Prior Information Notice For Medical Consumables – Acquisition Of Catheters, Extenders And Systems. Lot 1 - Pleural Drainage Set, 6Fr, Pleural Drainage Set, 8.5Fr And Pleural Drainage Set, 10.2Fr,Lot 2 - Arterial Catheter 20G X 80Mm With Guide Wire,Lot 3 - Arterial Catheter 1 Lumen 4Fr 18Cm, With Seldinger Technique,Lot 4 - Umbilical Catheter 5Fr, 38Cm,Lot 5 - Orx Double Lumen Umbilical Catheter Ch4x20cm,Lote 6 - Cateter Umbilical Orx L38cm -3,5Fr,Lot 7 - Orx Umbilical Catheter L38cm-04Fr,Lot 8 - Orx Umbilical Catheter L38cm -06Fr,Lot 9 - Umbilical/Central Catheter Placement Kit, Desc.,Lot 10 - Triple Lumen Catheter 7 Fr/ 15Cm -16/18/18G And Triple Lumen Catheter 7 Fr/20Cm -16/18/18G,Lot 11 - Neonatal Epicutaneous Cavala Catheter (1F),Lot 12 - Neonatal Epicutaneous Cavala Catheter (2F),Lot 13 - Long Duration Neonatal Epicutaneous Cava Catheter Set 30Cm 2Fr,Lot 14 - Neonatal Epicutaneo-Cava Catheter (3F)X60cm,Lot 15 - Neonatal Epicutaneo-Cava Catheter (4F) X 30 Cm,Lot 16 - Double Lumen Pediatric Catheter 4Frx8cm,Lote 17 - Pediatric Duplo Lumen Catheter 4Frx30cm,Lote 18 - Triple Lumen Pediatric Cateter 5Frx30cm,Lot 19 - Double Lumen Central Catheter, 20 Cm, 16 G,Lot 20 - Central Venous Catheter, Double Lumen, 6Cm, 3Fr, Pediatric,Lot 21 - Central Venous Catheter, Double Lumen, 15Cm, 5.5Fr, Pediatric,Lot 22 - 24G Peripheral Safety Vein Puncture Catheter,Lot 23 - 5-Way Central Venous Catheter, 20Cm, 9.5Fr,Lot 24 - Broviac 4.2F L.S. Catheter With Introducer,Lot 25 - Repair Kit For Central Venous Catheter Type Broviac 2.7 Fr And Repair Kit For Central Venous Catheter Type Broviac 4.2 Fr,Lot 26 - Pediatric Central Venous Catheter (Kit) 5Cm,Lot 27 - Orx Catheter, With Integrated Prolonger, With Fixation Fins, By Seldinger Technique, 22G X 4Cm,Lot 28 - Orx Catheter, In Silicone, For Long-Lasting Venous Access, With Intradermal Cuff And Tunnelizer, 3.0F X 75Cm,Lote 29 - Edi Enfit Catheter 6Fr/49Cm,Lot 30 - High Flow Catheter For Hemodialysis 13F 20Cm,Lot 31 - High Flow Catheter For Hemodialysis 13F 15Cm,Lot 32 - Catheter With Needle For Venous Puncture Without System. Safety Ch14 (Peripheral Catheter, 2.2X50mm Without Anti-Prick System, Radiopaque) And Catheter With Needle For Venosa Punch Ch18 1.3X32mm (Peripheral Catheter, Without Anti-Prick System, Radiopaque),Lot 33 - Catheter With Needle For Venous Puncture With System. Security,Lot 34 - Vein Puncture Catheter Without Safety System 26G 19Mm,Lote 35 - Cateter Implantavel P/Administ.Citost.8,5F-800Mm,Lot 36 - Fully Implanted Catheter With High Subcutaneous Reservoir - (Day,Lot 37 - Catheter For Surfactant Administration, For Treatment Of Premature Neonates,Lot 38 - Extender 150Cm D.Int. 1Mm For System. Luer Lock Infusion/Transfusion,Lot 39 - Ls-5 5-Way Extension,Lot 40 - T-Infusation Extensioner With Safety Adaptation,Lot 41 - Venous Prolonger 2Mx0.9Mm,Lot 42 - Male/Male Vein Prolonger 150Cm,Lot 43 - Opaque Vein Prolonger Pvo 150Cm Mf,Lote 44 - Prolongador Venoso 100Cm S/ Dehp,Lot 45 - Venous Prolonger 25Cm Without Dehp,Lote 46 - Venous Prolongador 50Cm S/ Dehp,Lot 47 - 10 Cm Extender With 3-Way Tap, Rotating Male Luer Lock,Lot 48 - 4-Way Transfer System For Parenteral Feeding,Lot 49 - Exsanguine System For Pediatric Transfuse,Lot 50 - Hourly Diuresis System,Lot 51 - Ramp With 4 Taps, Male/Female,Lot 52 - Sack For Rectal Contrast Adm (Desc.),Lot 53 - Ramp With 4 Taps, Male/Female,Lot 54 - 3-Way Tap Compatible With Lipids (Lipid Resistant),Lot 55 - Dial-A-Flow Drops Dosing System,Lot 56 - In-Sto