Price Registration For Hiring Company(S) To Supply Personal Protective Equipment (Ppe), Such As Helmets, Raincoats, Sunscreens, Insect Repellents, Welding Masks, Occupational Protective Glasses, Leggings, Clothing Such As Caps, Hats, Cuffs, Among Others; Including Delivery Logistics, To Meet The Demands Of The Secretariats And Entities Linked To The Municipality Of Maringá (Pr), The Indirect Or Local Administration. Raincoat,Raincoat,Sunscreen,Sunscreen,Repellent,Safety Belt,Raincoat,Raincoat,Sunscreen,Sunscreen,Repellent,Seat Belt,Sunscreen,Cleaning Paste,Insulating Sleeve,Insulating Sleeve,Protective Clothing,Clothing Protection,Protective Clothing,Legging,Legging,Legging,Safety Helmet,Safety Helmet,Helmet Safety, Safety Helmet, Cap, Protective Clothing, Cap, Face Shield, Safety Glasses, Safety Glasses, Safety Glasses, Safety Glasses, Safety Glasses, Safety Glasses, Safety Glasses, Welder Mask, Welder Mask, Welder Mask, Industrial / Safety Lens, Industrial/Safety Lens,Ear Protector,Hear Protector,Protective Headset, Safety Equipment Accessory, Fall Arrest (Epi), Rope