Tenders are invited for Terms of Reference Iraq Country Office - External Audit Service Scope of Work: Search Iraq CO seeks to engage an accounting rm to prepare its statutory-basis Financial statements from 1st January 2024 to 31st December 2024 based on its Financial records. The rm will be asked to express an opinion on the fair representation of the organizations Financial statements. Audit Objectives: 1. The audit will be carried out in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing. 2. To review the effectiveness of risk management systems and processes. 3. To evaluate the effectiveness of nance, management & governance, programmatic and administrative systems & structures of the organization and follow up on outstanding recommendations from previous audits and other Financial reviews. 4. Obtain sufficient audit evidence to substantiate in all material respects the accuracy of the information contained in the Financial statements. 5. Obtain an understanding of internal controls and perform tests of internal controls. 6. Issue an independent Auditors Report that states but is not limited to the following: a) An Opinion (or disclaimer of opinion) as to whether the Financial Statements present fairly in all material respects in conformity with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles b) A report on internal controls which shall describe the scope of testing of internal controls and the results of the tests. c) A schedule of findings and questioned costs that includes a summary of the auditors results. 7. Perform a high-quality audit perceived as such by the client. 8. Arrive at a qualified audit opinion on the Financial statements. 9. Identify all material audit risks as early as possible and, if possible, ensure resolution of these prior to year-end. 10. Indicate areas where risk is found in order to generate a more complete picture of nancial responsibility. 11. Bring all material issues within the accounting and internal control system of the Search for Common Ground to the attention of management at an early stage together with our recommendations for improvement, in a standard presentation. 12. All the issues should be identied and discussed during the audit process. Tender Link : http://www.iraq-businessnews.com/tenders/
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