Tender For supply of Dental Materials (Dmer -1 3691 - Alginate 1) Supplied in the form powder with components as per the ADA/ISO/ISI specifications.2) Approximate Composition –a. Powder – potassium alginate – 15%, CaSo4 – 16%, ZnO– 4%, Kltf – 3%, Napo4 – 2 %and Diatomaceous earth – 60%3) Material should not irritate the oral tissues, shall have pleasant color & flavour. Powder should have fine texture & should be free from foreign material.4) On mixing – When mixed in accordance with manufacturer instructions material should give a smooth plastic mass of workable consistency & should be free from lumps & granules. There shall be no separation of constituents any the material shall be sufficiently plastic for under cuts & anatomical; details to be accurately reproduced but shall not run out of such impression material.5) Mixing Time – 45 sec. – 1 min6) Setting time – Not less than 2 minutes & 30 second7) General strength not less than 50 lbs/sq. Inch. Should not rupture during removal from mouth.a) Packing – Material should be available in tightly sealed, moisture proof Pkt. Information to be supplied by the manufacturer – Date of Manufacture & date of expiry. Adequate instruction for proportioning & manipulation of the material suitable measures for powder & water for purpose of proportioning shall be supplied by the impression during the internal between its withdrawal & cast pouring. Weight of contents and setting times of material should be stated on the packing.b) There should be a colour indicator where in the colour changes when the alginate sets.8) it should be 1 box should contain 12 alginate packets total demand is according to box.9) one packet should contain 450 gms to 500 gms powder 2 3696 - Dental X-Ray film IOPA Adult (Pack of 150 films) 1) Name – Intra-Oral-Periapical films (Adult)2) Size of the film should be 32 x 41 mm (approx)3) It should be E-Speed film4) It should have a protective plastic cover (water proof) with soft borders thus making it comfortable to the patients.5) Individual X-Ray film packet should have a double emulsion E-Speed film with embossed dot for side identification6) The film should be covered with light proof (black coloured) paper packet and should have a lead/tin foil for preventing the effect of back scatter and for radiation protection7) The packet should be flexible and not very rigid8) The film should provide good radiograph with adequate density, contrast and details and should not have any inherent artifacts9) All the film packets should have sufficient shelf life and should be supplied in adult form only10) It each box should contain 150 films 3 3741 - RVG senor sleeves disposable Should be flexible and leak proof made up in polythene form For dental useIt should have pack of 500 sleeves
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1st Floor Aarogya Bhavan St. Georges Hospital Compound, Near CSMT Railway Station, Mumbai -400001 Maharashtra
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