Special Repair Of Bldg No- 121A Of Wksp Eme Type P At And Other Sanctioned Works Under Ge (A) No.1 Jodhpur- 1 Dismantling, floor, hearth or wall tiling including cement mortar bedding (but not backing) andrubbish off the premises complete all as specified and directed. 2 Dismantling of Stone slabs in roofs, suspended floors, chajjas, landings, etc., any thickness, jointed in any mortar. 3 Demolition of unreinforced cement concrete in ground floors and pavings not exceeding 15cm thickness ( below or above ground level) of any description and removing rubbish to out side MD land complete all as specified and as directed. 4 M&Lfor 25 mm thick cement concrete 1:2:4, type B-0 (using 12.50 mm graded crushed stone aggregate), as in base course, to receive floor finishes, complete all as specified & directed. 5 M&L for joint free non skid ceramic coloured tiles (premium quality) of size 6 to 8 mm thick (square/rectangular) area of each tiles exceeding 0.18 Sqm but not exceeding 0.38 Sqm (size & shape, shade and pattern as approved by GE), as infloors etc set and jointed in neat cementslurry and pointed in white or coloured cementto match the colour of tiles over and including M&L 15mm thick screed bed or bedding layer in CM 1:4,complete all as specified and directed. 6 M & L 18-20mm thick machine cut Kota stone slab as in flooring ,cooking plateforms / treads of steps from etc over screed bed base ,laid and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match with shade of slab including rubbing and polishing over and including 20mm thick screed bed in cement mortor 1:4 complete all as specified & directed. 7 M & L 18 to 20 mm thick machine cut Kota stone in riser of steps, skirting, dado and piller laid and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match with shade of slab including rubbing and polishingincluding 10 mm thick rendering in cement mortor 1:6 completeall as specified and directed. 8 M&L for glazed colour ceramic tiles of size 450x300x7mm, laid in vertical surface dado/skirtingjoint free etc, set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in coloured tiles to match the shade of tiles over and including M&L 10 mm thick rendering in CM1:3 over stone masonry surfaces & finished even & rough to receive tiles, complete all as specified & directed 9 M&L for Granite slab 20mm thick machine cut, factory polished, Jet Black colour, as in WHB plateform and cooking plateform bedded and jointed with grey cement slurry and pointed with white cement (1:2) with admixture of pigment to match the shade of granite stone over and including screed bed or bedding layer of mortar 15 mm thick in cement mortar 1:4,complete all as specified and directed. 10 M&L for 18-20 mm thickmachine cut green marble slab (size as approved by GE), as in window cills, (table rubbed and polished) best quality as per sample, including &over 10 mm thick screeding in CM1:4, including pointing in white cement (1:2) using marble dust with admixture of pigment to match with shade of stone complete all as specified and as directed. 11 M&L for rounding to edges of stones slabs one edge , such as in steps, cooking platform, and other similar situations, complete all as specified and as directed. 12 M &Lfor fabrication of pressed steel cupboard shuttersusing 0.80 mm thick MS plain sheet & with frame 1.00 to 1.25 mm thick bent to shape incl two coats of synthetic enamel paint on internal surfaces & two coats of hammer tone finish on external surfaces alongwith locking arrangement mortice lock handle etc., complete all as specified and as directed. 13 Complete removal of existing water proofing treatment of any description including bedding up to the true surface of original concrete, inRCC roof slab / stone patty and roughening the old surfaces by picking, sweeping clean and washing down with water to remove dust etc includingremoving rubbish to out side MD land and provide plastring 10 mm thickin CM (1:4) finished even & smooth over theRCC roof slab / stone patty for laying of water proofing treatmentusing water proofing compound (WPC) as per manufacturer instructionand including providing the following as roof treatment complete all as specified andas directed : - (a)FIRST COURSE: Applying a coat of bituminous primer @ 0.4 litre / Sqm manufactured by the same agency that of APP with a density 0.87 to 0.89 Kg/litre at 25 degree celsius on prepared plastred surfaces. (b) SECOND COURSE: Applying one coat of bonding material using blown type bitumen conforming to IS-702 grade 85/25 @ 1.20 Kg/Sqm (c) THIRD COURSE : Provide a layer of APP modified polymeric membrane centre core of 100mm micron HMHDPE, outer film 20 micron each, thickness 3.00mm having weight not less than 3.00 Kg/Sqm using butane torch with minimum 10cm side lap and 15cm end lap complete (d) FOURTH COURSE : Applying one coat of bonding material using blown type bitumen confirming to IS- 702 grade 85/25 @ 1.20 Kg/Sqm.(e) FIFTH COURSE : M&L 40mm thick PCC 1:2:4 type B-0 using 12.5mm graded crushed stone aggregate in roof padding , the surface of concrete is to be finished even and fair with out using extra cement NOTE :- WPC shall be measured and paid separately under respective 14 Taking down cement plaster any description on brick or stone walls, RCC surfaces, etc including racking out joints, hacking for key, scrubbing down with water etc and removal of rubbish off the premises and leaving the work clear of any plastering complete all as specified and as directed. 15 M&L rendering 15mm thick in cement mortar 1:6 internal on stone masonry surfaces ,finished even and smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified and as directed. 16 M&L for 15mm thick rendering in CM 1:4 finished even and smooth without extra cement on stone wall surface, finishesh even and fair, complete all as specified & directed. 17 M&L for 5mm thick rendering in CM 1:3 finished even and smooth without extra cement on Ceilings complete all as specified & directed. 18 M&L Preparing new plastered or unplastered wall surfacesand applying with 1.5-2 mm thick wall care putty including rubbing with sand paper to obtain a smooth surface and making good any undulations on the surfaces and applying two coats of oil bound distemper over & including M&L one coat of alkali primer on walls complete all as specified and as directed. 19 M&L for preparation of newly plastered or unplastered surfaces of ceilings and applying three coats of white wash complete all as specified and directed. 20 M&L 75 mm thick PCC 1:4:8 type D2 using 40mm graded crushed stone aggregate as in sub base as in floor complete all as specified and as directed . 21 M & L for applying Two or more coats of 100% Premium acrylic emulsion paint having VOC less than 50 gm/litre and UV resistance as per IS 15489:2004, Alkali & fungal resistance, dirt resistance exterior paint of required shade (Company Depot Tinted) with silicon additives @ 1.43 litre/ 10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 0.90 litre/ 10 sqm over new surfaces complete all as specified & directed. 22 Taking down steel windows and ventilators ( glazed / fly proof) of any description complete all as specified and as directed. 23 M&L factory made box type steel window side hung shutter, with pintle hinges & 2 Nos 150mm mild steel tower bolts to each shutter, steel handle and as shown in Drg No CEJZ/TD/20 sheet1/3 to 3/3 complete with glazing bars & with or without cooler opening, dovetailed or welded and with one shop coat of zinc chromate primer (with or without cooler opening),complete all as specified and directed.Note:- (i)-:Both shutter (wherever applicable) will be jointed internally with flat iron of size 40 x 4mm and quoted rate deemed to include the cost component of the same. (ii)-Glass panes, guard bar & wire cloth shall be measured and paid seperately. 24 All as per item No. 21.00 here-in-above, but without glazing bar 25 M&L for 3mm thick, plainsheet glass ordinary quality and glazing,with oil putty or with wooden beads(supplied alongwith shutters), in squares n.exc 0.50 Sqm complete all as specified & directed. 26 S&F Galvanised mild steel wire cloth, 0.56mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.18mm and fixed with tinned tacks, or galvanised wire staples complete all as specified & directed. 27 M&L for mild steel work as in chimney bars (straight or camber); bearing bars; tongues or water bars for window frames; window guard bars, plain, let in and fixed independently in wooden frames, L or T section supports for shelves etc. and similar articles conforming to Fe-290 Gde E-165, including single coatZn Cr shop primer coating, complete all as specified and as directed. 28 M&L preparation of steel surfaces of any description over 10cm width or girth not otherwise described and apply two coats of synthetic enamel paint over & including M&L single coat ofred oxide zinc chrome primer complete all as specified & directed 29 M&L for laying 40-50 mm thick Machine cut sand stone slabs as in Plinth protections laid over and including 20 mm thick cement sand screed in CM1:4 over 50 mm thick PCC all as specified and directed incl filling the joints of sand stone slabs with neat cement mixed with pigment to match the shade of slabs complete all as specified & directed. 30 Taking down chowkhats or framewith shutters (without taking of shutters from the frames) area exc 1.5 Sqm but not exceeding 4 Sqm each, complete all as directed. 31 M & L Pressed steel frames of size 165X60mm of 1.25mm thick for doors with one or more rebates including necessary fixing lugs. hinges, lock strike plate,etc., complete all as specified and as directed. 32 M&L for plain cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-1 by using 20 mm graded stone aggregate as in bed block for fixing of hold fast, as in filling pressed steel frame, concrete shall be compressedall as specified and directed. 33 S & F 35mm thick factory made second class hardwood glazed and Skelton door shutters, open rebated and prepared to receive glass/gauze etc divided into squares with plain, chamfered or rounded mitered and rebated sash bars, edges of framing plain, chamfered, fitting with cut and rebated beads for securing glass/ gauge complete all as specified in SSR Pt I-1991 section 8 clause 8.24 (a) and as directed. 34 M&L factory Made flush shutters, 40 mm thick solid core with block board coreconstruction and plywood face panels, one face is covered with decorative face veneer with lipping/frame to match and other commercial type, as per IS 2202(part-I, 1999) . The stiles & rails shall be with out any joint and made with non- coniferous timber hard wood (Hillock/ Mirantee/ Bosum/ Benteak) with moisture content not less than 12% as per IS. The face panel comprising of ply wood or cross band and face veneers shall be glued by hot pressed process. The over all finished thickness of face panel shall not be less than 40mm while the thickness face veneer shall not be less than 0.6 mm complete all as specified and directed. 35 M & L for preparing new or previously untreated wood and wood based surfaces of any description otherwise described, over 10cm width or girth and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint (Ordinary tint) over & including M&L single coat of pink primer complete all as specified and as directed. 36 S &F of mild steel butt hinges 100 mm size complete all as specified & directed. 37 S & F floor door stopper of alluminium alloy body and toungue anodised with hard drawn steel spring 140mm long complete all as specified & directed. 38 S&F aluminumanodised handle extruded sectionof size 150mm longcomplete all as specified & directed. 39 S&F of aluminium alloy anodised sliding door bolt woth hasp and stalpe (bolt type and fixings clips of sheet cast or extruded sections and fixings bolts and sliding bolts of extruded sections and fixed 16mm dia and 300mm long complete all as specified and directed. 40 Demolition of stone/boulder masonry, built in cement mortar including all quoins, arches, pillars, etc, but excluding ashlar facings, dressed stonework and precast concrete articles complete all as specified & as directed. 41 M&L for squarred rubble walling Jodhpur type regular coursed well bonded ,bedded and solidly hearted built in cement mortar 1:6 complate all as specified and directed. 42 Extra over squared rubble stone walling Jodhpur type regular course for hammer dressing to face of stone with max depression on face from a straight edge not exc 20mm and dressing complete all as specified and directed. 43 M&L precast cement concrete block masonry using PCC 1:2:4, type B-1 solid blocks, 10 cm thick and setting in cement mortar 1:4, straight or curved on plan exceeding 6 m mean radius complete all as specified and directed. 44 M&L for Rotational moulded polythene water storage tanks of 500 ltrs capacity, white three layered (ISI marked) (Cylinderically vertical with closed top) hoisted and fixed in postion all as specified in SSR Part-I with PTMT ball valve heigh pressure with epoxy coated aluminium rod and high density plastic ball suitable for 20mm bore pipe weight not less than 210gms including dismantling old existing tanks, complete all as specified and as directed. 45 Taking up or down 25mm bore steel tubing, fixed to wall/ceiling or laid in trenches/floor and connections including cleaning for refixing or credited to contractor complete all as specified and as directed. 46 Taking up or down 20mm bore steel tubing, fixed to wall/ceiling or laid in trenches/floor and connections including cleaning for refixing or credited to contractor complete all as specified and as directed. 47 Taking up or down 15mm bore steel tubing, fixed to wall/ceiling or laid in trenches/floor and connections including cleaning for refixing or credited to contractor complete all as specified and as directed. 48 S&F GI tubing (ISI marked) 25mm bore medium grade with all fittings, fixed to wall/ceiling or laid in trenches/floorand fixed complete to walls and ceiling or laid in floors, complete all as specified and as directed. 49 S&F GI tubing (ISI marked) 20mm bore medium grade with all fittings, fixed to wall/ceiling or laid in trenches/floorand fixed complete to walls and ceiling or laid in floors, complete all as specified and as directed. 50 S&F Galvanised steel water tubing medium grade of 15mm bore with all fitings,fixed to wall/ceiling or laid in trenches/floor including cutting chases, pinning in & making good to disturbed portion to match the existing surface etc., complete all as specified and as directed. and fixtures complete. 51 S&F as in replacement oflight coloured (Ivory) vitreous china, wash hand basin of size 550mm X 400mmflat back with pedestalIncluding bracket , CP waste coupling ,chain and plug, 2 Nos PVC connection15 mm size & 45-60cm long & PVC Waste coupling & flexible waste pipe complete all as directed. 52 S&Fas in replacement of pillar tap, brass, 15mm dia, with capston heads, chromium plated,fancy type screwed down, high pressure, with or without lettered hot or cold, with long shank, screwed shanks and fly nuts, screwed for iron pipes or for wash hand basin all as specified and as directed. 53 S&F in replacement ofCP fancy type towel rail 600 mm long fixed with and including CP brass screws and wooden/ plastic cleats complete all as specified. 54 S&Fas in replacement of Soap dish, cromium plated , any type, fixed to plugs with chromium plated brass screws all as specified and directed. 55 Supply and layingmachine pressed / factory made chamfered edge cement concrete rubberised interlocking paver block, 60mm thick with 6 mm thick top layersof anti abrasive material of M-35 grade with any colour, design & pattern, & size/ shape, as approved by GE as in footpath, parks, lawns, drive ways or light traffic parking etc., of required strength, thicknessmade by table vibratory method using PU mould, laid in required colour & pattern over and including M&L 50mm thick compacted bed of fine sand, compacting and proper embedding/ laying of inter locking paver blocks into the sand bedding layer through vibratory compaction by using plate vibrator, filling the joints with sand and cutting of paver blocks as per required size and pattern, finishing and sweeping extra sand, complete all as specified and directed. 56 Supply and laying machine / factory made kerb stone of M-25 grade,at or near ground level, cement concrete in position to the required line, level and curvature, jointed with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand), including making joints with or without grooves (thickness of joints except at sharp curve shall not to more than 5 mm), including making drainage opening wherever required, complete all as specified and directed. 57 M&L Providing Cement concrete (1:2:4) type B-0 using 12.5 mm graded stoneaggregate in roof kerbs or mud stops, rounded or chamfered on edges complete all as specified and directed. 58 M&L for RCC M-25 grade Design Mixas in Slabs supported on walls, beamsand columns in floors, roofs, landings, balconies,and in shelves and the like 59 M&L for HYSD steel TMT bars 10mm dia and over, cut to length, bent to shape required, includingcranking, bending spirally forcolumns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire(annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips complete all as sepecified and directed. 60 M&L for HYSD steel TMT bars 6 to 8 mm dia cut to length, bent to shape required, including cranking, bending spirally forcolumns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips complete all as sepecified and directed. 61 M&L for Formwork to soffits of suspended slabs such as roof slabs, floor slabs, landings and similar work; not exceeding 200mm thick (Horizontal or sloping) for achieving fair finished surfaces flat concrete complete all as specified and directed. 62 M&L for Formwork to edges of concrete flats,floor and roofs n exc 20 cm wide and sides of RCC/ PCC bands in walls, horizontal or sloping and similar work exc 10cm but n exc 20cm wide for achieving fair finished surfaces flat concrete complete all as specified and directed. 63 M & L for mild steel framed work as in brackets etc for cooler stands,supportings frame workfor sun shadeetc framed steps/stairs etc complete using MS railing/angle iron Steel bars gusset plate etc complete all as specified & directed complete. 64 S&F plates (plain or / chequered) channels square cut or notched (ordinary and counter sunk) forming holes with riveted bolted or welding attachement, confirming to Fe 410-W (grade -E-250) quality A complete all as specified and directed. 65 M&L prepainted Galvalume aluminium zinc coating GI based corrugated steel sheet 0.5mm thick of anycolour having tensile strength of 550 Mpa as in roof covering / cladding to wall, fixed with self tapping screws complete all as specified and as directed. 66 S&F 5 - 6 mm thickbevelled edges high quality looking mirror fancy type fixed to wall with chromium plated screw with cup washers etc complete all as specified and as directed 67 S&F 15mm bore chromium plated bib taps, fancy type cast copper alloy with crutch or butterfly handle, screwed down, screwed for iron pipe or for brass ferrule complete all as specified. 68 M&L for precast RCC 1:2:4 Type B 1 using 20mm graded stone aggregate as in manhole/drain cover with hole/without hole hoisted & laying in position as directed. 69 M&L cement concrete bed to drain pipe including packing under and haunching against side of pipe after they are laid and tested in cement concrete 1:3:6 typeC-2 using 40 mm graded stone aggregate for 150 mm dia pipe complete all as specified and directed. 70 Supply & laying jointing and testing 150mm bore reinfirced conctete pipes class NP-2 laid and jointed in cement mortor 1:1 complete with collars or socket/spigot type laid jointed and haunching at side in cement complete all as specified and directed. 71 Cutting into existing manholes for connecting 150 mm new drains, making good to pipe and rendering, cutting out existing benching for and forming branch channel (1/2 round or 3/4 section) in cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-1 smooth finished, and reforming benching as required. 72 M&L for dark shade vitrified ceramic tiles, 9-10 mm thick (square/ rectagular) polished, area of each tiles not exceeding 0.36 sqm,(size & shape, shade and pattern as approved by GE), as in floors etc. set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match shade of tiles, over & including M&L 15 mm thick screed bed in cement mortar 1:6, including roughening surfaces of old concrete floor, complete all as specified and directed. 73 All as per item No. 72.00 here-in-above, but as in skirting over & including M&L 10 mm thick rendering in CM 1:4 complete all as directed. 74 M&L for complete removal of existing treatment of wall surfaces & Preparing wall surfacesand applying with 1.5-2 mm thick wall care putty including rubbing with sand paper to obtain a smooth surface and making good any undulations on the surfaces and applying two coats of oil bound distemper over & including M&L one coat of alkali primer on walls complete all as specified and as directed. 75 Taking down carefully alluminium / copper point wiring complete for light, fan, socket or power point etc with fittings fixtures such as ceiling rose, holders, electric fittings, switchs, sockets, aluminium conductor cable with and incl wooden batten or FR PVC conduit and its accessories such as wooden gutties, rawl plugs, GI screws, aluminium clips, nails etc complete and removing the material from site and making good the disturbed surface of wall / floor/ ceiling etc as original i.e. brick work, plastering, white washing, OBD etc as required, complete all as specified and directed. 76 Taking down carefully UNSV main switch and DBs including MCBs of any size make, type and capacity and depositing at site as directed. 77 Taking down carefully UNSV submain wiring of any size and all as directed. 78 M&L for point wiring complete with 1.5 Sq mm single core PVC insulated but unsheathed multistranded copper conductor FR-LS cable (RYBN) 1100 volts grade drawn through and including non metallic rigid PVC heavy duty concealed conduit with wall thickness not less than 1.8 mm including conduit accessories like bends, tees junction boxes, etc fixed concealed/recessed in wall or ceiling etc including 1.5 Sq mm, single core,PVC insulated but unsheathed multi stranded copper conductor FR-LS cable (Green) 1100 Volts grade as earth continuity wire connected to earth dollyand including piano sunken galvanized terminal boxes of same make of switch/ socket/ regulator withsleek and curvy cover plates, for mounting ofpianoswitches, sockets, fan regulators complete, suitable for One light / fan/ bell point controlled by one, one wayswitch, complete all as specified and directed. 79 All as per srl item no.78.00 here-in-before but one socket outlet 3 pin 5 amps on the independent board controlled by one no 5 Amp switch. 80 All as per srl item no.78.00 here-in-before but one socket outlet 3 pin 5 amps on the same board controlled by one no 5 Amp switch. 81 All as per srl item no. 78.00 here-in-before but with 4 sq mmFRLS copper wire with 4 Sqmm FRLS copper earth wire for indpendent 15 Amp point. 82 S&F Switch piano type, single pole, one way, 6 amps, 230 volts, complete all as specified and directed. 83 S&F Socket, two-in-one, 5 pin, 6 Amp, universal type, 230 volts, complete all as specified and directed. 84 S&F Switch piano type, single pole, one way, 16 amps, 230 volts, complete all as specified and directed. 85 S&F Socket, 6 pin,6/16Amp, multipurpose , 230 volts, complete all as specified and directed. 86 S&F Lamp holder, metal cased, bakelite body, 230 volts, complete all as specified and directed. 87 S&F LED lamp 9W complete all as specified and directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. 88 S&F Ceiling rose, three terminals, bakelite body, 230 volts, complete all as specified and directed. 89 S&F resistance type regulator Socket(2 module) type stepped type A/C 240 Volts. 90 S&F LED light fitting 1 X 20 watt (4 feet), decorative ultra slim type, with inegral driver, complete with all accessories and making necessary electric connection from ceiling rose to fitting terminal, complete all as specified and directed. 91 S&F bldg security LEDLight Luminaire of 35 Watts having IP 65 protection fiting made out of pressure die cast Aluminium housing, operating Voltage 140-270 Volts with in built surge protectore, toughened glass with fixing ofsuitable size of GI pipe medium grade bandincluding drilling holling nuts & bolts 2 code of red oxide paint on GI pipe and fixing with wall security light on building wall, complete all as specified and directed. 92 S&F Light fittings, with 1X10 watt LED230 volt 50 Hz bulk head luminaries,complete with all accessories and including connecting up with PVC insulated and sheathed , 1100 volts grade , flexible , multistranded 1.0 sq mmcopper conductor three core cable. 93 S & F wall mountedPVCfan 230 V AC, 400 mm sweep complete grouting at wall with fastener of suitable size, complete all as specified and directed. 94 M&L for taking down old serviceable ceiling fan and refixing in same position after two coats of synthetic enamel paint including connectoin from celing rose to fan connector allas per directed by Engr-in-Charge 95 S&F of Heavy duty Exhaust fan 450 mm sweep, 900 RPM, steel body, including louvers with cutting chases on brick wall and grounting with nut bolts complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 96 S&F Vertical Distribution Board, double Door, suitable for A Frame FP MCCB 100A made out of CRCA mild steel sheet surface with insulated material like polyester or with epoxy powder coating and IP 43 & IK 09 protection, TPN 4 way, 415 volts with bus bar rating 300 Amps, dust and vermin proof, suitable for incorporation of MCB’s and MCCB etc and making all necessary connections, duly flush of wall surface, complete all as specified and directed. Note : MCCB & MCB will be measured and paid separately under respective items 97 S&F MCCB, A Frame, thermal adjustable magnectic setting, Ics = 75% 25 kA, 415V,100 Amp, 4 Pole MCCB with over load and short circuit protection, complete all as directed. 98 S&F MCB, B Curve type, 10 kA, 6 to 32 Amp, SP with over load and short circuit protection, complete all as directed. 99 S&F MCB, B Curve type, 10 kA, 63Amp, SPN with over load and short circuit protection, complete all as directed. 100 Supply and fixing as in repair MCB DB SPN (double door) 12 Ways including bus bar neutral link, earth bar and din rail, recessed with wall surfaces by chase cutting and making good surfaces of wall all as specified and directed by the Engr-in-Charge.Make-Legrand Cat No-6077-11 or equivalent grading ISI marked. 101 M&L for sub main wiring with 2 run of 6 Sqmm FRLS, PVC insulated, unsheathed and stranded copper conductor cable with and incl 6 Sqmm (nominal area) FRLS, PVC insulated, unsheathed and stranded copper conductor cable as earth wire connected with thimble from main DB to sub main DB, drawn in to separate concealed medium grade, ISI marked, non metallic PVC conduit 15 mm dia size incl all conduit accessories & fittings / junction boxes / inspection covers etc, with and incl cutting chasing and making good of disturbed surface of wall / floor/ ceiling etc as original by brick work, plastering, white washing, OBD etc as required, complete all as directed.Note:- Tworuns of 6 Sq.mm. and one run of 6 Sq.mm (earth wire) cableincuding one run of conduit pipe will be measured as one length including making good the disturbed surfaces. 102 S&F sheet metal enclosures 415 voltTPN 4 way with 200 Amp rated bus bar, double door DBs suitable for provn fora MCB One TPN63 Amps asincoming and4 Nos of SPN 63 Amps outgoing complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge.Note : MCB/RCCBTPN/SPN/SP measured and paid saperatly. 103 Supply and fixing MCB TPN C Curve63 to 100 Amps 104 M&L for sub main wiring with 4 runs of 6 Sqmm FRLS, PVC insulated, unsheathed and stranded copper conductor cable with and incl 6 Sqmm (nominal area) FRLS, PVC insulated, unsheathed and stranded copper conductor cable as earth wire connected with thimble from main DB to sub main DB, drawn in to separate concealed medium grade, ISI marked, non metallic PVC conduit 25 mm dia size incl all conduit accessories & fittings / junction boxes / inspection covers etc, with and incl cutting chasing and making good of disturbed surface of wall / floor/ ceiling etc as original by brick work, plastering, white washing, OBD etc as required, complete all as specified and directed.Note:- Fourruns of 6 Sq.mm. and one run of 6 Sq.mm (earth wire) cableincuding one run of conduit pipe will be measured as one length including making good the disturbed surfaces. 105 M&L for Earthing complete with galvanised steel earth plate electrode 60x60cm x 6 mm thick, buried directly in ground (earth pit not less than 2.25 metres deep below ground level) wih top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 metres below normal ground level, nnected to galvanised earth lead wire 4.0mm dia by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers of galvanised iron or steel all as shown in elevtrical plate no. 5 connected to Earthing test point all as ecified or indicated including testing on completion( Rates are deemed to be included for necessry earth work , PCC pit , RCC cover & GI 15 mm dia protection pipe upto 7.5 mtr. lead etc. complete ) 106 Supply, laying testing in trenches LT UG XLPE insulated,armoured, heavy duty electric cable, aluminium coductor, 1100 V grade,croos sectional area35 sqmm 3.5 core all as diredted by Engr - in - chargeNote : Earth work and brick work measured and paid separately. 107 Excavation in trenches in any type of soil, not exc 1.5m wide and n.exc 1.5m in depth for electric poles/ stay foundation and under ground electric power cables and getting out, complete all as specified. 108 Returning, filling in, including spreading, levelling, watering and well ramming in layers not exc 25 cm, all as specified. 109 Removing excavated material to a distance n exc. 50m and depositing where directed at a level n exc. 1.5 m above the starting point, all as specified. 110 Supply and lay sand for sand cushioning for cable protection in trenches all as directed and specified in SSR Part - 1.Note:. for the purpose of payment punned thicknesswill be measured. 111 Supply and laying Un reinforced Precast concrete cable cover, flat size 300 mm x 180 mm x 40mm all as directed 112 Supply and fixing of GI steel tubing of 40 mm dia bore, light grade, galvanised with all fittings fixed complete to poles/laid in trenches/drains etc., and celing or laid in floors for cable protection complete all as specified. 113 Supply and fixing of sheet metal enclosure SPN with a two pin earth plug and socket with metal cladd top and one MCB,SP 20amps capacity complete all as specified & directed. 114 Taking down safley electrical Chimaney and servicing such as, cleaning , motor repair/rewinding, arresitng duct leakages, greasing and refix in same or as directed position complete all as specified and directed by Engineer - inCharge. 115 Supply, fixing, erection and testing of 15 metre high mast 20 sides polygonal cross section shaft having3 mm thickness, 150mm top dia and 4 mm thickness, 360 mm bottom dia as per manufacturers design in two sections hot dip galvanised 80 micron suitable for wind velocity as per IS: 875 Part-3 including accessories for high mast like head frame, steel wire rope 6mm dia, 316 grade SS Hoisting ropes of 7/19 construction, Trailing cable -1 per mast (5 Core, 25 Sqmm), light control panel,galvanised having lifting capacity 750 Kg and 06 Nos lantern carriage arrangements symmetrically, control gear boxes, lighting funnal double drum winch, suitable power cable from panel to lights, non flame proof type motor for automatic operation of lowering and raising lantern carriage, slash board, 25mm galvanised MS base plate with 12 Nos. 27mm dia 590mm PCD bolt. The mast shall have integral power tool installed inside the base compartment for its operation completeas per manufacturers design and all as specified. Make: Crompton Greaves /Bajaj /Philips.Note: (i)- Earthwork and concrete foundation shall be measured and paid for separately under relevant items of Schedule. (ii)- The quoted rate is deemed to be inclusive cost of designing of foundation as per manuufacturer instruction. 116 Supply and fixing of 250 watt LEDflood light,integral hoarding lighting luminaries black powder coated die cast aluminium housing, aluminium reflector and built in control gear and heat resistant toughened clear glass with 10 KV surge Protection, IP -66, complete all as per specified and directed. 117 Supply and fixing twin dome aviation obstruction lights with 02 Nos. Incandescent lamps having aviation yellow painted die cast aluminium alloy housing, red coloured polycarbonate dome and built in transformer, heat resistant clear thick glass and accessories. Make Bajaj Havells/Crompton Greaves. 118 Supplying, fabricating, erecting, connecting, testing and commissioning of LT panel, cubicle outdoor type, weather and vermin proof made out of 2mm thick CRCA sheet with front opening and locking arrangement, epoxy powder coated, painted with siemens grey 250 amps capacity aluminium bus bar for phase 3 Nos. and 01 No. 100 amp bus bar for neutral mounted on expoxy insulators, necessary copper control wiring, heat shrinkable RYB coloured sleaves over bus bar for identification, floor mounting angle iron base earth sheids, circular holes at bottom/top to receive incoming and outgoing cables, cable lugs, cable glands of sizes as required panel suitable for the following controls:- 119 (a) MCCB 125 Amp TP16 KA, 415 Volts -01 No. 120 (b) digital timer austro rex 01 channel cat no- 01 Nos. 121 (c) MCB 32 Amp SPN -06 Nos. 122 (d) Digital voltmeter-01 No 123 (e) Digital Amp meter -01 No 124 (f) Indicator lamp (Set of three) -01 Set. 125 (g) Selector switch-01 No. 126 (h) 3 Pople ContactorML3-01 No. 127 M&L for Earthing complete with copper plate 60×60cm × 6 mm thick electrodeand 20×3 mm copper strip as earthing lead buried directly in ground (Preferably in vertical position) earth pit not less than 2.25 meter below normal ground level with top edge of the earth plate not less 3 meter (BGL) connected to Copper strip of size 20x3 mm earth leadby means of bolts, nuts, check nut and washer of copper including PCC pit in RCC 1:2:4 type B-1, precast RCC cover with suitable handle, excavation and earth work in any type of soil, 20mm bore “medium grade” galvanized iron water tubing fixed with cast iron funnel and wire mesh and 25 mm bore “light grade” galvanized iron protection pipe for earth lead copper strip upto 5m length, charcoal, common salt, complete all as shown in EP No 3 of SSR 2009 Part-I, connected to test point complete, all as specified and testing on completion. 128 Supplying, laying or fixing or passing through pipe XLPE 1100 volt grade heavy duty cable with stranded aluminium conductor complete with suitable double compression flame proof glands crimping type cable lugs of size 25 Sqmm, 4 core, complete all as specified and directed. 129 Excavation in trenches in any type of soil, exceeding 1.5m wide and not exceeding 3.00m deep. for electric poles/ stay foundation and under ground electric power cables and getting out, complete all as specified. 130 Supplying and laying un-reinforced precast concrete cable cover, class LV, type 1, flat size 250 mm x 150 mm x 40 mmand abutting each other with gap between adjacent precast concrete cable cover not exceeding 10 mm over underground cables for protection. 131 M&L for cement concrete in foundations type d2 in 1:4:8(40 mm grded aggregate)complete all as specified. 132 M&L forForm work to sides of concrete foundations ,footings, bases of columns, raft and raft beams ,sides and soffits of foundation and plinth beams and similar work ,vertical oretc as directed. 133 M&L for RCC M-25 grade Design Mixas infoundations inculding rafts, footings, foundation beams, plinth beams, bases for column etc, basement slabs, under-reamed piles and mass concreteetc as directed. 134 M&L forsteel TMT bars 5 mm dia and over upto and including 10 mm dia, cut to length, bent to shape required, includingcranking, bending spirally forcolumns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire(annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips complete all as sepecified and directed. 135 M&L for Mild steelrag or lewisbolts ,screwed one end , with hexagonal or square nuts and washers, the othwer end enlarged and jagged or lewised not exc 15 cm long, complete all as specified and as directed. 136 M&L for framed work as in doors or gates of angleor other section with gusset plates,rails braces etc complete ,driiled for fixing of steel sheeting or other covering doors etc to be prepared for hanging or sliding with and including either hooks and hinges or steel hanging door fitting exclusive of steel sheeting or other covering running rails & guides & hnging ,also fastening and fixing completemild steelrag or lewisbolts ,screwed one end , with hexagonal or square nuts and washers, the othwer end enlarged and jagged or lewised not exc 15 cm long, complete all as specified and as directed. 137 Supply and fixing of 40 mm dia of unplasticised PVC pipes of pressure rating 10 kgf/cm2 laid in trenches, complete all as specified and as directed. 138 Supply and fix in replacement LED street light luminaire 45 watt, high performance with single die ceramic base high power LED light source, IP66 protection, PDC housing & aesthetic finless design and toughened glass cover and street light optics for lighting complete suitable to fix on 32 to 40 mm dia bracket, complete all as specified and as directed. 139 Supply and fix security light junction boxes of dimension 240×130×110, with shockproof, rustproof, termite resistant, weather proof, cable entry from bottom , pole mounting arrangement along with 3 phase 4 wire almunium busbar with insulators and MCB SP-0.5 amps ratingwith provision of MCB, Cable Glands, lugs incl 2.5 Sqmmthree core copper cable with pvc conduit & climping from junction box to existing LED fitting, complete all as specified and as directed. 140 Material and labourforprestressed cement concrete poles 9 M long of size 102mm x172 mm at top and 102mm x 279 mm at bottom class-10, conforming to relavent latest IS including zebra painting upto 1.5 m height from pedestal, with two coats of enamel synthetic paints in 30 cm height incl painting of pole coping with black paint and writing pole No. complete all as specified and directed at site. 141 Supply, fix and laying in replacement of XLPE insulated , screened, PVC bedded galvanised steel strip or wire armoured electric power cable heavy duty with aluminium conductor 1100 volts grade cross sectional 16 sq mm 2 core, laid in trenches/ducts /encased in GI pipe /fixed to pole including Al lugs, nut bolts, clamps and other minor accesories etc., complete all as specified and as directed. Note: Earth work, cable protection, sand shall be measured and paid separately. 142 Material and labour Cement concrete (1:2:4) type B -1 using 20 mm graded stone aggregatefor pedestal of poles/copping including necessary frame work ,fair finishing to exposed surfaces using extra cement complete form, complete all as specified and as directed. 143 Material and labour for Cement concrete (1:3:6) type C -2 using 40 mm graded stone aggregate for foundation of pole /struts/stayassembly etc, complete all as specified and as directed. 144 Excavation in trenches not exceeding 1.5 m wide and exceeding 1.5 min depthfor, erection of poles and not exceeding 3 m in depth and getting out hard rock complete all as directed by EIC. 145 M&L for 50 MM bore GI tubing Light grade (ISI marked) with all fitting/accessories for protection of cable on pole/wall and under road crossing including clamps, nuts bolts etc all as specified and directed. 146 M&L for Motorized Auguring/drilling in road at 60cm depth of dia suitable for laying of 40/50mm dia GI tubing pipe, complete all as specified and as directed. 147 Supply and fix bracket for fixing street light fitting made out of GI pipe medium grade 32 mm 1.5 M long along with necessary accessories with two coat of aluminium painted MS clamps,nuts, bolts, and washers etc complete as directed. 148 M & L for rigid non-metallic PVC conduit exclusive of boxes (junction/ terminal) but inclusive of all tees, bends, elbows. Reducers, bell mouth tube ends and fixing accessories such as couplers, lock nuts, saddles, pipehooks, MS clamps for fixing with pole etc of size 32 mm dia complete all as directed by EIC. 149 Note:- Qtys have been clubbed from 4 Nos sanction Jobs, whose details as per appx (ii)- Qtys of BOQ Item No. 1.00 to 71.00 (excluding item No. 4.00, 14.00, 15.00, 18.00, 59.00 & 60.00) are only consider in Job No. 10 / SR (BLDG) / JODH/ 2024-25(iii)- Qtys of BOQ Item No. 72.00 to 74.00 are only consider in Job No. 04/RW/JODH/2024-25(iv)- Qtys of BOQ Item No. 130.00 to140.00 are only consider in Job No. 02/LBW/71 WEU/JODH/2024-25NOTE:- (i)-The contract sum shall be arrived at after duducting amount of schedule of Credit from the Total quoted amount