Tenders are invited for Development of a Housing Investment Strategy for Nakuru county. The Housing Investment Strategy should: (i) Use a market systems development approach where all suggested interventions can catalyse unlocking barriers in the current market and catalyse systemic change for delivery of more affordable and inclusive housing. (ii) Use the research findings from KIPPRA to identify viable affordable housing projects locations in Nakuru. Viability should be scored on the growth trends, availability of land (both private and public), ease of accessing necessary utility infrastructure, location relative to employment opportunities and transport networks, and ability to create phased developments with a range of typologies and price points to promote cross subsidization and reduce risk. (iii) Understand the delivery and uptake of ongoing projects through the Affordable Housing Program including at Bondeni (605 units, ready for occupation), in Kivumbini with National Housing Corporation (96 units) and 220 units in Molo and Bahati Constituency, and best practice in Kenya and integrate the learnings from these projects. Identify and carry out stakeholder mapping for the Nakuru AHP including beneficiaries and delivery strategies. (iv) Interrogate supportive infrastructural requirements to enable the housing developments in the different potential zones within the county and the relevant county agencies and national institutions. Detailed plans from these agencies for their investment for the next 5 years will be a useful guide to the housing program. These includes roads, water, sewer, ICT, public health, housing and environment and collate and consolidate the same into the investment plans, helping county to prioritise most viable projects based on well laid out rationale. (v) Identify and carry out stakeholder mapping for the Nakuru AHP including beneficiaries and corresponding delivery strategies. (vi) consider current regulatory environment and highlight opportunities to create a more enabling regulatory environment for housing demand and supply to grow in a sustainable manner. Etc. Tender Link : https://www.fsdkenya.org/category/opportunities-tenders/
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