Tender For T-73 The Work Of Construction Ht/Lt Line And Double Pole And Other Work At Various Places Under E ... in India
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tender For T-73 The Work Of Construction Ht/Lt Line And Double Pole And Other Work At Various Places Under Edsd-Datiya Under Deposit Scheme At The Area Of E.D.D.-Goverdhan, Mathura - 1 Carriage Of 8.5 Mtr Long Pcc Pole From 132 Kv Store Center Mathura T
Tender For T-73 The Work Of Construction Ht/Lt Line And Double Pole And Other Work At Various Places Under Edsd-Datiya Under Deposit Scheme At The Area Of E.D.D.-Goverdhan, Mathura - 1 Carriage of 8.5 Mtr Long PCC Pole from 132 KV Store Center Mathura to site of work through the Kacha and Pakka road including the work of its loading and unloading at the respective ends including the cost of arrangement of labour, T&P, carrier etc. required for proper completion of work.(Distance 00-70Kms.) 2 Carriage of 9/11 Mtr Long ST Pole from 132 KV Store Center Mathura to site of work through the Kacha and Pakka road including the work of its loading and unloading at the respective ends including the cost of arrangement of labour, T&P, carrier etc. required for proper completion of work.(Distance 00-70Kms.) 3 Carriage of 11 KV XLPE Cable size 3x70/120/185 sq.mm. Cable form Store Center Mathura/Agra including cost of shifting of drum from inside of store, removing of cable from drum and re-rolling of extra removed cableincluding loading & unloading at both ends. 4 Carriage of 250 KVA Transformer from Store Centre, Mathura to pit site with loading & unloading at both ends 5 Carriage of 25/63 KVA Transformer from Store Centre, Mathura to pit site with loading & unloading at both ends 6 Carriage of 10/16 KVA Transformer from Store Centre, Mathura to pit site with loading & unloading at both ends 7 Carriage of Line material i.e. conductor, G.I. wire TPMO stay rod, disc insulator, cross arm, Angle channel and other required material from Store Center at 132 KV substation Mathura to the site of work including loading and unloading of material at both ends. 8 Dismentling of PCC Pole by opening of all existing accessories and conductor from pole properly and removal of pole and its carriage to another place/Dump yard. It including the cost of all labour, T&P etc. (including carriage of pole to other place) required fro proper completion of work. 9 Replacement of 8.5 Mtrs. Long damaged PCC pole by opening of all existing accessories and conductor from damaged pole properly and removal of damaged pole and erect the new pole at same place including fixing of all existing accessories and conductor on the new pole etc. as per direction of supervising engineer. It including the cost of all labour, T&P etc. (including carriage of damaged pole to other place) required for proper completion of work. 10 Erection of single pole structure 8.5 Mtrs Long PCC Pole by digging of pits fitting of all relevant accessories as per RESPO norms. 11 Erection of single pole structure 9/11/13 Mtrs Long ST Pole by digging of pits fitting of all relevant accessories as per RESPO norms. 12 Erection of Double pole structure 8.5 Mtrs Long PCC Pole by digging of pits fitting of all relevant accessories as per RESPO norms. 13 Erection of Double pole structure 9/11/13 Mtrs Long ST Pole by digging of pits fitting of all relevant accessories as per RESPO norms. 14 Installation of stay set with grouting and nuzzling etc. as per RESPO drawing along with all routine material to be used for such works. 15 Earthing of poles by fixing earthing rods and binding with earth wire as per standard norms including cost of labour T&P and required material for such work. 16 Laying, sagging stringing and binding of ACSR Weasel Conductor on the erected PCC pole/STP including jumpering as per RESPO manual. 17 Laying, sagging stringing and binding of Arial Bunch Conductor 3x50/95/120 sqmm on the erected PCC pole/STP including jumpering as per RESPO manual. 18 Laying of 11 KV XLPE Cable size 3x70/120/185 sq.mm. on single pole structurefor proper completion of work as per direction of supervising engineer. 19 Chopping of Tree branches to Clear the route properly. 20 Cutting of CC Road for making depth foundation for erection of pole. 21 Mounting of 250 KVA Transformer on the Double pole/Plinth structures and connections thereof. 22 Mounting of 25/63 KVA Transformer on the Double pole/Plinth structures and connections thereof. 23 Mounting of 10/16 KVA Transformer on the Double pole/Plinth structures and connections thereof. 24 Installation of 11 KV CT/PT Combined metering unit on existing double pole structure of large & heavy, power consumers to avoid possibility of theft of energy & 11 KV feeders at 33/11 KV sub- station including the cost of accessories (Nut & Bolt, PVC Tape etc.) required for proper completion of work also provided by the contractor. (including carriage of New 11 KV CT/PT combined metering unit from Store Center Mathura to Site of work.) 25 Fixing of meter pilfer box (service connection meter holding capacity) including its carriage from Electricity Store Centre Mathura to site of work including grouting of meter pillar box in ratio 1:4:8 cement, sand and brick ballast as per standard norms. 26 Grouting of PCC/ST pole in ratio 1:4:8 cement, sand and brick ballast as per standard norms, including cost of all grouting material. 27 Construction of plinth of 250 KVA T/f size 5’x5’x4’ above ground level and one. Ft. below the ground level of 9’’ after excavation of 4 earth brick ballast shall be provided and hammering will be done properly. After that a retaining wall of 9 width by first class brick in ratio 1:4 of cement and sand shall be made. The earth shall be filled up to one ft. below the top of the plinth. after this brick ballast shall be provided upto 6 from the earth level and proper hammering shall be done. One No. Jall of 12 mm. MS tore shall be fixed in the hollow of plinth and one. Ft. thick RCC in ration of cement, sand and stone ballast shall be laid on the top of the plinth. The 12 mm. thick plastering shall be done all around the plinth in 1:4 ratio of cement and sand. The contractor shall be responsible to complete the work as per direction of Supervision Engineer. It includes the cost of all material, labour, T & P, carrier etc. required for proper completion of work. 28 Body and neutral earthing of 250 KVA transformers by digging pits 6” dia up to 3 mtr deep including inserting lowering 80mm dia G.I. and insert 50mm G.I. pipe chemical filled pipe (Pipe in pipe earthing) I.S.I. Mark B-Grade connecting with G.I. flat 50x6 mm Power Transformer to 80mm dia G.I. pipe and filling of chemical mixture around the G.I. pipe up to 3mtr. Including making of chamber. 29 Making of wire mesh fencing around constructed 250 KVA T/f plinth 4mtr. x 3 mtr. with proper grouting Erection and construction of Toe-wall around the transformer plinth including digging of pits and making wall 9 inch wide & 30 cm. under the ground level and 30 cm. up to the ground level and making pocketFilling the concreting for grouting of wire mesh fencing and plastering around the wall in ratio 1:4 cement and sand providing of one no. main gate in the wire mesh fencing for shifting the transformer size of gate 8 ft. x 4ft. including fixing of dandala for locking system, (Size of angle iron 50x50x6mm. and size of wire mesh fencing 1.5x2 sq. inch wire gauge 10 SWG.) All material/labour will be arranged by the contractor. 30 Fixing of 11 KV Cable Indoor/Outdoor Jointing Kit of size 3x70/120/185 sq.mm Outdoor including removal of insulation, semi-conductor of the cable end and filling of cable box complete work as per direction of supervising engineer. 31 Installation of 11 KV Fuse Set/TPMO on various Capacity Transformers as per RESPO Norms. 32 Fixing of Distribution Box on the erected pole.
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SE EDC-I, Mathura
Near Kali Mandir, Mathura Cantt, Mathura
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