Acquisition Of Hospital Medical Supplies To Meet The Needs Of The Fundação Hospital Estadual Do Acre Fundhacre.. Transducer Medical Use,Percutaneous Nephrostomy Set,Percutaneous Nephrostomy Set,Lithographic Sponge,Enzymatic Detergent,Chemical Indicator,Probe,Digestive Tract Probe,Digestive Tract Probe,Digestive Tract Probe,Urinary Tract Probe,Urinary Tract Probe,Urinary Tract Probe,Urinary Tract Probe ,Urinary Tract Probe,Tract Probe Urinary,Urinary Tract Probe,Urinary Tract Probe,Urinary Tract Probe,Urinary Tract Probe,Urinary Tract Probe,Urinary Tract Probe,Medical Device Fixator,Digestive Tract Probe,Digestive Tract Probe,Digestive Tract Probe,Digestive Tract Probe,Tract Probe Digestive,Digestive Tract Probe,Digestive Tract Probe,Probe Digestive Tract,Digestive Tract Probe,Digestive Tract Probe,Tracheal Aspiration Catheter,Tracheal Aspiration Catheter,Tracheal Aspiration Catheter,Tracheal Aspiration Catheter,Tracheal Aspiration Catheter,Tracheal Aspiration Catheter,Tracheal Aspiration Catheter,Tracheal Aspiration Catheter,Tracheal Aspiration Catheter,Urinary Tract Probe ,Tract Probe Urinary Tract Probe, Urinary Tract Probe, Urinary Tract Probe, Urinary Tract Probe, Manual Surgical Saw, Surgical Forceps, Central Catheter, Laboratory Blade, Digestive Tract Probe, Disinfectant, Blade Holder, Faucet, External Urinary Incontinence Device, External Incontinence Device Urinary,External Device Urinary Incontinence, External Device For Urinary Incontinence, External Device For Urinary Incontinence, Central Catheter, Central Catheter, Bottle, Medical Examination Gel, Portable Monitor, Digestive Tract Probe, Absorbable Hemostatic, Thermosensitive Paper, Thermosensitive Paper, Conductive Paste, Condom Female,Thermometer,Hospital Tube,Tube Hospital,Bandage,Bandage,Bandage,Bandage,Bandage,Bandage,Medical Use Cotton,Medical Use Cotton,Medical Use Cotton,Orthopedic Tubular Mesh,Orthopedic Tubular Mesh,Orthopedic Tubular Mesh,Bone Wax,Surgical Use Clip,Surgical Use Clip, Central Catheter, Humidifier And Ambient Purifier, Laryngoscope, Lamp - Laryngoscope,Battery,Laryngoscope Blade,Laryngoscope Blade,Laryngoscope Blade,Tracheostomy Cannula,Tracheostomy Cannula,Tracheostomy Cannula