Pharmacological Group: Antifungals, Active Ingredient: Amphotericin B, Pharmaceutical Form: Injectable Lyophilic Powder, Concentration / Dosage: 50, Unit: Mg, Volume: N/A, Presentation: Ampoule Vial, Accessory: N/A, Pharmacological Group: Antibacterials , Active Ingredient: Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride, Pharmaceutical Form: Injectable Solution, Concentration / Dosage: 2, Unit: Mg/Ml, Volume: 100Ml, Presentation: Pouch, Accessory: Not Applicable, Active Ingredient: Clarithromycin, Concentration / Dosage: 500, Volume: Not Applicable, Pharmacological Group: Anxiolytics And Hypnosedatives , Active Ingredient: Diazepam, Concentration / Dosage: 5, Volume: 2Ml, Presentation: Ampoule, Pharmacological Group: Anticonvulsants, Active Ingredient: Phenytoin Sodium, Volume: 5 Ml, Pharmacological Group: General Anesthetics, Active Ingredient: Fentanyl Citrate, Pharmaceutical Form: Injectable Solution, Concentration / Dosage: 0, 05, Volume: 10Ml, Active Ingredient: Gentamicin Sulfate, Concentration / Dosage: 40, Pharmacological Group: Hydroelectrolytic And Acid-Base Balance Corrector Solutions, Active Ingredient: Glucose Sterile And Non-Pyrogenic Solution, Pharmaceutical Form: Liquid, Unit: %, Volume: 250Ml, Presentation: Closed System, Pharmacological Group: Anticoagulants, Antagonists And Antiplatelet Agents, Active Ingredient: Sodium Heparin, Pharmaceutical Form: Subcutaneous, Concentration / Dosage: 5000, Unit: Iu, Volume: 0. 25Ml, Supply Form: Unit, Unit: Iu/Ml, Presentation: Ampoule Bottle