Tenders are invited for Surfacing by DBS Overlay, Construction of RCC Cross Drain and Brick masonry U-Shape drain at Ch: 00+000 KM to Ch: 01+500 KM of Kunira -Sandwip District Highway (Z-1025) and Construction of Rigid Pavement, surfacing by DBS overlay, Construction of brick masonry U-Shape drain with ancillary works at Ch: 00+000 KM to Ch: 02+800 KM of kumira Old section Road (N-129) under Chattogram Road division during the year of 2024-2025. Eligibility of Tenderer: 1. Any / AlI tenderers who have registered in e-GP system may participate in the tender provided that they fulfill the criteria as stated in Tender Document N.B: i) Tenderers are requested to fill different Tender Forms (Section 5: Tender and Contract Forms) properly with necessary information and by uploading necessary document(s), which will be considered for tender evaluation. ii) Unnecessary / Excess document(s) are discouraged to upload/attach. Brief Description of Goods or Works: Surfacing by DBS Overlay, Construction of RCC Cross Drain and Brick masonry U-Shape drain at Ch: 00+000 KM to Ch: 01+500 KM of Kunira -Sandwip District Highway (Z-1025) and Construction of Rigid Pavement, surfacing by DBS overlay, Construction of brick masonry U-Shape drain with ancillary works at Ch: 00+000 KM to Ch: 02+800 KM of kumira Old section Road (N-129) under Chattogram Road division during the year of 2024-2025. Brief Description of Related Services: n/a Tender Document Price: 4000 Tender Closing Date and Time: 17/02/2025 12:00 PM Tender Opening Date and Time: 17/02/2025 12:00 PM Office Address Information: Selling Tender Document (Principal): CPTU Selected Schedule Bank of Bangladesh Receiving Tender Document: e-Gp Web Portal (www.eprocure.gov.bd) Opening Tender Document: e-Gp Web Portal (www.eprocure.gov.bd) Selling Tender Document (Others): n/a Tender Link : http://cptu.gov.bd/advertisement-works/details-90768.html
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