Request for proposals for Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study for the Proposed Construction of a Solid Waste Material Recovery Facility in Kakuma, Turkana County. Closing Date: 24 Jan 2025 Type: Consultancy Themes: Climate Change and Environment/Recovery and Reconstruction/Water Sanitation Hygiene Project task: Proposed construction of one (1) solid waste Material Recovery Facility (clean MRF) in Kakuma Municipality. Submission deadline: 24th January 29025 at 2359 hours (EAT) RFP Submission: Submit a technical proposal, work-plan, and supporting attachments for the assignment as described in Part D of these terms of reference (TOR). Submit a financial proposal (signed and stamped) in the prescribed format provided in Part E of these TOR. Submit a detailed financial breakdown in Excel format as a supporting document. All submissions to be made to email as per the specifications below: Submission email: Subject line: MOFA2/MRF/ESIA Proposals received after 24th January 2025 at 2359 hours (EAT) will not be considered. ABOUT THE CLIENT (PEACE WINDS) Peace Winds is a non-profit and non-governmental organization established in 1996. Peace Winds in Kenya exists to improve the quality of life and service delivery in communities that are affected by forced displacement, natural disasters, conflict, poverty, and other inequalities. In Turkana County, Peace Winds in partnership with the Government of Japan and in collaboration with the Kakuma Municipality is implementing a Project for establishment of a decentralized solid waste management system for a recyclable society in Kakuma Municipality, Turkana County. Peace Winds provides solid waste management interventions in the Kakuma and Kalobeyei Wards of Turkana West Sub County. Our aim is to reduce waste emission and improve environmental hygiene by establishing a community-based decentralized solid waste management system which entails infrastructure and service provision of waste collection, segregation, sorting, and recycling within the project area. GENERAL ASSIGNMENT/PROJECT DETAILS The assignment: Peace Winds seeks applications from consultant(s) who are licensed by NEMA (National Environmental Management Authority) to conduct an environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) for the construction of one (1) Material Recovery Facility (MRF) within Kakuma Municipality in Turkana County - Kenya. An MRF is a small-scale workshop which is designed and equipped to receive, separate, and sort solid waste, then clean, compress, and prepare the usable waste materials to be marketed for safe reuse and recycling. We think of it as a specialized community sorting centre where we can take back usable materials (like bottles, cans, paper, metals, glass, and plastics) from the things we throw away as general waste using manual and mechanical processes. The recovered materials are then reduced in volume and packaged for transportation to the recyclable market so that they can be used again or processed into new products. Proposed facility: The MRF is a 22m long by 15m wide by 6m high structure within a fenced compound of about 200m2 fenced facility which will be used to sort different types of dry solid waste such as plastics. (Please note that according to project design, wet/organic waste will not be processed at the MRF because it will be processed at a different facility called a Transfer Station which is far from the MRF). Proposed facility location (project site): The MRF will be located at unreferenced land in Kakuma town within Turkana West Sub-County of Turkana County in Kenya. The land is being allocated to the proponent by the County Government of Turkana. Population estimates: The project area has an estimated population of 300,000 people. Methods of waste transportation and handling: Waste will be transported to the MRF while packed in sacks/sorting bags and carried by handcarts, three-wheel light duty trucks (TukTuks), and lorries. At the MRF, waste sorting will be carried out manually to remove recyclable items from the waste stream. Sorted waste will be baled, crushed, and/or shredded at the MRF and be packed for sale as recyclable material, while residual waste will be packed for final disposal at the designated landfill site. Estimated project cost: For the purposes of estimating ESIA processing and monitoring fees payable to NEMA (0.1% of the total project cost), this project costs about KES 15,000,000 (Fifteen million Kenya shillings only). PART B: SPECIFIC TECHNICAL ASSIGNMENT/PROJECT DETAILS Technical specifications of assignment: The project assessment should investigate and analyze the anticipated environmental, social, and biophysical impacts of the proposed development in line requirements, processes, and procedures of the Kenya Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations of 2003; as read with any other applicable rules and regulations. As a general rule, assessments must be conducted in compliance with the EIA guidelines provided by NEMA. Objectives of the ESIA a) To obtain background biophysical information of the site and legal and regulatory issues associated with the project development. b) To ensure public/neighborhood participation in the project development. c) To identify possible environmental and social risks and impacts, both positive and negative, in the proposed area during the site preparation, construction, operationalization, and decommissioning phases of the project. d) To assess the significance and relative importance of the identified risks and impacts in project development, including the project site, design, and project plans. e) To make suggestions of possible alterations to the proposed design, based on the assessment findings. f) To propose preventive, mitigation, and compensatory measures for the significant negative impacts of the project to safeguard the environment and the people in the project area. g) To generate baseline data for monitoring, auditing, and evaluating how well the mitigation measures are being implemented during the project cycle. Scope of the assignment The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) will be conducted at one site within Kakuma Municipality. The assessment will involve the physical examination, and interviews with beneficiaries, relevant consultants, and government agencies. The consultant(s) will generate and submit an environmental and social impacts assessment study report by systematically examining all proposed activities. At a minimum, the submitted report should cover the following aspects: i. Nature of the project; ii. Project location and the physical area that may be affected by the project activities; iii. The activities that shall be undertaken during the project phases; The potential environmental and social impact of the project and mitigation measures to be undertaken during and after the project cycle; iv. An action plan for the prevention and management of possible accidents during the project cycle; v. Design and development of environmental and social management tools; vi. A plan to safeguard the health and safety of project site workers and neighboring communities. vii. The economic and sociocultural impacts on the local community and the nation in general; viii. Any other information that the proponent may be requested to provide by NEMA. Key tasks of assignment include but are not limited to the following broad terms of reference: Expectations from Peace Winds (Client) and conditions of engagement: Peace Winds expects the consultant to facilitate all processes, procedures, requirements, and payments on behalf of the client (Peace Winds) until the client receives a valid NEMA EIA approval certificate. In addition, a. It is expected that the anticipated level of effort (LoE) for the assignment is 17 man-days that can be executed within a span of three-point five (3.5) calendar weeks. Therefore, the consultant should ensure that even in the case of delays occasioned by the consultant or the client, the final ESIA report should be submitted to NEMA within a maximum of four (4) weeks from the contracts execution date. b. The consultant will execute this assignment in accordance with these terms of reference (TOR) and the relevant requirements (the Environmental Management and Co-ordination (Amendment) Act (EMCA), 2015; the Sustainable Solid Waste Management Act, 2022; and the Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) (Amendment) Regulations, 2019. c. The consultant is a licensed EIA service provider and assigned personnel will be adequately qualified to discharge the assignment. d. The consultant will collaborate with the Peace Winds project team to develop the work plan, including scope and input. e. The consultant will propose and submit a fair budget/price plan. f. All reports, outputs, and/or intellectual property works produced during the assignment will become the property of Peace Winds, and the consultant must deliver these upon the consultancys expiration. g. The consultants contact person will work with the Peace Winds MOFA Project Team in Kakuma, with overall guidance of the Project Coordinator. Day to day supervision will be done by the Peace Winds project staff. Support provided by Peace Winds (the Client) to the consultant PWJ will provide the consultant with the following support while they are undertaking the assignment: a. Transport during field activity (transport to the project location/airfare if required, local transportation at the project location, and transport during departure from the project location/airfare if required); b. Necessary access to the project site; c. Costs for venue, stationery, and refreshments during participant engagement meetings; d. Mobilization of participants and key informants to public participation forums and key informant consultations; e. Any available project documentation requi Tender Link :