Supply Of "O" Ring Set For D1 Pilot Valve (Mod.)Magnet Valve Model Sr3008/3055, Consis Ting Of 08 Items:- 1. Ma "O" Ring, Rotex Pt.No.22-01, 2.Guide "O" Ring, Rotex Pt.No.32-01, 3. Pilot "O" Ri Ng, Rotex Pt.No.21-01, 4.Body "O" Ring, Rotex Pt.No.20-02, 5. Piston "O" Ring, Rotex Pt.No.18-01, 6.Seal "O" Ring, Rotex Pt.No.19-02, 7. Manifold %U201co%U201d Ring, Rotex Pt.No.24-02, 8. Coil Gasket, Rote X Pt.No.35-01. [ Warranty Period: 30 Months After The Date Of Delivery ] [Quantity Tolerance (+/-): 5 %Age , Item Category : Normal , Total Po Value Variation Permitted: Max 8 Lacs ] ] Amm-D(D) Kyn, Cr Maharashtra 635.00 Set
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