies, after getting approval from the competent authority, including cost of all materials, labour, leads, lifts T&P etc complete. 17 Earth work open well excavation complying with relevant clauses of T.N.D.S.S. Well sinking and with lead upto 10 metre in sand, silt or other loose soil, Wet sand or silt not under water, light black cotton soil, sandy loam andordinary soil - (First depth of 2meter) 18 Earth work open well excavation complying with relevant clauses of T.N.D.S.S. Well sinking and with lead upto 10 metre in sand, silt or other loose soil, Wet sand or silt not under water, light black cotton soil, sandy loam andordinary soil - (2meter to 4meter) 19 Earth work open well excavation complying with relevant clauses of T.N.D.S.S. Well sinking and with lead upto 10 metre in sand, silt or other loose soil, Wet sand or silt not under water, light black cotton soil, sandy loam andordinary soil. (4 meter to 5meter) 20 Dewatering charges during excavation and concreting with 3/5 HP Diesal motor with Pump including hire charges, labour, fuel, oil, transport and operator charges etc complete. 21 Supplying, fabrication and fixing in position of MS angles of size 100x100x10mm 'L' iron cutting edge to be fixed to the curb including bending, welding, drilling holes and fixing in position with 25mm dia and 300mm long bolts and nut 600mm C/c labour, lead, lift, as per standard specification etc., complete 22 Supplying, fabricated and fixing in position of MS flats for the fabrication of well curb with cutting edge of size 50mmX10mm including drilling holes etc complete 23 PCC 1 : 3 : 6 Grade using 20 mm HBG metal forpadding and footing concrete without form work including cost of all materials curing, labour lead and lift. etc., complete. 24 Filling Sand inside well foundation including cost of filling sand with propoer consoildation and as per standard specification forl foundation all lead, lift, head load including T&P etc complete 25 RCC 1:1.5:3, using 12 to20mm HBG metal for foundation and well foundation with double side form work for steining work including cost of cement all materialslabour, all lead,head load lift etc.,Complete as directed by the Engineer at site. -(Well foundation Upto 1.50m) 26 RCC 1:1.5:3, using 12 to20mm HBG metal for foundation and well foundation with double side form work for steining work including cost of cement all materialslabour, all lead,head load lift etc.,Complete as directed by the Engineer at site. -(well foundation from1.50m depth and upto 4.50m depth ) 27 RCC 1:1.5:3, using 12 to20mm HBG metal for foundation and well foundation with double side form work for steining work including cost of cement all materialslabour, all lead,head load lift etc.,Complete as directed by the Engineer at site. -(Well foundation from 4.50 m to 5.0 m depth) 28 Providing and laying PCC 1:2:4 mix using 40mm HBG machine crushed metal for foundation concrete including cost of all labour,materials, lead, lift,curing etc.complete 29 Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine mixed and machine vibrated design mix cement concrete of M20grade with a minimum cement content of 300kg per cu.mfor reinforcedconcrete structural elements under controlled water cement ratio with plasticiser using 20mm and down graded metal including form work,but excluding cost of steel reinforcement 30 Brick work in CM 1:4usingbricks IInd sort ground moulded chamber burntof size 230*110*70mm including finishing, curing etc. complete complying with standard specification 31 Supplying and fabricating and placing in position of MS/RTS steel reinforcement for RCC works including labour for cutting , bending , tying and fixing in position as per specification including cost of all materials ,lead ,lift ,labour ,cost of binding wire etc.comlete 32 Refilling with excavated soil (other than sand) complying with standard specification for filling in foundation and basement. 33 Providing special type earthing in Cable termination tower with 2 Nos 50mm dia GI "C" class pipe as per standard specification, approved drawing and as directed by the Engineer incharge including lowering the earth wire from earth peak to the ground and connecting to the earth pipe, connecting the tower legs and earth pipes by 7/3.55 mm GI earth wire with suitable clamps and providing 2 Nos 150mm dia. bore for a depth of 3.6m for each tower location and placing of GI pipes 50mm dia C class 3m long into the bore, filling with Charcoal and salt in the annular space, providing 2 Nos RCC rings 60cm dia, 50mm tk for each earth pipe and anti climbing arrangements using GI barbed wire and evice including cost of all materials, lead, lift etc., complete and as directed by Engineer at site. 34 Labour charges for transporting and erection of double pole structure with bolt nut including sorting out of structure parts tightening, punching of bolts and nuts and rectification of defects if any during erection. Under Normal condition 35 Hoisting of 8 units of single tension insulator strings including cost of fitting and all materials, labours, lead, and lift, etc., complete. Under LC condition 36 Labour charges for rough sagging, andtensioning, clipping jumpeing for 3 nos. Panther conductor including cost ofall materials, labour, tools and plants, lead and lift etc., complete. Jumper span under LC Condition 37 Labour charges for paying out and stringing of 1 No. GI earth wire with fittings including sorting out of conductor according to drum schedule and loading and unloading at site providing trussels cost of T&P lead and lift etc., complete. 38 Arranging and availing of Shutdown works on LT & HT lines, etc., complete. 39 Plastering in CM 1:312 mm thickincluding cost of all materials, labour, lead, lift etc. complete.as per standard specification and as directed by the dept. Engineer at site. 40 Painting 2 coats with approved exterior emulsion paint over one coat of primer over new wall surface,and including cleaning ,preparing the surface and curing etc.complete. 41 Painting with two coats of anti corrosive black paint over stub and leg of tower for depth of 0.45 m including cost of all materials, labours, lead and lift, etc., complete. 42 Providing temporary bund for approach by supply and filling up the empty polythene bags with gravel stitchig them conveying the same to site and stacking, laying in position around tower location and disposing off from site after successfully completion of work including polythene bags, jute, thread, and all materials and labour charges for filling sand, alying and filling and bailing out of water etc., complete and as directed by the Engineer at site.