Bids Are Invited For 1 Ew In Excavation By Mechanical Meansby Hydraulic Excavator Mannual Means In Foundtion ... in India
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Bids Are Invited For 1 Ew In Excavation By Mechanical Meansby Hydraulic Excavator Mannual Means In Foundtion Trenches Or Drains Not Exceeding 1.5M In Width On 10 Sq M On Plan Including Dressing Of Sides And Ramming Of Bottom Lift Up To1.5M, Including Ge
Bids Are Invited For 1 EW in excavation by mechanical meansby hydraulic excavator mannual means in foundtion trenches or drains not exceeding 1.5m in width on 10 sq m on plan including dressing of sides and ramming of bottom lift up to1.5m, including getting out the excaveted soil as directed with in lead of 50 M. All kind of soil. 2 Filling avaible excavated earth excavated rock in trenches plinth sides of foundation etc. in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth consolidation each deposited layer by ramming and watering lead up to 50m and lift up to 1.5m. 3 Supply and stacking at per MOST Specification. A. 90mm to 45 mm size stone aggregate 4 Supply and stacking at per MOST Specification. B. 63 mm to 50 mm size stone aggregate 5 Supply and stacking at per MOST Specification. C. 53 mm t 22.4 mm size stone aggregate 6 Preparation and consolidation of sub grade with power road roller of 8 to10 tonne capacity after excavating earth to an average of 22.5 cm depth dressing to camber and consolidating with road roller including making good the undulations etc. andre-rolling the sub grade and disposal of surplus earth with lead up to 50 meters. 7 Laying spreading and compacting stone aggregate of specified size to WBM specifacation in uniform thickness hand pickingrolling with 3 wheeled road or vbratory roller 8 to 10 tonne capacity in stage to proper grade to camber applying and brooming requsite type of screening binding material to fill up interstick to coarse aggregate watering and comacting to the requirwd density. 8 Scarifying metelled water bond road surface including disposal of rubbish,lead up to 50 m and consolidation of the aggergate received from scarifying with power road roller of 8 to10 tonne capacity. 9 Surface dressing on new surface with paving bitumen of grade VG10 of approved quality using 2.25kg of bitumin Per sqm with 1.65 cub of stone chippings 13.2mm nominal size per 100 sq of road surface including consolidation with road roller of 6 to 8 tonne capacity etc. complete. 10 Providing and applying tack coat using hot straight run bitumen of grade VG10 including heating of the bitumen spreying the bitumin with mechanically operated spery unit fitted on bitumen boiler cleaning andpreparing the existing road surface as per specification. a. On WBM at the rate of 0.075 Kg per sqm 11 Providing and applying tack coat using hot straight run bitumen of grade VG10 including heating of the bitumen spreying the bitumin with mechanically operated spery unit fitted on bitumen boiler cleaning andpreparing the existing road surface as per specification. b. On bituminous surface at the rate of 0.050 Kg per sqm 12 Providing and laying Bitumen Penetration Macadam with hard stone aggregate of quality size and grading as specified with bitumen of suitable penetration grade including required key aggregate as specified spreading coarse aggregate with the help of self propelled or tipper tail mounted aggregate spreader and applying bitumen by a pressure distributor and then spreading key aggregate with the help of aggregate spreader complete including consolidation with road roller of minimum 8 to 10 tonne capacity to achieve specified values of compaction and surface accuracy. a. For 50mm compacted thickness using coarse aggregate of size 50 to 20mm graded at the rate of 0. cum per 10 sqm key aggregate of size 12.5mm graded at the rate of0.15 cum per 10 sqm with paving asphalt grade VG10 at the rate of 50 KG per 10 sqm. 13 Providing and laying Bitumen Penetration Macadam with hard stone aggregate of quality size and grading as specified with bitumen of suitable penetration grade including required key aggregate as specified spreading coarse aggregate with the help of self propelled or tipper tail mounted aggregate spreader and applying bitumen by a pressure distributor and then spreading key aggregate with the help of aggregate spreader complete including consolidation with road roller of minimum 8 to 10 tonne capacity to achieve specified values of compaction and surface accuracy. b. For 75 mm compacted thickness using coarse aggregate of size 50 to 20mm graded at the rate of 0. cum per 10 sqm key aggregate of size 12.5mm graded at the rate of 0.15 cum per 10 sqm with paving asphalt grade VG10 at the rate of 50 KG per 10 sqm. 14 Providing and laying seal coat of premixed fine premixed fine aggregate. passing 2.36 mm and retained on 180 micron sieve with bitumen using 128 kg of bitumen of grade VG 10 bitumen per cum of fine aggregate and 0.60 cum of fine aggregate per 100 sqm of road surface including rolling and finishing with road roller all complete. 15 Providing and supplying RCC hume pipe 300 dia with collarNP 2 including loading and unloading at site. 16 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering. All work uptp plinth level.1 isto 2 isto 4 1 cement 2 coarse sand Zone III 4 gradwd stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size. Total Quantity : 12728
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