Procurement Of Electrical Materials Under Rate Contract At Bfuhs, Faridkot , Electrical Material , Led Bulb 20 Watt Make Hevells / Philips/ Bajaj/ Anchor/ Eon , Led Bulb 12 Wattmake Hevells/ Philips/ Bajaj/ Anchor , Box Type Batten Led Tube 1 X 22 Watt 4Ftmake Hevells / Philips/Bajaj/ Orient , Square Recess Mounting Led Panel 2 Ft X 2 Ft 36 Watt Make Hevells / Philips/ Bajaj/ Croumpton , Led Flood Light 80 Wattwith Aluminium Base Make Hevells / Philips/ Bajaj/ Cromption , Led Flood Light 100 Wattwith Aluminium Base Make Hevells / Philips/ Bajaj/ Cromption , Switch 16 /20 Amp. (Power Switch) Modular Type Make Anchor (Roma/Rider) , Socket 16 Amp. (Power Plug) Modular Type Make Anchor (Roma/Rider) , Switch 6 Amp. Modulartype Make Anchor (Roma/Rider) , Plug 6 Amp. Modulartype Make Anchor (Roma/Rider) , Switch 6 Amp. Piano Type, Make Annchor Roma /Fine , Plug (Socket) 6 Amp. Piano Type Make Anchor/ Fine , Power Switch 16 /20 Amp. (With Provision Of 4 Screw) Piano Type, Make Anchor Penta Urea/ Fine , Socket 16/20Amp. (Power Plug)Piano Type Make Anchor Penta Urea/ Fine , Fan Regulator Piano Type Socket Size Make Anchor Penta Urea/ Fine , Fan Regulator Piano Type Switch Size Make Anchor Penta Urea/ Fine , Fan Regulator Modulartype Make Anchor (Roma/Rider) 2Module , Fan Regulator Modulartype Make Anchor (Roma/Rider) 1Module , Modular Cover Frame Two Module Make Anchor (Roma/Rider) , Modular Cover Frame Three Module Make Anchor (Roma/Rider) , Modular Cover Frame Four Module Make Anchor (Roma/Rider) , Modular Cover Frame Six Module Make Anchor (Roma/Rider) , Modular Cover Frame Eight Module( 5X5 ) Make Anchor (Roma/Rider) , Modular Cover Frame Twelve Module Make Anchor (Roma/Rider) , Three Pin 16 Amp Top Shoe Make Ssk/ Anchor/ Fine , Three Pin 6 Amp Top Shoe Make Ssk/ Anchor/ Fine , Sheet Metal Iron Clad Triple Pole Switch With Neutral Link 100 Amp. 415 Volts Make Isi Marked (Nirol / Asco ) , Switch Disconnector Fuse Unit With Hrc Fuses (Suitable For Din Hrc Fuses) In Sdf Tp&N 250Amp., 415Volts (With Sheet Enclosure) Asco , Switch Disconnector Fuse Unit With Hrc Fuses (Suitable For Din Hrc Fuses) In Sdf Tp&N 400Amp., 415Volts (With Sheet Enclosure) , Batten Holder(Jumbo ) Large Size Internal Hanging Area Brass Make S.S.K./Anchor/ Fine , Pendent Holder Internal Hanging Area Brass Make Nirol / Anchar Fybgros , Mcb Tpn Four Pole 63 Ampc-Curve Make Havells / Standard/ L&T/Legrand , Mcb Double Pole 63 Ampc-Curve Make Havells / Standard/ L&K/Legrand , Mcb Double Pole 40 Ampc-Curve Make Havells / Standard/L&K /Legrand , Mcb Double Pole 32 Ampc-Curve Make Havells / Standard/L&K /Legrand , Mcb Double Pole 25 Ampc-Curve Make Havells / Standard/ L&K/Legrand , Mcb Single Pole 10 (60 Pcs) – 16(60 Pcs) – 25(60 Pcs)-32 (60 Pcs) Amp C- Curve 10 Ka Makehavells / Standard/ L&T/Legrand , Copper Wire Single Core 1 Sq. Mm Make Havells/V-Guard/ Anchor ( Coil 90 Mtr) , Copper Wire Single Core 1.5 Sq. Mm Make Havells/V-Guard/ Anchor ( Coil 90 Mtr) , Copper Wire Single Core 2.5 Sq. Mm Make Havells/V-Guard/ Anchor ( Coil 90 Mtr) , Copper Wire Single Core 4.0 Sq. Mmmake Hevells/V-Guard/ Anchor ( Coil 90 Mtr) , Copper Wire Single Core 16.0 Sq. Mmmake Hevells/V-Guard/ Anchor ( Coil 90 Mtr) , Copper Wire Single Core 25.0 Sq. Mmmake Hevells/V-Guard/ Anchor ( Coil 90 Mtr) , Pvc Insulated Pvc Sheathed Fr (2Core) Round Flexible Wire With Copper Conductor Overall Size 0.75Sq.Mm (16/0.20Mm), 2Core (90Mtr ) , Pvc Insulated Pvc Sheathed Fr (2Core) Round Flexible Wire With Copper Conductor Overall Size 1.00 Sq.Mm (16/0.20Mm), 2Core (90Mtr ) , Pvc Insulated Pvc Sheathed (3 Core) Round Flexible Wire With Copper Conductoroverall Size 1.5Sq.Mm (48/0.20Mm), 3Core (90Mtr ) , Pvc Insulated Pvc Sheathed (3 Core) Round Flexible Wire With Copper Conductoroverall Size 2.5Sq.Mm (50/0.25Mm), 3Core(90Mtr ) , Pvc Insulated Pvc Sheathed (3 Core) Round Flexible Wire With Copper Conductoroverall Size 4 Sq.Mm (50/0.25Mm), 3Core(90Mtr ) , Aluminium Conductor Pvc Sheathed Two Core Cable Size 10Sq Mm. Make Isi Marked , Aluminium Conductor Pvc Sheathed Two Core Cable Size6 Sq Mmmake Isi Marked , Capacitor 2.5Mfd Make Motif , Capacitor 4.0 Mfd Make Motif , Capacitor 10 Mfd Make Motif , Capacitor 25 Mfd Make Motif , Capacitor 45 Mfd Make Motif , Pvc Pipe 25 Mm (Thickness 1.6 Mm) , Pvc Pipe Chatcher For Suitable 25Mm Pipe( 100 Pcs.) , Wood Screw 35Mm X 8Mm(100 Pcs) , Pvc Gutti 6Mm X 38 Mm Plastic (100 Pcs) Make Petro , Wood Screw 50 X 10(100 Pcs) , Pvc Gutti8mmx 50Mmplastic (100 Pcs) Make Petro , Black Screw 0.75 Inchi , Black Screw 1 Inchi , Black Screw 1.25 Inchi , Black Screw 1.5 Inchi , Black Screw 2 , Black Screw 3 , Geyser Rod 2000 Watt Triangle Type Make Theeta / Parkash / Daspass/Hotmax( Big Trangle ) , Geyser Rod 2000 Watt Triangle Type Make Theeta / Parkash / Daspass/Hotmax ( Small Trangle) , Pvc Tape Roll Steel Grip 9 Mtr (30Pcs ) , Ampair Tape (10 Pcs ) , Glass Tape(10 Pcs ) , Aluminium Thimbles Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 25 Sqmm , Aluminium Thimbles Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 35 Sqmm , Aluminium Thimbles Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 50 Sqmm , Aluminium Thimbles Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 70 Sqmm , Aluminium Thimbles Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 95 Sqmm , Aluminium Thimbles Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 120 Sqmm , Aluminium Thimbles Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 150 Sqmm , Aluminium Thimbles Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 185 Sqmm , Aluminium Thimbles Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 240 Sqmm , Aluminium Thimbles Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 300 Sqmm , Aluminium Thimbles Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 400 Sqmm , Copper Thimbles Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 10 Sq Mm (Ring Type ) , Copper Thimbles Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 10 Sq Mm (Pin Type ) , Copper Thimbles Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 16 Sq Mm (Ring Type ) , Copper Thimbles Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 16 Sq Mm (Pin Type ) , Copper Thimbles Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 25 Sq Mm (Ring Type ) , Copper Thimbles Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 25 Sq Mm (Pin Type ) , Extension Board Deep (Wooden) Backside Closed With 6 Mm Play Front Side Mica Sheet 5 Mmsize 8" X 10"X 2"(Complete Fittingof 1 No 16 Amp Switch And Plug ( 4 No Secrew For Plug And Switch Each ) , 3 No 6 Amp Switch And Plug With 1 Mm Internal Wiring )Make Anchar / Fine , In Line Connector Aluminium Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 70 Sqmm , In Line Connector Aluminium Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 95 Sqmm , In Line Connector Aluminium Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 120 Sqmm , In Line Connector Aluminium Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 150 Sqmm , In Line Connector Aluminium Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 185 Sqmm , In Line Connector Aluminium Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 240 Sqmm , In Line Connector Aluminium Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 300 Sqmm , In Line Connector Aluminium Heavy Duty Cable Core Size 400 Sqmm , Mcb Double Poleboxiron ( Heavy Duty ) , Pvcopen Type Gang Box 2 Way , Pvc Open Typegang Box 4 Way , Pvc Open Type Gang Box 8 Way , Pvc Surface Box Module 3 Module , Pvc Surface Box Module 6 Module , Pvc Surface Box Module 8 Module , Pvc Surface Box Module 12 Module , Anchar Bolt 10 Sq Mm , Fan Hook Anchar Bolt 10 Sq Mm , Mica Sheet 9X115 Mm Thick Cutting Of Inside 2 Module Sheet , Mica Sheet 9X115 Mm Thick Cutting Of Inside 4 Module Sheet , Mica Sheet 9X11 5 Mm Thick Cutting Of Inside 6 Module Sheet , Mica Sheet 11X135 Mm Thick Cutting Of Inside 12 Module Sheet , Mica Sheet 91X115 Mm Thick Cutting Of Inside Piano Type Power 1 No Switch & 1 No . Plug With Provision 4 Secrewfor Each , Nut Bolt Brass Cotted Complete With Double Washes And Spring Washes 10 X 25 Mm , Nut Bolt Brass Cotted Complete With Double Washes And Spring Washes 10 X 35 Mm , Nut Bolt Brass Cotted Complete With Double Washes And Spring Washes 12 X 25 Mm , Nut Bolt Brass Cotted Complete With Double Washes And Spring Washes 12 X 35 Mm , Nut Bolt Brass Cotted Complete With Double Washes And Spring Washes 14 X 25 Mm , Nut Bolt Brass Cotted Complete With Double Washes And Spring Washes 14 X 35 Mm , Nut Bolt Brass Cotted Complete With Double Washes And Spring Washes 14 X 50 Mm , Celling Fan 48 Sweep 1200 Mm Heavy Duty Copper Windingmake Bajaj ,Crompton ,Orient , Exhast Fan 12 Sweep300 Mm Heavy Duty Copper Winding Make Bajaj ,Crompton ,Orient, Havells Etc , 11 Kv Heat Shrink Tube Size 50Mm , Mccb4 Pole 125 Amp ,415 Volts= 25 Ka Fixed Magnetic And Adjustable Thermal Setting 125 , Mccb4 Pole250 Amp ,415 Volts= 25 Ka Fixed Magnetic And Adjustable Thermal Setting 125 , Mccb4 Pole 400 Amp ,415 Volts= 36 Ka Fixed Magnetic And Adjustable Thermal Setting 125 , Machines Secrew (Brass)0.5 , Machines Secrew (Brass) 1 , Machines Secrew (Brass)1.5 , Machines Secrew (Brass)2