Supply Of Raw Materials Requirement For The Factory To Vijayapur Central Prison Under Lot7 For The Year 2024-25 - Male Female Socket (Three Pin),Shuttle Pegs..,Steel Reeds 56S,Steel Reeds 32S.,Steel Reeds 20S.,Steel Reeds 40S.,Picking Band Belt..,Vjp Picking Stick,Elastic Thread Loom..,Different Colours Dyed Yarn (Napthol, Direct And Vat Colour) 6S,Different Colours Dyed Yarn (Napthol And Vat Colour) 10S,Different Colours Dyed Yarn (Napthol And Vat Colour) 2/20S,Picker.,Bappar,Fire Wood,Reed Hooks,Loom Switch,Direct Dyes,Washing Soda,Turkey Red Oil,Mobile Oil,Greece,G.C. Yarn-6S (Good Quality),G.C. Yarn-20S (Good Quality),G.C. Yarn-2/40S (Good Quality),G.C. Yarn-2/20S (Good Quality),G.C. Yarn-2/10S (Good Quality),G.C. Yarn-10S (Good Quality),Salt Good Quality,Leather Belt Loom 1 Inch, 1 1/2 Inch Thick,White Thread Tube,Marking Chalk,Machine Needles 16,18,Machine Oil,Hand Needles,White Button,Measuring Tape,Bobbin Case,Bobbin Tailiring,Blouse Hooks Equivalent To Raymond Brand,Iron Box Handal,Iron Box Pad,Iron Box Switcher,Landry Iron Box Coil (1500Watts)