Bids Are Invited For Basis Current Transformer_Part No_Lat200_100_5 , Sensitive Earth Leagage Relay 50_300 Ma Ct And Cbct_Part No_Elm7stwpt , Bullet Pin 3 Point 3 Kv_Part No_Bobp3 , Current Transformer For O_L_Part No_120_400_5_10 , Ht Control Plate Wiring Assly_Part No_Htcp2 , Epoxy Resin Cast Type Current Transformer_Part No_Bovrn_15A , Earth On_Off Isolator_Part No_Kie , Vcb Of Push Button Contact Element 1Nc_Part No_Boes3 , El Tst Push Button Contact Element 1 No_Part No_Boes2 , Overload_Short Circuit And Moter Protection Relay_Part No_Bossr , Magnetic Over Load Relay_Part No_Olr3 , Potential Transformer Part No_Fx220 , Volt Meter For Ht Side_Part No_Vm_So65 , Core Balance Transformer_Part No_Cbt70m , Neutral Earthing Resistor_Part No_Boner , Multicore Bushing_Part No_Mcb9 , Adaptor_Part No_R32 , Coupler_Part No_R31 , Hv Bushing_Part No_Httc , Vcb Closing Coil Assy__Part No_50_10_00 , Vcb Shunt Trip Coil Assy__Part No_50_05_00 , Neutral Monitoring Relay With Resistance_Part No_Nrmr , Vacuum Interrupter_Part No_Bev0053 , Ht Bushing_Part No_Htta 3Point3 Kv , Earth Leakage Relay 50 To 750Ma With Time Lag With Cbct Part No_Elm7dlat_S__80M , Earth Leakage Relay 50To750ma With Time Lag With Cbct Part No_Elm7lat_S_80M , Current Transformer Part No Bo400_5Ctr , Control Relay Part No_Bo3r , Hrc Ht Pt Fuse 3Point3kv_Part No_138_3_15_3_3 , Magnetic Overload Relay For Primary Side_Part No_122_M_33_55_69_3P , Potential Transformer_Part No_Htptl1 , Control Relay 110V_Part No_135_110 , Core Balance Transformer_Part No_Cbt90m , Bolted Type Socket 200A 550V_Part No_02_00_00 , Earth Leakage Relay 50 Ti 750Ma With Varaible Time_Part No_Elm7lats 1 43 , Contactor Relay Total Quantity : 140