Quotation are invited for Supply, Delivery and Installation of Gym Equipment. 1. AIR STRENGTH & WALKING Piece 10 2. SHOULDER PULL & SHOULDER PRESS Piece 6 3. STEPPER & LEG EXTENSION Piece 2 4. CALLISTHETIC GYMNASTIC EQUIPMENT Piece 4 Requests for clarification from bidders will not be accepted any later than 07/01/2025. Responses to request for clarification will be both published at IOM website and sent by email by 08/01/2025. Bidders shall Include the following Documents in Their Quotation: Quotation Submission Form Duly Completed and Signed Brochures with Technical Specifications and Photos of the Offered Equipment Bidders Declaration of Conformity Duly Completed and Signed Tender Link : https://cyprus.iom.int/tenders
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