Quotation are Invited for Replacement of Hv Cable Box Bellows Replacement of Hv Cable Box Bellowsbrief Steps Outlined below. Mos to be Submitted along with Offer Whichwill be Considered Final.1. #Hv Cable Box Bellow (Dn 600- 600 Mm Dia Bellows)Replacement Workafter Receiving the Appropriate Equipment Outage.2.#Hv Cable Box U, v & W Phase Oil Drained in Storage Tank.3.#Hv Links are Removed from All Three Phases and Kept in Oil Filledstorage Tank (Arranged by Contractor).4.#Hot Oil Circulation Started in Storage Tank, after Completion Oilsample Send to Dewa Lab (Bdv, Water Content, Tan Delta)5.#Turrets, Covers and All Required to Replace Bellows are removed.bellows Replaced and All Removed O-Rings are Replaced with New Ones.(Bellows Provided by Dewa, O-Rings by Contractor) Standard Terms & Conditions 1) Prices should be Ddp Delivery Duty Paid at Dewa Stores. 2) Quotation to be Submitted only in Local Currency u.a.e Dirhams 3) Dewa Standard Payment Terms is 30 Days Credit from the Date of Acceptance of Material 4) No Dewa Staff or His or Her Relatives up to Third Degree should have Ownership or Partnership in Your Company, and Your Participation in Dewa Tenders / Rfqs should not Constitute a Conflict or Perceived Conflict of Interest. Supplier Registration: Https://srm.dewa.gov.ae/Irj/Portal/Anonymous/Regis Tender Link : https://srm.dewa.gov.ae/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZSRM_RFX_REG_BID_SRV/AttachmentSet(2332500157)/$value
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