Tender For Annual Maintenance Estimate Of Master Water Supply Scheme In U/E , Narnaul For He Year For The Year 2024-2025- Annual maintenance estimate of Master Water Supply Scheme in U/E , Narnaul ,`` Replacing of old damaged acc water supply pipeline near plot no 735 , construction of haudi around sluice valve in sector-1 Narnaul and other works contingent thereto`` Sl. No. Item Description 1 [11.5.3]12 mm cement plaster of mix : 3. 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand) 2 [20.11.2]Providing and fixing cast iron double flanged swing check type reflux (non return) valves PN-1.6 marked with IS:5312 including nuts and bolts marked with IS:1363, rubber sheet marked with IS:638 etc., carriageloading, unloading, stacking, handling, re-handling etc. Complete in all respect to the satisfaction of Engineer-incharge 2. 100 mm i/d 3 [20.11.3]Providing and fixing cast iron double flanged swing check type reflux (non return) valves PN-1.6 marked with IS:5312 including nuts and bolts marked with IS:1363, rubber sheet marked with IS:638 etc., carriageloading, unloading, stacking, handling, re-handling etc. Complete in all respect to the satisfaction of Engineer-incharge 3. 150 mm i/d 4 [20.11.4]Providing and fixing cast iron double flanged swing check type reflux (non return) valves PN-1.6 marked with IS:5312 including nuts and bolts marked with IS:1363, rubber sheet marked with IS:638 etc., carriageloading, unloading, stacking, handling, re-handling etc. Complete in all respect to the satisfaction of Engineer-incharge 4. 200 mm i/d 5 [20.11.5]Providing and fixing cast iron double flanged swing check type reflux (non return) valves PN-1.6 marked with IS:5312 including nuts and bolts marked with IS:1363, rubber sheet marked with IS:638 etc., carriageloading, unloading, stacking, handling, re-handling etc. Complete in all respect to the satisfaction of Engineer-incharge 5. 250 mm i/d 6 [6.16]Reinforced cement concrete work in beams, suspended floors, roofs having slope up to 15° landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain window sills, staircases and spiral stair cases above plinth level upto floor four level, excluding the cost of centering,shuttering, finishing and reinforcement with 1:1.5:3 (1cement : 1.5 coarse sand(zone-III) : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size 7 [6.33.6]Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work, where not included in the complete rate of RCC, including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position, binding, wastage, overlaps, welded joints, spacer bars, chairs, stays, hangers and annealed steel wire etc. complete in all respect below plinth level Note: Reinforcement shallbe measured in length including hooks, if any, separately for different diameters as actually used in work , excluding overlaps. Wastage, overlaps, couplings, welded joints,spacer bars, chairs, stays, hangers and annealed steel wireor other methods of binding & placing shall not be measured and cost of these items shall be deemed to be included in the rates for reinforcement. 6. ThermoMechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more 8 [7.20.1]Brick work with common burnt clay modular bricks of class designation 10.5 in foundation and plinth in: 1. Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 9 [Providing, lowering, laying in trenches, aligning, fixing in position and jointing Ductile Iron (D) ISI marked K-9grade SandS pipes as per 15:8329-2000 (amended up to date), with internal cement mortar lining for potablewater with rubber ring (EPDM/SBR) joints as per IS:1985 (excuding special accessories) complete including all material, labour, hydraulic testing and commissioning as per Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer.Note: E/W to be measured I and paid separately.100mm i/d