Tender For Repair/MaintENANCE Of Water Supply Installations And Repair/Replacement Of Water Level Indicator, Chlorine Dosing Pumps, Starter Panels And Other Misc Items Under Aor Of Age E/M-I At Ge (Central) Khadki.-1.00 Excavation in trenches n.exc 1.5 mtr wide and n.exc 1.5 mtr in depth for laying of pipes /Cables etc and getting out in soft / loose soil complete all as specified and directed. 2.00 Excavation in trenches n.exc 1.5 mtr wide and n.exc 1.5 mtr in depth for lying of pipes/Cable etc and getting out in soft disintegrated rock/Road cuttings complete all as specified and directed. 3.00 Removing surplus soil to a distance n.exc 50 mtr and depositing where directed at a level n.exc 1.5 mtr above the starting point complete all as specified and directed. 4.00 Returning filling in trenches including spreading, leveling, watering and well ramming in layers n . Exc 25 cm complete all as specified and directed. 5.00 Material and labour for repairs of pipie lines and Attending emergency water supply breakdown complaints within 6 hours on telephonic intimation/SMS by arranging JCB/Excavator for excavation, breaking footpath paved with PCC blocks, PCC flooring, bituminus road etc up to 4 mtrs depth, dewatering with suitable dewatering pump,cutting and removing defective pipes, lowering the required size of pipes, valves and fittings with the help of crane and welding works if any, refilling the trench after repair with excavated soil, relaying of removed PCC blocks and matching with sorroundings etc complete including PCC work as directed at site. NOTE :-(1) Materials required for the repairs such as pipes, fittings, valves, Mechanical joints, PCC, PCC blocks etc will be measured and paid under relevant item.( 2) Items such as Rubber gaskets, Nuts, bolts, washers and lathe work required to bring the pipe line of required size etc are to be included in the quoted rate. (3) The contractor shall provide sufficient barricades,caution tape,danger boards etc at work site to avoid any accidents at site. 4) If the contractor fails to start the work within 6 hours on receipt of telephonic intimation /SMS , Necessary recovery will be made twice the quoted rates of respective items.5) Compensation if any due to any accident at site to be borne by the contractor. 6.00 Material and labour for repair of water supply distribution fresh water pipe line (forAttending emergency water supply breakdown complaints ) with mechanical joint, of CI/GI/DI pipe line size up to 100mm including taking out the puncture/cracked existing pipe and transport to local workshop, cutting of damaged portion of pipe through welding/gas welding, making rough surfaces smooth and champhered by grinding and than connected through mechanical joint of adequate size with rubber rings both sides and fastener of required size and shape complete as per site requirement.NOTE :- Testing/commissioning the pipe line on full pressure after complete the job will be carried out and payment will made of this job if found sucess other wise the same will be redone again and no extra payment will be made on this account and minors accesories included in qouted rate. 7.00 Material and labour for taking up cast iron water mains (incl all fitting) 80mm bore dia of pipe with spigot and socket ends from trenches complete all as psecified and directed. 8.00 Description all as item no.7 above but size of pipe 100 mm bore 9.00 Description all as item no.7 above but size of pipe 150 mm bore 10.00 Description all as item no.7 above but size of pipe 200 mm bore 11.00 Description all as item no.7 above but size of pipe 250 mm bore 12.00 Supply & laying, jointing & testing DI-K7 class with spigot and socket, suitable for Push on rubber joint, with internal cement mortor lining, and external zinc and black bitumen coated pipes in any lengths conforming to IS:8329-2000 including Rubber Gasket & joints as per IS:9523-2000 laid in trenches/ Road/ Ducts/ Footpath/ on wall/ on floor locations for 80 mm bore dia pipe complete all as specified and directed.MAKE :- Electrosteel/Jindal or its equivalent. 13.00 Description all as item no.12 above but 100 mm bore pipes. 14.00 Description all as item no12 above but 150 mm bore pipes. 15.00 Description all as item no12 above but 200 mm bore pipes. 16.00 Description all as item no12 above but 250 mm bore pipes. 17.00 Material and labour for cutting cast iron pipes in position for insertion of fittings, mechanical joints, replacement of pipes etc for bore of pipe 80mm complete all as specified and as directed. 18.00 Description all as item no.17 above but 100 bore pipes 19.00 Description all as item no.17 above but 150 bore pipes 20.00 Description all as item no.17 above but 200 bore pipes 21.00 Supply and fixing repair MS mechanical joint with rubber washer, mild steel screw bolts (machine made) with screwed both ends of dia as per flange hole and required length each screwed end to be fitted with washers and one hexagonal nut suitable for bore of pipe 80mm complete all as specified and directed. 22.00 Description all as item no.21 above but 100 mm size. 23.00 Description all as item no.21 above but 150 mm size. 24.00 Description all as item no.21 above but 200 mm size. 25.00 Material and labour for Ductile iron fittings such as bends (any type, radius and angle), tapers any type (straight, bend, incresing, decreasing or double socket etc.), Tee piece, single branch Yjunction double branch, collar etc., caps and plugs etc. as per IS: 9523-2000 of class K-7, with internal cement mortor lining, and external zinc and black bitumen coated of dia upto 150 mm complete all as specified and directed. 26.00 Material and labour for taking up worn out GI steel tubing incl all fitings fron trenches of 15 mm bore complete all as specified and directed. 27.00 Description all as item no.26 above but 20 mm bore pipes. 28.00 Description all as item no.26 above but 25 mm bore pipes. 29.00 Description all as item no.26 above but 40 mm to 50 mm bore pipes. 30.00 Description all as item no.26 above but 80 mm bore pipes. 31.00 Description all as item no.26 above but 100 mm bore pipes. 32.00 Description all as item no.26 above but 150 mm bore pipes. 33.00 Material and labour for Laying in trenches/fixed to wall galvanised steel water tubing 15 mm bore, medium grade with and including all medium grade fittings complete all as specified and directed. 34.00 Description all as item no.33 above but 20 mm bore pipes. 35.00 Description all as item no.33 above but 25 mm bore pipes. 36.00 Description all as item no.33 above but 40 mm bore pipes. 37.00 Description all as item no.33 above but 50 mm bore pipes. 38.00 Description all as item no.33 above but 80 mm bore pipes. 39.00 Description all as item no. 33 above but 100 mm bore pipes. 40.00 Description all as item no.33 above but 150 mm bore pipes. 41.00 Material and labour and Replaceing for Laying in trenches/fixed to wall HDPE pipe 15 mm bore and including all fittings complete all as specified and directed. 42.00 Description all as per item No. 41 above but of size 20 mm bore 43.00 Description all as per item No. 41 above but of size 25 mm bore 44.00 Description all as per item No. 41 above but of size 40 mm bore 45.00 Description all as per item No. 41 above but of size 50 mm bore 46.00 Supply and fix in repair gun metal gate valve with iron wheel head, screwed both ends for iron pipes 15mm bore complete all as specified and directed. 47.00 Description all as item no.46 above but 20 mm bore 48.00 Description all as item no.46 above but 25 mm bore 49.00 Description all as item no.46 above but 40 mm bore 50.00 Description all as item no.46 above but 50 mm bore 51.00 Supply and fix in repairs CI body non raising SS spindle sluice valve with cast iron wheel, of size 80 mm bore, class PN-1.6 with SS spindle with brass nut, gasket etc with both ends flanged confirming to IS-14846 with standard bolts hole, fixing with nuts, bolts, washers, rubber gasket etc complete in position of pipe line all as specified and directed. 52.00 Description all as item no.51 above but 100 mm bore 53.00 Description all as item no.51 above but 150 mm bore 54.00 Description all as item no.51 above but 200 mm bore 55.00 Description all as item no.51 above but 250 mm bore 56.00 Description all as item no.51 above but 300 mm bore 57.00 Supply and fix in repairs cast iron air release valves with twin globe air outlet,100 mm dia flanged including fittings as required at site, making necessary modification/ arrangements and on CI/MS/DI pipeline of bore up to 450 mm complete all as specified and directed. MAKE :- Normex/Kirloskar or its equivalent. 58.00 Material and labour for spray Painting of various pump set and old metal surface such as suction /delivery pipes, with 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint, marking arrows, writing letters etc including preparation of surface by rubbing and removing all dirt complete all as specified and directed. 59.00 Supply and fix for fabrication and Installation of glow sign boards of size not less than 6mtr x 1 mtr x 0.4 mtr made of ACP Panel sheet of 3mm thick with Blue background over 40 x 40 x 5mm square tubes with verge letters made of acryclic sheet white in colour and having LED strip only on letters and MES Logo placed on angle iron frame duly welded of size 50X50X5.00 mm thick of height not less than 2 mtr including connecting service cable weather proof 4.00 sq mm 2 core from switch board upto 20 mtr including taking out perished sign boards of any type complete as per sample all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. NOTE :- Sample of glow sign board to be got approved by Engr-in-charge/GE before placing the order. 60.00 Supply and fix in repairs Rotational moulded polyethylene water storage tanks (cylindrical vertical with closed top) hoisted and fixed in position of capacity 500 Ltrs complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 61.00 Supply and fix in repair cast Iron swing check non return valve confirming to IS : 5312 (Part I) of 1969, both end flanged with rubber gasket & Nuts, bolts & washers of sizes 150 mm bore complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. MAKE :- Normex/Kirloskar or its equivalent. 62.00 Description all as item no.61 above but 100 mm bore. 63.00 Supply and fix in repairs cast Iron foot valve confirming to IS : 4038 flanged end with rubber gasket, Nuts, bolts & washers of sizes 150 mm bore complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. MAKE :- Normex/Kirloskar 64.00 Description all as item no. 63 above but 100 mm bore 65.00 Description all as item no 63 above but 80 mm bore 66.00 Description all as item no. 63 above but 200 mm bore 67.00 Material and labour and replaceing old unsv brick masonry valve pit chamber of internal dimension 120 cm x 100 cm x 90 cm depth with sub class B bricks in CM (1:4) and 10 mm thick plastering in CM (1:4), PCC (1:4:8) type D2 (Using 40 mm graded broken stone aggregate) as in foundation lean concrete, PCC (1:3:6) type CI (using 20 mm graded broken stone aggregate) as in bedding and copping MS frame with 40 x 40 x 6 mm angle iron 3 mm thick MS sheet cover plate with locking arrangements, hinges and two coats of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of red oxide primer including preparation of surface, three coats of white wash on plastered surface (exposed to view) including necessary excavation in soft loose, soil, returning filling in and removal of surplus soil to a distance not exceeding 50 m complete all as specified and directed. 68.00 Material and labour and replaceing old unsv of masonary valve pit chamber of internal size 1500mm x1000mmx800mm( Internal Size) with 100 mm thick PCC 1:4:8, type D-2 as in foundation over 150 mm thick hard core, 20cm thick solid block masonry with solid blocks of grade C-5 built in cement mortar 1:4, plaster 15mm thick in cement and sand mortar 1:4 to internal surfaces and external surfaces up to 15cm below ground level and top of floor , finished even and smooth without using extra cement , 3.15mm thick MS sheet cover including 50mmX50mmX6mm thick MS angle frame fixed in PCC 1:2:4, type B1 coping with 4 Nos 25X6mm FI 150mm long hold fasts, handle, hinges with locking arrangements, applying one coat of red oxide primer and two coats of synthetic enamel paint to all steel surfaces and earth work in any type of soil, demolition of valve pit including disposal of surplus soil to a distance not exceeding 50m complete all as specified and directed. 69.00 Material and labour and Replaceing for angle iron frame and MS cover for valve chambers and duct covers., Pump motor base frame of ISMB etc as per existing size and shape including two coat of painting over one coat of red oxide complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge 70.00 Supply and fix 80 mm thick machine pressed precast concrete rubber moulded coloured interlocking paver block with coloured cement and pigment any shape and size confirming to IS-15658-2006 M-40 grade laid over 50 mm thick over and including sand cushionining all as directed. including dismantling of old paver blocks. 71.00 Material and labour for PCC 1:3:6 type-C2 (using 40mm graded stone aggregate) as in foundation, filling and mass concrete incl necessary form work wherever required and incl demolition of Cement Concrete (un-reinforced) of any description and in any position not otherwise specifically provided for, all as specified and directed at site. 72.00 Supply and fixing hot dipped Galvanized Chain Link Fencing with Zinc Coating, nominal height-2400mm, Pitch-50mm and wire dia 3.15 mm. (approx weight-2.55 Kg /Sqm) complete all as specified and directed. Including dismantling old chain link fencing. 73.00 Material and labour for mild steel work of angle fixed independently for fencing post and others confirming to Gde Fe 410-A incl cutting where required, notching, drilling, fitting and/or welding or connecting with bolts and nuts incl dismantling taking down unsv one complete all as specified and directed. 74.00 Material and labour for TMT bars 10mm dia and over cut to length, bent to shape required, including cranking, bending spirally for hooping for columns hooking ends or as in horizontal bar for fixing in fencing and binding with and including mild steel wire (anealed) not less than 0.9mm dia or securingwith clips complete for support of chain link fencing incl dismantling taking down unsv one all as specified and directed. 75.00 Dismantling / taking out complete pump of any type, capacity upto 20 HP of different models from foundation including dismantling suction and delivery pipe connection from pump, carrying to wksp & back and repair/overhauling complete and reassemble and fixing to original position after repair/overhauling with nuts, bolts, washers, pipe connection complete including testing, commissioning all as specified and directed.NOTE :-1. Spares required for the repairs will be measured and paid separately. 2. Small items such as gaskets, Nuts,bolts and washers, screws, consumable like grease etc will be inclusive of item rates and Major spare parts shall be measeared and paid seprately. 76.00 Supply and fix Ball Bearing, (DE). 77.00 Supply and fix Ball Bearing (NDE). 78.00 Supply and fix Impeller. 79.00 Supply and fix Pump Shaft. 80.00 Supply and fix Lantern Ring. 81.00 Supply and fix Mechanical Seal. 82.00 Supply and fix Water Deflector. 83.00 Supply and fix Bush 84.00 Supply and fix Key Impeller. 85.00 Supply and fix Gland Packing. 86.00 Supply and fix Gasket set 87.00 Labour for Dismantling taking out Induction motor upto 10 to 20 HP from foundation by removing electric connection, coupling carefully and carrying to wksp & back for repair complete and reassemble and fixing to original position after repair/overhauling with nuts, bolts, washers, pipe connection and cable connection complete including testing, commissioning, proper alignment all as specified and directed. 88.00 Material and labour for complete rewinding of motor any type after cutting, taking out old damaged winding from stator core, cleaning of slots, providing proper insulating materials/lock strip in the slots, rewinding with existing size of super enamelled coper wire, required binding, bonding, insulation, varnishing and drying and proper testing after rewinding for the following sizes of motor capacity upto 10 to 20 HP complete all as specified and directed. 89.00 Material and labour for complete rewinding of motor any type after cutting, taking out old damaged winding from stator core, cleaning of slots, providing proper insulating materials/lock strip in the slots, rewinding with existing size of super enamelled coper wire, required binding, bonding, insulation, varnishing and drying and proper testing after rewinding for the following sizes of motor capacity upto 25 to 30 HP complete all as specified and directed. 90.00 Supply and fix in repair automatic Star delta starter for centrifugal pump set of capacity upto 20 HP conforming to IEC-60947-4-1 / IS-13947-4-1, 3 phase 415 volt 50 Hz with CRCA sheet steel enclosure complete with heavy duty 4 pole contactor with wide band operating coil, overload relay for motor protection and electronic star delta timer, single phase preventer, etc complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. MAKE :- L&T / BCH 91.00 Material and labour for following chemicals for water treatment :- 91.01 supply only Calcium hypochlorite (65% to 70% chlorine content) calcium based granular disinfectant in 45 Kg Drum complete all as specified and directed. 91.02 supply only Alum ferric Gde -I 91.03 Supply only Hydrated Lime suitable for drinking water 92.00 Supply and fix in replacement MCCB 200 Amps type Adjustable TM having breaking capacity 25 KA 415V 3 pole complete all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 93.00 Supply and fix in replacement MCCB 100 Amps type Adjustable TM having breaking capacity 16 KA 415V 3 pole complete all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 94.00 Supply and fix in replacement MCCB 63 Amps type Adjustable TM having breaking capacity 10 KA 415V 3 pole complete all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 95.00 Supply and fix in replacement MCB 63 Amps C Curve 415 volts 3 pole complete all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 96.00 Supply and fix in replacement MCB SPN 40 Amps C Curve complete all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 97.00 Supply and fix in replacement MCB SP 6-32 Amps C Curve complete all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 98.00 Supply and fix in repair AC power contactor, 3 pole, 3 ph, 415V, AC, 50Hz, type- MNX40 capacity 40AMP. complete all as specified and as directed. 99.00 Supply and fix in repair AC side mounting add on aux contact block for contactor complete all as specified and as directed. 100.00 Supply and fix in repair AC front add on aux contact block complete all as specified and as directed. 101.00 Supply and fix in repair thermal overload relays, relay range 15 Amps to 33 Amps as applicable complete all as specified and as directed. 102.00 Supply and fix in repair electronic timer, 3 - 30 Sec 415V complete all as specified and as directed. 103.00 Supply and fix in repair Motor protection relay VPPD2-415V AC, complete all as specified and as directed. 104.00 Supply and fix in repair Single Phase Preventor relay, complete all as specified and as directed. 105.00 Material and labour for star delta starter panel wiring with connected accesories complete all as specified and as directed. 106.00 Material and labour for 10 sqmm stranded copper conductor three phase alongwith copper lugs including connecting from pump set to starter complete all as specified and directed.MAKE :- Finolex/Polycab/Havells/KEI 107.00 Material and labour for replacement of old unsv LT panel board factory made, indoor type dust and weather proof, fabricated with 3.00 mm CRCA sheet of suitable size confirming to IP 54 protection complete including Copper bus bar 150 Amps, 4 strip mounted on porcelain insulated & enclosed in chamber, bottom cable entry comprising of following: (a) Incoming MCCB 160 Amps 4 pole with microprocessor based release having breaking capacity 25 KA.....01 Nos. (b) On load change over switch of capacity 160 Amps - 01 No.(c) Outgoing MCB 63 Amps 415 V, Triple Pole, 36KA---03 Nos. (d) Outgoing Star Delta starter 20 HP - 03 Nos (e) Outgoing MCB SPN 40 AMps - 02 Nos.( f) Digital Voltmeter 0-500 V 96x96xm …. 01 No (g) Digital Ammeter 0 - 500 A 96x96m …. 01 No (h) Indicating lamps set RYB …. 01 set. (j) Panel mounted type digital multifunctional energy meter, CT operated, LT 3 phase, 4 wire, including CT of suitable ration- 01 Nos (i) motor protector 108.00 Material and labour for Cleaning of RCC OH reservior 50000 gallon cap internally by brushing walls, floors and through washing and removing all dirt, muds etc through drain out pipe complete after than useing two coat lime coating properly on internal surface of tank including writing date of cleaning with white letters in black back ground of size 80 mmx60 mm complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. NOTE :- Cleaning and lime coating of RCC Tank/ UG SUMP will be done in the presence of JE and Enginr-in- charge at the site and cleaning repot submit by contractor before paying of RAR and final bill 109.00 Supply only pure PTFE Gland Packing Rope suitable for valves/Pumps complete all as specified and directed. 110.00 Supply and fix rubber gasket /packing 4mm thick suitable for valve/pump/suction sweeper complete all as specified and as directed. 111.00 Supply and fix in repair of electric water level indicator including buzzer 5 level complete with sensor including sensor cable upto 50 mtr distance, wiring in PVC conduit/casing and capping etc for OH tanks and UG/Semi UG water reservoir all accessories and dismantling taking down unsv one all as specified and directed. 112.00 Material and labour for cleaning of MES water supply installations / campus of Age E/M-I AOR approx area 1500 sqm by surface dressing or trimming of natural ground to remove small unequalities n.exc 15 cm deep ( including removing vegetation / shrubs / brush wood / under-growth ), cleaning of drains & carrying away the rubbish to a distance of n.exc 50 mtr away complete all as per specified and direction of Engr -in-charge. 113.00 Supply, filling (at contractor source) and distribution of water supply through Water Bowser of capacity 12000 Ltr having pumping arrangment with pipe miniumn 15 mtr supply to the PVC tank directly through pipe on the roof upto height of 10 mtr complete including necessary arrangement all as specified and as directed.NOTE :- Demand of water bowser will be given to contractor at any time between 0800 to 2200 Hrs and has to be supplied within 03 hrs after notification, failing to which Rs 300/- per hours per demand will be recoverd. Amount of Pumping arrangement, petrol and pipe etc are included in the quoted rate. No extra payment will be given. 114.00 Material and labour for Cleaning of RCC OH reservior 20000 gallon cap internally by brushing walls, floors and through washing and removing all dirt, muds etc through drain out pipe complete after than useing two coat lime coating properly on internal surface of tank including writing date of cleaning with white letters in black back ground of size 80 mmx60 mm complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. NOTE :- Cleaning and lime coating of RCC Tank/ UG SUMP will be done in the presence of JE and Enginr-in- charge at the site and cleaning repot submit by contractor before paying of RAR and final bill 115.00 Material and labour for Cleaning of RCC semi UG clear water sump 100,000 gallon cap internally by brushing walls, floors and through washing and removing all dirt, muds etc by pumping out or by manually complete including writing date of cleaning with white letters in black back ground of size 80 mmx60 mm complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. NOTE :- Cleaning and lime coating of RCC Tank/ UG SUMP will be done in the presence of JE and Enginr-in- charge at the site and cleaning repot submit by contractor before paying of RAR and final bill 116.00 Material and labour for Cleaning of RCC semi UG clear water sump 50,000 gallon cap internally by brushing walls, floors and through washing and removing all dirt, muds etc by pumping out or by manuually complete after than useing two coat lime coating properly on internal surface of tank including writing date of cleaning with white letters in black back ground of size 80 mmx60 mm complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge.NOTE :- Cleaning and lime coating of RCC Tank/ UG SUMP will be done in the presence of JE and Enginr-in- charge at the site and cleaning repot submit by contractor before paying of RAR and final bill 117.00 Material and labour for Cleaning of RCC semi UG clear water sump 20,000 gallon cap internally by brushing walls, floors and through washing and removing all dirt, muds etc by pumping out or by manuually complete including writing date of cleaning with white letters in black back ground of size 80 mmx60 mm complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. NOTE :- Cleaning and lime coating of RCC Tank/ UG SUMP will be done in the presence of JE and Enginr-in- charge at the site and cleaning repot submit by contractor before paying of RAR and final bill 118.00 Material and labour for repairs and replacement of chlorination plant cylindrical type capacity 100 Kg Cylinder with following Accessories. (a ) MS iron heavy duty chlorin cylinder capacity 100 Kg.(b) chlorinatore complete unit capacity 4kg/hrs Make suprime(c ) vacum pump capacity 2 HP.(d ) UPVC pipe 40mm dia for inlet and outlet connection system approximate lenght 25 mtr Each.NOTE :- Testing and commitioning and installing charges including in qouted rate all as specified and directed. 119.00 Material and labour for dismantling and taking out complete cholorine cylinder capacity 100 Kg for refiling carefully and carrying to wksp and back after refiling and reassembble, pipe connection at on original position all as specified and directed.