Registration Of Prices For The Acquisition Of Consumable, Cleaning, Office And Permanent Goods Materials To Meet The Needs Of The Amazonas Regional Dentistry Council, In Accordance With The Conditions, Quantities And Requirements Established In This Instrument. Established In Notice.. Powdered Milk,Coffee,Sugar,Sweetener,Sugar,Cleaning Solution,Bleach,Paper Towel,Toilet Paper,Toilet Paper,Paper Napkin,Plastic Trash Bag,Plastic Trash Bag,Plastic Trash Bag,Disposable Cup,Disposable Cup, Plate,Disposable Spoon,Disposable Cutlery,Cutlery Disposable, Detergent, Sanitary Deodorizer, Bar Soap, Ethyl Alcohol, Spray Bottle, Cleaning Cloth, Multipurpose Cleaning Solution, Deodorant / Air Freshener, Disinfectant, Liquid Soap, Soap, Cleaning Sponge, Steel Wool, Wet Mop, Wet Mop, Cleaning Solution Multipurpose, Transport Trolley, General Cleaning Brush, Broom, Gardening Broom, Cleaning Cloth, Glass Cleaner, Bucket, Bowl, Cutlery, Coffee Strainer, Household Utensil, Milk Bowl, Dish Cloth, Jar, Food Container, Cup, Tray, Tray, Teapot, Thermos, Kettle, Food Pot, Spoon, Knife, Protector Solar,Thermal Bottle,Thermal Bottle,Umbrella,Surgical Mask,Foot Rest,Agenda,Clip,Adhesive Tape,Whiteboard Eraser,Adhesive Tape,Flip Chart Board,Formatted Printing Paper,Message Pad,Message Pad,Message Pad, Ordinary Ruler, Scissors, Paint For Stamp, Mail Box, Pen Holder, Pencil Sharpener, Writing Eraser Eraser, Stapler, Glue, Staple Extractor, Cd Permanent Marker Brush, Cd Permanent Marker Brush, Atomic Brush, Whiteboard / Magnetic Brush, Hydrographic Marker, Glue, Concealer Tape, Stack,Stack,Thermosensitive Paper,Pen Ballpoint, Envelope, Electronic Calculator, Portable Clipboard