Supply, Delivery And Installation Of Equipments At Office Of Kalimpong Division Wbsrda- 1 IS Sieve set 2 Equipment for Grain Size Analysis 1) Sieves of Brass frame 20cm. dia. With sizes 5.6mm, 4.75, 4, 3.35, 2.8, 2.36, 2, 1.7, 1.6, 1.4, 1.18, 0.85, 0.71, 0.6, 0.5, 0.425, 0.355, 0.3, 0.25, 0.212, 0.18, 0.16, 0.15, 0.125, 0.106, 0.09, 0.08, 0.075, 0.063, 0.053, 0.045, 0.038 mm 3 Equipment for Sieve Analysis of Aggregate 2)Sieve G.I. Frame 45cm dia. with sieve sizes of 125mm,106, 100, 90, 80, 75, 63, 53, 50, 45, 40, 37.5, 31.5, 26.5, 25, 22.4, 20, 19, 16, 14, 13.2, 12.5, 11.2, 10, 9.5, 8.6, 8, 6.7, 6.3, 6, 5.0, 4.75mm. 4 Equipment for Sieve Analysis of Aggregate 3)Sieve G.I. Frame 30 cm dia. with sieve sizes of 80mm, 75, 63, 53, 50, 45, 40, 37.5, 31.5, 26.5, 25, 22.4, 20, 19, 16, 14, 13.2, 12.5, 11.2, 10 ,9.5, 8.6, 8, 6.7, 6.3, 6, 5.0, 4.75 mm 5 Cube Mould Set 6 Mould, Cast Iron, for 150mm Cube with ISI Certification Mark Detailed specification as per IS :14858/IS: 516 7 Mould, Cast Iron, for 100mm Cube with ISI Mark, Detailed specification as per IS :14858 / IS: 516 8 Mould, Cast Iron, for 100 mm x 100 mm x 600 mm Beam with ISI Certification Mark Detailed specification as per IS :14858 / IS: 516 9 Penetrometer 10 Soil Cone Penetrometer, Digital Type :- Comprises stainless steel penetration cone 35mm long with smooth polished surface with an angle of 30°C and penetration test cup of 55 mm dia. x 40 mm deep and it is suitable for operation on 220V, 50 Hz, single phase AC Supply Apparatus Details: (IS-11196-1985) , Fig- 1 to 9 11 Casagrande Apparatus 12 Liquid Limit Device set :-Casagrande Liquid limit device Hand Operated Gauge Block and Moisture container with Casagrande grooving tools Apparatus Details: (IS-9259-1979) 13 Rapid Moisture Meter Box 14 Speedy moisture meter :-Speed moisture meter , range 0-25% (Gauge Div.: 0.5% ) with digital weighing balances Detailed specification as per IS:2720 (part II), Section-V 15 Weight Machine 16 Capacity 500g x 50g (With Calibration Certifiacate which is company provided.) 17 Capacity 30kg x 50g(With Calibration Certifiacate which is company provided.) 18 Electric Oven 19 Laboratory Electric Oven, Digital Indicator Cum Controller with Safety Alarm, Range 50°C to 300°C. +/- 1°C with Air Circulating Fan, S.S. Inside, Size 600 X 600 X 600mm 20 Thermometer 21 Digital Thermometer Digital Thermometer – range 500C-2800C 22 Slump Cone Apparatus 23 Slump Cone Test Apparatus :-The mould having 20 cm bottom dia.10 cm top dia. and 30 cm height, rod and base plate. Apparatus Detailed specification as per IS : 7320-1974 24 Compressive Testing Machine 25 Equipment for Compressive Strength of Cement determination :-1)2000kN Compression Testing Machine, Electrically operated with three load gauges 2000kN, 1000kN, 500kN For CTM Machine NABL calibration certificate is to be provided by the supplier and installation. 26 2)Balances up to 10 kg x 50gm (With Calibration Certifiacate which is company provided.) 27 3)Vibration Machine specified speed of 1000 KN vibrations per min Apparatus Details: IS: 10080-1982 28 A.I.V Apparatus 29 Aggregate Impact Value Test Apparatus :-Impact Testing Machine, Measuring Cylinder, 75mm ID x 50 mm H Apparatus Detailed Specifications as per IS : 2386 Part-IV, Sl No-4.2 30 Flakiness Index Test Apparatus 31 Flakiness Test of Aggregate :-Thickness Gauge Constructed from heavy gauge sheet steel with ISI mark. Apparatus Detailed Specifications as per IS : 2386 Part-I, Fig-2 (Thickness Gauge) 32 Dynamic cone Penetrometer 33 DCP test Kit :-8 kg weight dropping mass trough a height of 575 mm, Anvil with driving rod, Penetration rod with 60°, 20mm dia. Cone, Spanners, Tommy bar, bottle of adhesive Apparatus Detailed specification as per ASTM D 6951-03 , Fig-1,2&3. 34 Rebound hammer 35 Rebound hammer :-Capable of measuring elastic properties of hardened concrete. Should be able to applying impact energy up to 2.027Nm. Note: (10 to 70 N/mm2) Analog 36 Concrete Core Cutter Machine 37 Motorized Petrol Engine Core Cutting/Core Drilling Machine with 150mm, 100mm & 75mm diameter and arrangement with wáter supply.Only for Pavement Surface. 38 Benkelman Beam 39 Benkelman beam :-Benkelman beam with analogue dial gauge 0.01X25mm travel The equipment supplier will provide the assembly/ fixtures/ fittings if any required for fitting of bump indicator with bolero/ Mini truck. The cost of such item will be inclusive in the rate quoted. This fittings/ fixing will be a part of purchase of bump indicator. The bolero/ Mini Truck for demonstration will be arranged by the receiver. That is PIU/EE concern will arrange the same within a period of 30 days of supply of the item for demonstration purpose.Detailed specification as per IRC- 81 40 Measuring Tape 41 Fibreglass Measuring Tape - 30m/100ft 42 Leveling staff 43 4-metre, Leveling Staff, Folding TypeDetailed specification as per IS 1779 (1961) 44 Spirit level 45 Spirit levelDetailed specification as per IS 5706 (1993) 46 CBR Testing Machine 47 Laboratory CBR Test Apparatus :-1)Load frame of 50 kN capacity Detailed Specifications as per IS : 2720 Part-XVI 48 2)Mild Steel, Zinc Plated Mould, 150mm ID x 175mm height Detailed Specifications as per IS : 2720 Part-XVI 49 3) Mild Steel, Zinc Plated Perforated Base Plate Detailed Specifications as per IS : 2720 Part-XVI 50 4) Mild Steel Zinc Plated Extension Collar 150mm ID x 50mm high Detailed Specifications as per IS : 2720 Part-XVI 51 5)Space disc of 148mm dia. and 47.7 mm thickness Detailed Specifications as per IS : 2720 Part-XVI 52 6)Metal weight 2.5 kg., 147 mm dia. with 53.3mm dia. central hole Detailed Specifications as per IS : 2720 Part-XVI 53 7) Perforated Plate, 148mm dia. with adjustable stem and lock nut. Detailed Specifications as per IS : 2720 Part-XVI 54 Ductility testing Machine 55 Ductility Testing Machine :-Ductility Testing Machine with Digital Temp Indicator and Rate of travel 5cm/min&1 cm /min Apparatus Detailed specification as per IS : 1208-1978 , Sl No-3.1, 3.2&3.3. 56 Softening point testing device 57 Ring and Ball Apparatus Two steel balls, two brass ring depth 6.4±0.1 mm Inside dia. @ bottom 15.9±0.1 mm Inside dia. @top 17.5±0.1mm Outside diameter 20.6±0.1 mm and thermometer. Apparatus Detailed specification as per IS:1205-1978, Sl No- 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 & 3.4. 58 Atterberg Device 59 Porcelain Evaporating Dish, Shrinkage Bath, Glass Cup, Min. Three Metal Prongs, Perspex Plain Plate Spatula, Glass Cylinder, 25 ml x 0.5 ml, MercuryApparatus Detailed specification As per IS : 2720 (Part 6), Sl no- 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.10 & 3.11 60 Vicats Apparatus 61 Equipment for Consistency of Cement determination :-Vicat mould split type with clamping ring, Glass base plate, initial and final needle, consistency plunger, Mild steel base plate and vicat mould split type with clamping ring Apparatus Detailed specifications as per IS:5513 1996, Fig-1 62 Roadometer 63 Small wheel of known circumference to indicate distance travelled i)Through a digital meter 64 Bitumen extractor 65 Centrifuge Extractor :-Capacity 1.5kg - Electrically Operated ,Speed 0 rpm to 3600 rpm Apparatus Details: Reference Quality Assurence Hand Book for Rural roads, Vol-II, Page-114, Section-504.10 (binder content) 66 Sand Replacement Apparatus 67 Sand Pouring cylinder apparatus :-Sand Pouring Cylinder fitted with Conical Funnel and Shutter, capacity 3 litres, cylindrical calibration container 100 mm ID x 150 mm height and metal tray size 30 x 30 x 4 cm with 10 cm central hole Apparatus Detailed specification as per IS : 2720 (part XXVIII) , Sl No- 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 & 2.8. 68 Proctor Test (Standard) 69 Heavy Compaction Proctor Test Apparatus :-1)Compaction mould made of mild steel having 150mm dia.127.3 mm height 2305 ml volume Apparatus Detailed Specifications as per IS : 2720 Part-VIII 70 2)Rammer 4.9 kg x 450 mm fall Apparatus Detailed Specifications as per IS : 2720 Part-VIII 71 Bitumen Flash Point test 72 Flash Point (Open) and Fire Point Test Apparatus :-Hot plate, 160 mm dia. Apparatus Detailed specification as per IS:1209- 1978, Sl No-3.1, Fig-1 73 Elongation Index Apparatus 74 Elongation Test of Aggregate :-1)Length GaugeConstructed from steel, mounted on a hardwood base with ISI mark. Apparatus Detailed Specifications as per IS : 2386 Part-I , Fig-3 , (length Gauge) 75 Compaction Factor Apparatus 76 Compaction factor Test apparatus :-Compaction factor apparatus like Tamping rod of 16mm diameter and 60 cm long Hooper. Detailed specification as per IS:5515-1983, Sl No-2.1, Table No-1, Fig-1. 77 3 m straight Edge and Matric wedge 78 Straight Edge and Metric Wedge 3 meter Straight Edge and Metric Wedge 79 Electric balance 80 Capacity 600gX 0.01g (With Calibration Certifiacate which is company provided.) 81 Capacity 300kg x 50g (With Calibration Certifiacate which is company provided.) 82 Capacity 10kg x 0.5g (With Calibration Certifiacate which is company provided.) 83 Capacity 5kg x 0.5g (With Calibration Certifiacate which is company provided.) 84 Capacity 3kg x 0.1g (With Calibration Certifiacate which is company provided.) 85 Capacity 220 g X 0.001 g (With Calibration Certifiacate which is company provided.) 86 Auto level Machine 87 Auto level machine magnification 24X 88 Aluminum Container set 89 Sample Container 0.5ltr, 1 ltr, 2 ltr, 5ltr 90 Le Chatelier Flash 91 Used for the determination of specific gravity of hydraulic cement.Detailed specification as per IS:4031 (Part-11) : 1988 92 Pan and Cover for sieves 93 Pan and Cover for 20cm, 30 cm and 45cm dia. Sieves 94 Sieve Shaker 95 Motorized Sieve shaker with Built-in Digital timer Power: 250/300 W (250 W at 220V, 60 Hz) and Dimensions (approx.): 548x787x850 mmSieve Dia -45cm , 30 cm & 20 cm