Acquisition Of Consumable And Permanent Material, Cleaning Material, Pantry, Kitchen, Bed, Table And Bath, Property Maintenance Material And Tools In Order To Meet The Needs Of The Transit Hotel, Leisure Areas And Other Sectors Under The Responsibility Of The 4Th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group, Under The Terms Of The Table Below, In Accordance With The Conditions And Requirements Established In This Instrument.. Algaecide, Algaecide, Sodium Carbonate, Clarifying Agent, Calcium Hypochlorite, Aluminum Sulphate, Edge Cleaner, General Cleaning Brush, Swimming Pool Ladder, Telescopic Handle, Vacuum Squeegee - Swimming Pool, Sieve, Plastic Film, Disposable Coffee Strainer, Disposable Spoon, Disposable Cup ,Match,Fork Table,Paper Napkin,Toothpick,Thermos Bottle,Shape,Shape,Knife,Table Liner,Pressure Cooker,Plastic Mug,Descaler,Acid Based Cleaner,Toilet Paper,Paper Towel,Ironing Board,Laundry Basket ,Food Heating Tablet,Towel Holder,Soap Liquid,Soap,Deodorant / Room Freshener,Deodorant / Room Freshener,Ethyl Alcohol Room Cleaning,Ethyl Alcohol Room Cleaner,Floor Polishing Wax,Trash Bin,Trash Bin,Sanitary Deodorizer,Broom,Broom,Cleaning Cloth,Cleaning Cloth,Cloth Plate, Plastic Bag Trash,Broom,Broom,Squeegee,Cleaning Sponge,Detergent,Disinfectant,Soap Powder,Bar Soap,Wax,Soap,Bleach,Bed Quilt,Bed Quilt,Bed Sheet,Bed Sheet,Bed Sheet,Bed Sheet,Bath Towel,Towel Face, Pillowcase, Pillow, Bedspread Bed, Bed Quilt, Bed Quilt, Bed Quilt, Pillow Protector, Basketball Ball, Basketball Ball, Futsal Ball, Futsal Ball, Volleyball Ball, Fill Pump, Sports Racket, Table Tennis Ball, Sports Net, Hygienic Shower, Toilet Seat ,Faucet,Soap Dish,Toilet,Toilet Seat Sanitary,Grab And Safety Bar - Pne,Grab And Safety Bar - Pne,Tap,Pressure Register,Bath Shower,Tap,Tap