Tender For Operation Water Supply Scheme Depur Cleaning of 1 No. UGSB (Capacity 230000 1tr) asper Department Specification and all other works contingent there Op. W/SScheme Daniowal Chandoll Clesarting of 1 No. UCSR (Capacity Sh000 (tr) as per Departmem Specification and all other works continget there Painting and Writing at DCSR for Writing information of capacity dia and date of cleaning . OpW/S Scheme Bel Fattoo, Beh Ranga Cleaning of GGR/GHSR by Fint reoining 75mm water in the task & Cleaning the tank with the mixture of Sodium Hypochlocite/Bleaching powder thereafter spraying in ma and walls sit tank mixture of bleaching Powder. Sodium hypochlorite & ngang after 60 minutes. Disinfert the tank and Filling and scouring the tank to casore proper quality of water. Op. W/S Scheme Beh Fatto (i) Cleaning of 1 fio. UGSH (Capacity 150000 kr) as per Deparment Spectilestion and off other works condegent there Op. W/5 Scheme Beh Ranga (1) Cleaning of 1 No UCS (Capacity 100000 ltr) as per Department Specification and all other works contingent there 100 Painting and Writing at GSK for Writing formatina of capacity dia and date of cleaning Providing Public Health services in Meritorious Children 10-2 schoul at Talwara Distt Hsp Providing Laying jointing ilsing testing of 151 Marked G1 Pipe of 20/50 mn/il inclufing excavation and P/F Bra salvits 20 inun a/d & Gum Mecal Prat salve 30 non-i/d complete in all respect in Meritoneus school block Talwara Dict Hoshiarper Op. W/SScheme Depar P/F Prat valve of 50 meti/d induding jointing resting aut boutsric and rentoval of leakage of 23" M.S/GI Pipeat varions places complete in all respects Earthwork in excavation in remaweng leakage/blackage of 800mm 1/4 /50 mm 40 mm/MS/G/C Pipeline ineluding cost of balling out water and welding complete in all Op W/SScheme Beh Jogan Forthwork in escrvation in removing leakage /blockage al 150mm 1/0.80mm 1/4,50 mm 1/0,40 mm / MS/G1/CT Pipeline including cost of balling out water and welding complete in all respect Providing Public Health services in Meritorious Children 10-2 school at Talwara Distt Hsp. Desalting of man ball including all safety niessture & disposal of siit at appropriate place in meritorious school Talwara Dp.W/SScheme Heor Beh Earthwork in excavation in removing leakage /blackage of 80mm 1/4.50 mm 1/0.40 mm int MS/GI/CI Pipeline including cost of baling mat water and welding complete in all respect. Op W/SScheme Iugial Sunehra P/F 80 m id Pipeline and shutze valve of class PN16 & NEV of Sine 40 mm for Making Connection of New T/well with Collecting Tank Inchting cost of welding excavation dismantling etc complete es all respect at W/S Scheme Jagtal
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