Tenders are invited for Aleday Shed to Nile Sisay House 240 Meters, Cobblestone Road Repair Gravel Road Package/Noaykele Main/1/24/25 from Alemken Shed to Abay Sisay House 240 Meters Lot 1 Cobblestone Road Maintenance Package/No Aymel/C/Man/01/24/25 499.82 Km Lot 1 Water Line Maintenance 75 Meters Package/No Aymel/C/Man/01/24/25 Construction Works from Level 7 to Level 1, Central Gondar Zone Aykel City Administration Finance Office G/F/As/Ad in the Internal Revenue of the City and the Regional Budget for the infrastructure work carried out by the Office of the I/K/AS/M/B/Co/Age, i.e. gravel road Package/NoAYKELE MAIN/1/24/25 from Aleday Shed to Nile Sisay House 240 meters, cobblestone road repair Package/No AYMEL/C/MAN/01/24/25 499.82 cm Water line repair 75 m Package/No AYMEL/C/MAN/01/24/25 Construction works from level 7 to Step 1 requires the contractors to make a clear bid Region: Amhara Bid document price: 100.00 Birr 6. If the bidders are organized in small groups, they can purchase the bidding documents free of charge from the Aikel City Office, Office No. 29, G/F/N/AS, by paying a non-refundable fee of 100.00 /one hundred birr/ for each lot and by submitting a current and addressed proof to the office. 7. Bidders must provide a Bid Bond for Lot 1 Gravel Road 28,297.00 (Twenty Eight Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Seven Thousand Birr) Lot 2 Cobblestone Road Maintenance 30,574 (Thirty Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Four Birr) Lot 1 Water Line Maintenance Birr 5,453 (Five Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Three Birr) Certified Payment Order (CPO) Non-Conditional Bank Guarantee in Cash. Bidders who pay in cash must submit a copy of the receipt from the office of the Revenue Commissioners along with their bid documents. Also, if they are small-scale organizations, they must submit a current letter of support from their organizing office stating that they are eligible to compete in the bid. 8. Bidders should carefully deposit the bid envelope and the document in one or two identical copies, one original and one copy, in the Bid Box No. 30, Office of the Secretary of State for Work Procedures, from 05/05/2017 to 25/05/2017 during regular business hours, 2:30-6:30 and 7:30-11:30. [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://tender.2merkato.com/tenders/67864a8a374cbe7391634057
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